California Anti Gun Senator Arrested For Gun Running

Californian Democratic gun grabbing Senator busted for gun & shoulder fired missle running... I like it

With this communist democRAT in jail illegal guns on USA streets should drop dramatically. Gun war over and the American people won.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Californian Democratic gun grabbing Senator busted for gun & shoulder fired missle running... I like it

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Maybe he was one of Holder's and Odumbo's gun-walking subcontractors!
hypocrite in the title would surely be redundant
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is one paragraph of the story from the Washington Post

The arms trading is just a part of the indictment, which charges 26 people in and around the San Francisco-based Chee Kung Tong association. The indictment also accuses Yee of calling the California Department of Public Health on behalf of a client of another undercover agent, of introducing a resolution honoring Chee Kung Tong and of promising to introduce a donor to legislators who held sway over medical marijuana legislation, all in exchange for campaign cash.

How about this one....three different states
It is a real shame where politics has taken this country.
There is no concern for any issues that need addressed. Only concern for their individual image and their party.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
At one time I was against term limits because I always thought that we had the power to term limit our politicians but then I figured it out. Term limits are to protect us against other people's politicians.
At one time I was against term limits because I always thought that we had the power to term limit our politicians but then I figured it out. Term limits are to protect us against other people's politicians. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I have tried to follow a rule when I vote, where feasible, to never vote for an incumbent

haven't always done that but I have done it more often than not especially in local races, would do it always if others would

A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On
Michelle Malkin | Mar 28, 2014

Has Nancy Pelosi seen a newspaper lately? (Pro tip, hon: Like the Obamacare monstrosity, you have to read it to find out what's in it.) I'd love to see her face in the wake of the veritable epidemic of Democratic corruption now sweeping the country. Pelosi's blink count must be off the charts.

I'm going to make it easy on Pelosi and put all of the latest cases in one handy rogue's gallery reference list. But let's not be naive. It's clear to me that the Barack Obama/Eric Holder DOJ is clearing the decks before the midterms. Prediction: The FBI's GOP corruption shoe will drop right before the elections for maximum distraction and damage. For now, let's take stock of the jackassery:

--The Dirty Democratic Mayors' Club: Charlotte, N.C., Mayor Patrick Cannon, who bragged about partying with the Obamas to help grease the wheels for city projects, was arrested this week on federal corruption and influence-peddling charges. He's accused of accepting gobs of cash payoffs and Las Vegas trips.

The bust follows former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin's conviction in January on corruption charges; former Trenton Mayor Tony Mack's February conviction on cash bribes for a downtown parking garage; and former San Diego mayor and serial groper Bob Filner's disgraceful resignation after conviction on sexual harassment-related charges; former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's conviction on extortion, bribery and conspiracy charges; and former Birmingham, Ala., Mayor Larry Langford's corruption and bribery conviction.

--California state Democratic Sen. Leland Yee, gun grabber by day, alleged arms-trafficking gangsta by night: Yee made a decades-long career out of sanctimoniously demonizing gun owners and railing against the Second Amendment. He was arrested this week on corruption charges after an FBI sting found probable cause to believe Yee had conducted wire fraud and engaged in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms. The Chinatown pol went so far as to discuss "details of the specific types of weapons" with a prospective donor. Yee is currently a candidate for California's secretary of state office.

--Pennsylvania state Democratic Sen. LeAnna Washington, party animal: This week, a judge ruled that the Keystone State could proceed with a trial against Washington, who reportedly forced her legislative staff for eight years to use taxpayer time and money for an annual birthday party whose proceeds were diverted to her campaign account. She is charged with felony theft of services and felony conflict of interest. More than a half-dozen former employees blew the whistle. "I am the f---ing senator," she screamed at one staffer who objected. "I do what the f--- I want, and ain't nobody going to change me."

