Obamacare advances

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-20-2013, 07:34 AM
I . So I was right, right, right and CJ, WTF, and Timmie are in favor of creeping fascism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Says the man who works for a University and thinks the government has nothing to do with his employment despite the fact that Fox News reported today that 57% of students have GOVERNMENT loans.

You do watch Fox News don't you JD?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2013, 07:53 AM
Says the man who works for a University and thinks the government has nothing to do with his employment despite the fact that Fox News reported today that 57% of students have GOVERNMENT loans.

You do watch Fox News don't you JD?

Originally Posted by WTF

the article from Penn State said the University doesn't fine anyone
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If I had kids at that "school" I'd be concerned.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-20-2013, 08:20 AM
Penn State has announced that their employees reveal all of their medical histories to a third party or face a yearly $1200 fine. They do assure their employees that this information will never be given to anyone else and kept confidencial. Right...... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let me get this straight...Penn State has always had access to aggregate reports and since they have made a change to their healthcare program that has nothing to do with their continued access to the aggregate reports, you are now concerened with the access to the aggregate reports that they already had? Do you even read what you report?

---Like all employers, Penn State always has had access to aggregate reports from its health care insurer. The reports have and will continue to be used only for benefit planning purposes. Because Penn State and all third-party providers must comply with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), it is important to emphasize that Penn State will never have access to an individual’s health records, will never ask for those records and will not charge an employee additional fees based on their individual health status.

The changes are aimed directly at encouraging all employees and their families to improve their health, thereby reducing costs for both employees and for Penn State.---
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Mopboy, when's the last time you filled out a health insurance application? Your complete medical history is REQUIRED, idiot, every time you fill out that type of application regardless of where you work. You are so Fu*king stupid it hurts to read anything you write.

What a time-wasting whiny little girl you are. Glenna's packing more testosterone than you are.
chefnerd's Avatar
All PSU is doing is what many private sector employers have done for years, attempt to institute what is known as a wellness program. They realize that a healthier employee will be more productive and cost them less in the long run. If the employee wants to knowingly live an unhealthy lifestyle, then they should shoulder more of their health cost.
LexusLover's Avatar
All PSU is doing is what many private sector employers have done for years, attempt to institute what is known as a wellness program. They realize that a healthier employee will be more productive and cost them less in the long run. If the employee wants to knowingly live an unhealthy lifestyle, then they should shoulder more of their health cost. Originally Posted by chefnerd
There is a distinction between "private action" and "government action." There is also a difference if disclosure and/or participation are voluntary. There is also a difference between initiating a policy or program for "new hires" vs. imposing the policy and/or program on those employees who have been on the job prior to the changes.

A lot of the employees there are probably under some sort of employment contract .. instructors, assistants, technicians, professors, etc. When they contracted and/or hired on there was one set of rules and one doesn't change the rules on them to provide for a cram down deal to comply with the whims of new folks coming on campus.
LexusLover's Avatar
All PSU is doing is what many private sector employers have done for years, attempt to institute what is known as a wellness program. They realize that a healthier employee will be more productive and cost them less in the long run. If the employee wants to knowingly live an unhealthy lifestyle, then they should shoulder more of their health cost. Originally Posted by chefnerd
People always seem to be trying to do "good" things for people and justify their offensive intrusions on the basis of "how good" it will be when you start HAVING TO DO THIS OR THAT!

"I really care for your wellbeing and this procedure will make it easier for you when you visit the proctologist for your annual scoping next month... so bend over and drop your pants, ok? Now, just relax!?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-20-2013, 08:44 PM
A lot of the employees there are probably under some sort of employment contract .. instructors, assistants, technicians, professors, etc. When they contracted and/or hired on there was one set of rules and one doesn't change the rules on them to provide for a cram down deal to comply with the whims of new folks coming on campus. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Sounds like PSU just did! They have the option of quitting.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't work for the state nimrod.
chefnerd's Avatar
First of all, Obamacare has absolutely nothing to do with this. It's part of PSU's long-term plan from before 2009. Secondly, PSU is run by the Board of Trustees, which out of 32 members, 21 come from outside the government, and it is the board which made the decisions, NOT the government.

You can get to the info from the link in post #2.