AOC...introduces the NEW raw deal!!

rexdutchman's Avatar
These left wingnuts live in this non-existent utopia, yeah like "1984" or VENEZUELA
I B Hankering's Avatar
themystic's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
thats what trump does. russia has a tape
thats what trump does. russia has a tape Originally Posted by themystic
Like always you add NOTHING of substance to ANY thread!!
And the threads you start...
I B Hankering's Avatar
thats what trump does. russia has a tape Originally Posted by themystic
You shouldn't have believed Adam Schiffty when he told you that two years ago. Schiffty lied.
AOC is 1 of 435 House members. She is in her first few days as a House member. Her views are much different than the views of most other Democrats. She will be like the mosquito that drives you crazy, which she seems to be doing to some individuals on this forum, that you want to make go away.

Shrug your shoulders and laugh at her. Republicans can only hope and pray that she becomes a major player in the Democratic party. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Are you rationalizing wanting to fuck her? If so, I get it.

I read parts of her "Green Deal." Fucking hilarious. I had this apt mate in college. He literally could not do basic algebra. He knew 2+2=4 but if you put 4-x=2 in front of him, he could not solve for x. Seriously. She reminds me of him.

Her "Green Deal" makes "Medicare For All" look like a bargain.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Amazon is reconsidering opening part of its second headquarters in New York after fierce opposition from lawmakers, according to a new report. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seemed elated by the news story.

The Washington Post, which is also owned by Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, reported the Seattle-based tech giant is reconsidering the plan and has not leased or purchased any office space for the project. The report cited two people familiar with the company's thinking.

“The question is whether it’s worth it if the politicians in New York don’t want the project, especially with how people in Virginia and Nashville have been so welcoming,” one person familiar with the company’s plans told the Post.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has been extraordinarily negative towards Amazon, which has promised 25,000 jobs and over $27.5 billion in tax revenue in 25 years, tweeted that "everyday people" can "effectively organize against creeping overreach of one of the world’s biggest corporations."

she won't be in congress very long
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Can’t women use a funnel?

I think that would be a great item for the Home Shopping Network. Maybe a fold up item, “the pisser you can put in your purse”.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

um.. on #2, this is how ammonia is made the way the Romans used to do. They used to have jar stations around the city where roman citizens can pee when they needed to. they used pee to wash clothes.