--Rhode Island state Democratic House Speaker Gordon Fox, multiple-raid target: The powerful Democrat, beloved by the left for his gay-marriage activism, announced last weekend that he is stepping down from office after FBI raids on his home and work office. Fox is the target of several criminal investigations by the U.S. attorney's office, FBI, IRS and state police. Mum's the word so far on the nature of the alleged criminal activity involved.

--California state Democratic Sen. Ronald Calderon, all in the corrupted family: Calderon is on a paid leave of absence after being hit with a 24-count federal indictment for bribery and corruption. His brother also was charged with multiple counts of money laundering and influence peddling. Prosecutors allege the legislator accepted nearly $100,000 in bribes, plane trips, gourmet meals and golf games in exchange for political favors. He also is accused of paying his daughter $39,000 for a phony office job and paying $40,000 in "consulting" fees for a campaign website that didn't exist.

--California state Democratic Sen. Roderick Wright, lying liar: Also on paid leave, the entrenched Los Angeles-area politician is now fighting his January conviction on felony perjury, false declaration of candidacy and fraudulent voting charges. Wright claimed to live in a rented room in an Inglewood home within his district, but the jury found his true residence was outside the district in upscale Baldwin Hills. The jury found he lied on candidacy declarations and voter registration documents and fraudulently voted in five elections.

--New York state Democratic Assemblyman Bill Scarborough, shady jet-setter: The FBI and state authorities raided his home and offices as part of a probe into his travel voucher practices. He blamed a "tabloid hit job" by the New York Post over questionable per diem claims totaling $60,000.

--Illinois state Democratic House Rep. Keith Farnham, child porn probe suspect: After sponsoring two bills to increase penalties for child porn possession, Farnham was the subject of state and federal raids last week on his home ... for possession of child porn. Over the weekend, he resigned his seat citing "serious health issues." There's a euphemism.

Remember: Nancy Pelosi famously promised to "drain the moral swamp" and end the "culture of corruption." She cast herself and her minions as America's political clean-up crew. But once again, the culture of corruption boomerang has swung back around to smack Democrats in their smug mugs. The cynical Swamp Drainers just hope you forget it all by election time. Don't.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess Michelle left off the Reid corruption because he has circumvented an indictment (so far) for paying his granddaughter with campaign funds for "gifts". $17,000 in gifts. He said that he had the ability to write a check to pay back the nothing is going on here.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-28-2014, 04:40 PM
Texas Republican Arrested for Trying To Bring Gun On a Plane

by: Ben Sherman

Wed Nov 27, 2013 at 06:00 PM CST Originally Posted by CJ7

State Sen. Donne Trotter Arrested For Trying To Take Gun On Plane

CHICAGO (CBS) Originally Posted by I B Hankering
We have greedy, hypocritical Dems.

We have greedy, hypocritical Reps.

Put them all up for public ridicule, removal from office, and jail time.

Any intelligent person can see it's about ego and greed, not politics.

BTW, CBJ7, it IS about politics, and you were refuted at post 9 above.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
As I said, any INTELLIGENT person.

And no, you refuted no one in "post 9". Only in your own demented little mind. You validate the sig line again!


Said of IB: 100% irrelevant. But you are too stupid to understand why. IDIOT.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-28-2014, 04:50 PM
It is a real shame where politics has taken this country.
There is no concern for any issues that need addressed. Only concern for their individual image and their party.


TERM LIMITS. Originally Posted by mtnitlion

Ive been yammering about enforcing term limits for years ... I totally agree
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-28-2014, 04:53 PM
The problem with term limits is it does not give any reason to expect that the new elected official will be any better than the old one.

You may well replace one incompetent myopic senator with an incompetent myopic senator who is also ignorant.

I don't see that as a benefit.

Until the electorate takes nominations away from the wackos of both parties, term limits will do nothing.
I guess Michelle left off the Reid corruption because he has circumvented an indictment (so far) for paying his granddaughter with campaign funds for "gifts". $17,000 in gifts. He said that he had the ability to write a check to pay back the nothing is going on here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
dick Holder squashed that one quickly and quietly...
Term limits will cause the new electorate to steal faster.