Just wanted to Explain......

Naomi4u's Avatar
Ms. Madisson,

First of all, I love you!!!! Ok had to get that out...

Here's the problem, I see more and more threads like this everyday. What if we all posted our issues on a public board? Honestly? There are measures the OP can take being in the situation she's in. If I were the one in her position I would not be posting on an escort board. I will be contacting crisis assistance, churches, salvation army. There ARE people out there willing to help with bills, give food.. etc. There was another provider that posted about her eating disorder.. it turned out to be a very long ad. It's just getting old and people are sick of it. Hobbyists aren't coming here to read about our problems. Sad.. but true. If paige really needed help she can get it without posting threads like this in National. If this is something that is welcome and ok with the site admin, maybe I need to post about all medical bills I have to pay. Just sayin.


P.S This IS a growing trend.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Well said Lea! I tend to be a little blunt myself as many here will attest to. When someone acts like an ass, I'll be the first to say so. If I feel further action is required, I will do that as well. I'm quite familiar with the posting histories of many members and on the national forums we will follow the guidelines a little closer than in some other areas.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Maybe this will start a welcomed trend in the national discussion forum for many other provider so they can post of their personal situations and post of upcoming tours to accommodate. Maybe post 2 emergency threads every week. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I'm pretty sure there is no "trend". Some situations need to be brought out, other don't.

I stand by my earlier post #12 while removing the advertising aspects from the OP
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Ms. Madisson,

First of all, I love you!!!! Ok had to get that out...

Here's the problem, I see more and more threads like this everyday. What if we all posted our issues on a public board? Honestly? There are measures the OP can take being in the situation she's in. If I were the one in her position I would not be posting on an escort board. I will be contacting crisis assistance, churches, salvation army. There ARE people out there willing to help with bills, give food.. etc. There was another provider that posted about her eating disorder.. it turned out to be a very long ad. It's just getting old and people are sick of it. Hobbyists aren't coming here to read about our problems. Sad.. but true. If paige really needed help she can get it without posting threads like this in National. If this is something that is welcome and ok with the site admin, maybe I need to post about all medical bills I have to pay. Just sayin.


P.S This IS a growing trend. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Smooches back to you, Naomi!!!

I will agree that I would not post something that gives so much personal info as Paige did... but that is because it is not me. As far as the hobby goes, I want everyone to think that I have a perfect life (which I really do.. but that is part of the personal side that I don't reveal... LOL).

I also think your suggestion of looking for help in the community she lives in (crisis assistance, churches, non-profits) is right on!!

Paige felt the need to explain her absence which could be seen as hobby related. She also felt the need to share the situation with her son and his death. It may be self therapy. Bottom line is that she felt the need!

Is ECCIE the place to do that? I guess that can be debated. But, as I understand it, one can post about anything in the appropriate forum. Is this the right place? I don't know, but it sure seems a number of people will have an opinion about it.

It's just getting old and people are sick of it. Hobbyists aren't coming here to read about our problems. Sad.. but true. If paige really needed help she can get it without posting threads like this in National.
I can't make a general statement like that. Are some people tired of it? Probably. Do hobbyist come here to read this kind of thing? Some do. Is National the place for it? I don't know but it doesn't violate policy.

I have a problem with people saying "this or that" doesn't belong here or shouldn't be posted. What I don't understand is when people who don't think it should be read... read it... and then comment on it.

There are plenty of threads that I see when I look through new posts looking for ads not in compliance with the rates and services policy. I notice some posts that are just disgusting in the title alone. Do I jump in on the thread and post how disgusted I am? No... I move on.

That is the problem on ECCIE a lot of times... people don't move on... they have to make a comment that serves no purpose.

Now, I am not saying that is what happened here... it hasn't... but this thread does bring out the question: Why read and post about something that has no interest to or bearing on the reader?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Right on! Ms. Madisson, There have been so many threads like this one posted that people don't know whether it's an ad or a legitimate problem. Wakeup just posted what everyone was thinking.. that this was an ad.

Anyways, since the OP is looking for help.
I did some research and found some numbers.

Dallas,Texas Crisis Assistance

For emergency assistance for food, clothing and information contact the following agencies:

Brady Center, (214) 826-8330;
North Dallas Shared Ministries, (214) 620-8696;
Methodism's Bread Basket, (214) 828-4588;
Marillac Center, (214) 638-4997;
Bethlehem Foundation, (214) 371-3407;
The Network of Community Ministries, (214) 234-8880
Martin Luther King Community Center, (214) 670-8367.
For emergency assistance for food, clothing, and employment contact:
Trinity Ministry for the Poor, (214) 653-1711, or
Oak Cliff Churches for for emergency Aid, (214) 943-7757.
For emergency shelter, call
The Family Place, (214) 941-1991;
Salvation Army, (214) 688-4494;
Genesis Women's Shelter, (214) 942-2998;
New Beginning Center, (972) 276-0057

Other resource:

Paige, I didn't mean to offend you. If I did, I'm sorry.
Wakeup just posted what everyone was thinking.. that this was an ad. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Wakeup wasn't thinking for me, and from some of the compassionate posts here, he wasn't thinking for them. For any of us to pass judgement on a woman reaching out for help isn't very nice.

If this thread helps Paige get some extra work good for her.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ansley, Just drop it ok?
Ansley, Just drop it ok? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Why is it wrong of me to state that I don't think the same as Wakeup?
Ansley, Just drop it ok? Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Naomi was very compassionate. She has her own way of showing it.
London Rayne's Avatar
Well I guess since there are soooooo many compassionate people on the National forum, someone might want to remember that when posts of this EXACT nature come up in Houston and girls are bashed for it. Sound familiar?

Just sayin.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Why is it wrong of me to state that I don't think the same as Wakeup? Originally Posted by Ansley
Have a drink Ansley. It's not that serious. I have already posted resources for Paige.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Well I guess since there are soooooo many compassionate people on the National forum, someone might want to remember that when posts of this EXACT nature come up in Houston and girls are bashed for it. Sound familiar?

Just sayin. Originally Posted by London Rayne
And as I have said numerous times, we aren't in Houston here.
Have a drink Ansley. It's not that serious. I've already posted resources for Paige. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
What does you posting resources have to do with me not wanting to be lumped in with Wakeup?

Have a drink? I haven't had a drink in 4 1/2 years. Doubt I'll be having one today.
Naomi4u's Avatar
What does you posting resources have to do with me not wanting to be lumped in with Wakeup? Originally Posted by Ansley
I don't think you get it. I don't care Ansely. How is your post contributing to this thread?

Have a drink? I haven't had a drink in 4 1/2 years. Doubt I'll be having one today.
Your problem not mine. Again, I don't care.

Please, at least, stay on topic.
London Rayne's Avatar
And as I have said numerous times, we aren't in Houston here. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Inside joke...will explain via pm after my appt.