How much will you tolerate?

Just because you don't like him doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way. Investors that have seen the value of their investments go up probably feel pretty good about him. Companies that are reporting record profits probably feel pretty good about him. Those that can now get insurance coverage prolly like him a lot. Companies that make guns and ammo love him. Originally Posted by BigLouie
You like him, cause you like being kissed while you're geting fucked.
Live with it or piss and moan your choice.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just what I expected. Not one answer in the bunch. I guess creative thinking and self honesty is completely beyond you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's the question, Barleybrains?

How much crap will I take from this administration?

FOUR MORE YEARS! and gladly.

I think they've done yeomans work trying to dig this nation out of eight years of destruction, degradation and self defecation! It's been a hard road thus far, but you know, it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll!

In general, I'm happy with the job the Administration has done. I'm disappointed over the partisan bullshit and quite frankly think Congressional term limits would have built a foundation for progress, but nobody is interested in progress, least of all your boys.

So Im for getting out of the shithole. Are you?

That's the fucking answer, you goddamned crybaby pussy! Big Louie didn't answer you? I didn't answer you? How about IBRunning&Hiding? did HE answer you?

Why do you assume you know jack shit about creativity or honesty. It's painfully obvious from your ravings that you know neither.

BTW - Im still waiting for ANY evidence that you're any kind of pedagogue... Until then, I'll continue taking yo at your word ... As a fraud!
David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog
#SequestrationThreat crony "green energy" corporations now expected to produce the same zero jobs, but with 2% lower budgets

We are making progress...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
From my perspective, President Obama is doing fine work in reversing the downward spiral this country was headed when he took office. He's ended one war and wrapping up the other one. He's trimming the budget and decimated Al Qaeda.

Even a blind man can see all the good he has done so why can't you give him credit for that? Is your hatred for the man so great that it blinds you to the facts?

I really don't understand why so many people despise him like they do, but the minute anyone gets to the White House, you can be sure that there will be an angry mob of people in place and ready to crucify him regardless of what he does. Lincoln was despised because he ended slavery which makes one wonder just how backward is the general populace. Were we so stupid that we needed a bloody civil war just to settle such an obvious issue? How stupid are we now?

Granted we are not out of the economic woods yet, but we are doing much better than we were under Bush.

. . . It makes you wonder why would anyone even want to be President when he is certain to be reviled by those who see only their small portion of the world. A good President must love his country so much that he is willing to make the Herculean sacrifice that the highest office demands for the good of the entire country, not just the little piece you're interested in.

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
You like him, cause you like being kissed while you're geting fucked. Originally Posted by acp5762
Boy, I sure DO! I also lime for them to nibble on my ears. I'm putting in an ISO for that tonight! Thanks!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I really have to wonder if you've institutionalized. Trim the budget??? How do you spend so much money and claim that you trimmed the budget. How can you look at what he did and accept that he trimmed the budget. I don't know which is worse or more pathetic.
The latest word is that we will be keeping troops in Afghanistan after 2014. So much for ending the war. They won't call it a war but Americans will still be dying and you won't give a fuck. The downward spiral that we were in??? Unemployment was less than 8%, the debt was 10 trillion, and the price of gas was $1.86. Unemployment is still over 8% (real unemployment), the debt is 16 trillion and climbing, what is the price of gas at the moment?
Obama can't even claim to have helped black people as their unemployment went up higher than everyone elses. Of course he can take credit for more bankruptcies, foreclosures, food stamps, and unemployment than any other president including FDR.

Staff Edit: Mentions of illegal substance removed. CZ

Might as well add this since no one can comment about the original topic. Seems that a couple of people working for NASA betrayed this country to China and other countries by passing along very sensitive information. All well and good you might think (bastards!) but the White House intervened to stop the investigation and contain the information but not the damage.
Boy, I sure DO! I also lime for them to nibble on my ears. I'm putting in an ISO for that tonight! Thanks! Originally Posted by austxjr
Good that should keep you occupied. Don't foreget the lime.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog
#SequestrationThreat crony "green energy" corporations now expected to produce the same zero jobs, but with 2% lower budgets

We are making progress... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You really are an ignoramus, Drag Queen. You post your links as Twitter hash tags. Do you understand how to make this chit easy to find?

Or do you want people to read everything being said at this hash tag? Doesn't really support your point of view.

Nor does emailing David Burge, but what the hell! Nobody has any great expectations from you anyway.

Or is the whole point of your Iowa fixation that we won't be able to read the prognostications of this award winning soothsayer?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obamatons say the DAMNEDEST things! Good lord, and I think they really believe that bullshit they're spouting! Totally amazing!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck are they supposed to come and take?

Your guns or your stupid ass to the asylum?

How dramatic.

Of course, it makes sense that you'd reference the Greeks...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think you need to look at YOUR avatar.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar