
FrankieP's Avatar
1. Sensually magnetic. Possessing a seductive pull so strong that you are powerless to resist it. Ari, your sig line does sum it up very well.

2. As skilled in conversation as she is in bed. Because if I'm just a dick with a wallet attached to it we're not going to have much fun.

3. Genuine caring.

The BCD stuff we can get anywhere. To be an ATF there has to be a little bit more. Not over the line, but more.

Oh, and hooters. A nice set of hooters.
Redwolf's Avatar
Probably the number one thing that my ATF(s) do/did is make me feel wanted / desired. Like they would have been with me even if there was no money changing hands.

They convinced me THEY were having a good time too (they probably were) but they certainly seemed sincere, even if they weren't into it?

An ATF has to be in good shape, taking care of herself, staying manicured, healthy, trim and have a healthy attitude about herself.

Just my 2cents worth Originally Posted by Nickdanger
This is pretty good, along with what other guys said about kissing and cuddling, etc.

I would add that an ATF does not take you for granted: bumping you for another guy because she assumes that you will be back, mailing in a performance, etc.

Also, an ATF can get more rounds out of you than any other lady and she appears to enjoy draining you!

I enjoy a witty, playful, intelligent, and perverted personality.
KenMonk's Avatar
First and for most, sex appeal. This doesn't mean solely looks, but attitude. The way she smiles, the why she looks at you, the way she moves... its the little things. I love it when a woman smiles at me not only with her mouth, but with her eyes.

Secondly, sense of humor. She has to be able to take a joke. While I may be somewhat reserved at first, some may even say shy, once I open up I can say some pretty wierd stuff just to get a laugh. If shes stuck up she won't have fun and I won't have fun.

She has to be into foreplay/DATY. I am big into foreplay which may be defined differently depending on who you talk to. I love to kiss, lick, lightly bite (nothing too serious unless you're into that sort of thing ladies *wink wink*), touch, etc... I love doing this to a woman and I want her to truely enjoy it.

Cuddling- I enjoy cuddling, even if its fully clothed afterwards and we just spend a few minutes next to one another. Its the closeness of a woman as she leans back into me and I pull her close at the same time. Its sappy and kinda fem I get it, but I just like it even if for a moment.

Last but certainly not least, in fact its a must... hygiene. I'm not saying you have to be made up to go to the ball, but I ask that at the very least ladies have fresh breath, a clean body, and a clean bed. Im not a big fan of makeup, and I strongly dislike strong perfume smells. I have allegeries anyways, but simply being clean goes a long way with me.

The list could go on and on with the perfect woman, but these four things are a great start.

I like the sense of approval, but I think the sex appeal, cuddling, and foreplay kind of imply that.
Makes me feel like she wants me there.
Makes me feel like she wants me to stay.
Makes me feel needed.
Makes me smile.
Makes me... a happy camper.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Nothing new here. She makes it clear that she wants me to be there. Not just "makes me feel", but really shows me that's true. She wants to hang out with me off the clock -- even when there is no date involved.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 02-11-2013, 11:43 PM
I like hillbilly girls. So my favorite qualities would be dirty feet, evidence of multiple child-birth and for one eye to be slightly off-kilter.
stimulatethemind's Avatar
When you part after being together for anywhere from 5 to 7 hours, you can still smell her scent on your clothes and all you can think about is the next time you will see her. When you enjoy her intelligence, personality and sense of humor every bit as much as you enjoy the amazing BCD time.
I have a couple of regulars who I appreciate so much because they always smell nice, they take the time to get ready to see me, they are fun to be with and always very sweet. A good sense of humor and a smile go a long way.
I have to admit though, if women did reviews on this site, only a hand full would get a 'no' recommendation from me.
Most of the men on ECCIE, like the ones who have responded to this thread, know how to treat us the way we like and they expect the same in return. Mutual respect is a must.
Makes me feel like she wants me there.
Makes me feel like she wants me to stay.
Makes me feel needed. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
She makes it clear that she wants me to be there. Not just "makes me feel"... Originally Posted by KCQuestor
OK, maybe there was a little too much feelings there...
When you part after being together for anywhere from 5 to 7 hours, you can still smell her scent on your clothes and all you can think about is the next time you will see her. When you enjoy her intelligence, personality and sense of humor every bit as much as you enjoy the amazing BCD time. Originally Posted by stimulatethemind

THAT is perfect. I'd like to double what Stimulate said, but change the she to he.
malwoody's Avatar
Guys and Girls....what are the top 3 qualities of your ATF?
Not looking for names, just qualities. Originally Posted by Ari816
No offense Sweetie...cause you know I love you...BUTT IMO there is no such thing as an ATF unless one is no longer participating...otherwise I like the term "current favorite" as coined by the legendary Omahan.. My current fav is my ATF so far but until I give it up I can not yet annoint her..but in an effort to be a good sport, my 3 qualities are...she turns me on, she looks good naked, she likes GT.....

I like hillbilly girls. So my favorite qualities would be dirty feet, evidence of multiple child-birth and for one eye to be slightly off-kilter. Originally Posted by jan-w
I had no idea we had so much in common...
Nice thread. Made me think about why my ATF is my ATF. Besides the fact that she's physically perfect in my eyes, I would say her ability to make me believe she sincerely enjoys our time together and her willingness to connect personally (this has its downside/risks too) are the qualities that make her my ATF.
Good stuff! Thanks for your input. I found the number of comments related to emotions/feelings refreshing. Boundaries must be respected on both sides when there is an emotional connection. Add "mutual respect" to my list.
stimulatethemind's Avatar
Good stuff! Thanks for your input. I found the number of comments related to emotions/feelings refreshing. Boundaries must be respected on both sides when there is an emotional connection. Add "mutual respect" to my list. Originally Posted by Ari816

Ari, I agree wholeheartedly on the "mutual respect" comment. That is a huge component of any successful relationship, be it friendship, romantic or otherwise.

I would be curious to get your take on what are the boundaries which must be respected when there is a real emotional connection between the two people, particularly when both parties are single and unattached.
I think this is an awesome thread Arianna! It seems we all basically look for and love the same qualities in our ATF's. Emotional connections are in fact based on mutual respect and feelings. They cannot be helped at times. I ALWAYS have a wonderful time with my ATFs, always.