Thank God for Yoga Pants!

guy fawkes's Avatar
YES!!! But no one has asked me...

Very sexy Tracy Auburn, you do doubles?? Originally Posted by XOXO Karla
I'm a medium!! Size 7! lol I'll bring my yoga tape and we can do some poses for you before...

I will buy one of each for you Karla. All I ask is you model then for me. Hell I will buy one of each for TA and you both can model for me. Ha.

B35h Originally Posted by big35hurt
I'm a medium!! Size 7! lol I'll bring my yoga tape and we can do some poses for you before... Originally Posted by Tracy Auburn
You tell me which ones you want. I can order or can go with or without you to VS.
Both of you ladies are gorgeous and I am so lucky that I have had the pleasure to meet both of you! I wish I was your yoga pants.... lol mmmmmm! Pure bliss!
The other pics was from maybe two months ago...

this one I just took. I've lost a lot of weight recently. So enjoy!
So.... this happens all the time at work... hhah probably help if I attached it.

The other pics was from maybe two months ago...

this one I just took. I've lost a lot of weight recently. So enjoy! Originally Posted by Tracy Auburn
So.... this happens all the time at work... hhah probably help if I attached it. Originally Posted by Tracy Auburn
Nice TA. Keep up hard work. I wish I had your dedication.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
All praise to Tebow for yoga pants.... especially WHITE yoga pants.
SpursFan's Avatar

Well hell I can see a bunch of you guys signing up for a yoga class... this outta be funny to see!! Actually many moons ago I took yoga for years & found this out!! The instructor was nice looking.. but when she got into "Downward Dog" with her pink pants & red tong... of course I would study that pose to make sure it was right... damn hard doing yoga with a woodie..!!!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Think there should be a yoga pants contest at the upcoming October Hollow Weenie. Females only of course.
I wish more girls were posting sexy pics.....hehe thanks for the kind complements all y'all
Tracy Auburn - Cute booty!! We should meet
fireguy - Hi


I think Tracy and I should use yoga poses for our next showcase pics.....maybe tandem yoga? What do you guys think?
guy fawkes's Avatar

XOXO Karla and Tracy Auburn have posted some pics. Can we see more?