Need some help

ShysterJon's Avatar
In a post you said that you went to Harvard. Were you kidding, or was that really true? Originally Posted by sky_wire
I was kidding. I spent two summers during high school at a program at Harvard, but I got my undergraduate and law degrees elsewhere.

You give them $490 a week every week of the month or only the week that you see the sugar babe? Originally Posted by Skip_8
As I've written elsewhere, at least at the beginning of the relationship, a prudent SD should give his SB allowance each time he sees her at the end of the date. This encourages the SB to show up and demonstrate good behavior.

As I said in the "how-to" thread, $490 is the average weekly amount I gave the Persian model over a number of months. By the time I ended it after about seven months, the average weekly amount had increased to about $510 for one outing and one play date a week. But some weeks she saw me three times. I make it a condition that a third meet in a week must be a play date, not an outing, and I'd give her $200 for the third meet. One week she saw me four times because she needed money for tuition. But other weeks she saw me only once and others she didn't see me at all.

My point is this: The SD should set the value of the relationship, not the SB. For every legitimate SD out there, there are many, many SB-wanna-be's. If you meet a candidate who has the qualities you seek, then make her an offer. I ignore what a girl puts in her profile as the amount of support she's seeking (unless she's seeking an outrageously high amount; in that case, I know she's infected with GPS and I want nothing to do with her). I gave the Persian SB an average of $510 because I knew I didn't have to give her more. I gave the blue-eyed blonde with the big stripper tits in my videos probably an average of $1,000 a week because she was down for play whenever I was free, she was exceptionally pretty, I always had a blast with her, and I saw her a total of 2 1/2 years, on and off. I gave the brown-eyed blonde in the new videos $300 for a play date and $200 for an outing, although it was easy to gently nudge her into giving me a BJ at the end of an outing date, especially if I took her shopping. But she was so unreliable the average amount I gave her per week was probably less than $500. The girl I'm seeing now is maybe an '8' in looks, but she's a '10' in passion, skills, reliability, and attitude, so I'm giving her an average of about $500 a week for two dates, although she's said she wants to see me for a third date each week if I'll take her clothes shopping.

If there's a rule to be stated here, it's this: You win the SD game if you pay less than what you can afford to pay to get all that you want.

Shyster you probably right on all accounts

BUT the question of the thread "do I need to hire a PI to getting her last name?"

I did the reverse address and even paid $9.95 to find out who lived at the address to no avail Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
PM me all the information you have about her and I'll see what my investigator can uncover.
As somebody who makes a living suing people, this is the best advice that you're ever likely to receive.

You can't get blood from a turnip. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
As another guy who litigates for a living, this was my first thought when I read your post. Good to see that my instincts are in line with SJ and TTH.
gucio's Avatar
  • gucio
  • 10-13-2010, 04:50 PM
There are other sayings in the legal world.

You don't sue the guilty party, you sue the one who can pay. That's why you check to see if they have insurance, because the insurance co. WILL pay. (they may also mount a vigorous defense, then again they may settle if they see it as a cheaper alternative)

About the only thing a judgment is good for is to wipe your ass with it.

In the case of my mentor cptjohnstone, that may be true, he won't collect from somebody who doesn't have two nickels to rub together.
ShysterJon's Avatar
cptjohnstone gave me the address where he thinks the girl lives and what he thinks could be her first name. With such skimpy information, my investigator couldn't find anything about the occupants of the house using his databases. Then I remembered the Dallas Central Appraisal District allows for property searches by address:

I sent the results of my search to the OP.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Typical SB arrangement for getting a girl a car is to put it in HER name and YOU make the payments. That way if she fails to live up to her end of your arrangement you just stop making the payments and she is the one to suffer. By putting the car in YOUR name it gives her absolutely zero incentive to keep her end of the arrangement. She knows that she has nothing to lose and you should have seen the not making the payment problem coming from a mile away.

I'm sorry that it happened. I've had one of my sugarbabies ask me to put a car in my name and I said not only no, but hell no !

I'd suggest sending a PM to ShysterJon. He is the resident sugarbaby expert and a lawyer as well and should be able to steer you in the right direction. Originally Posted by travelling_man
I agree, go to the tote the note shop, make as absolutely small a down payment as possible in cash (those guys will take almost anything to make a sale) and she puts the car in her name, although the atrocious credit reports I've seen can screw that deal up. Give her the monthly payment in cash, her problem if she screws that up. Putting the title in your name for a car your SB drives around sounds very risky to me! My current SB doesn't even know my name or where I live. When she needs to make the payment, she needs to satisfy her obligations.
Also, buy a practical 2 to 4 year old US or Asian car, they are much cheaper to maintain and insure.
pyramider's Avatar
Another two year old thread bumped.