Shattering a Fantasy

MaxiMilyen's Avatar

I rate providers by how they are in person, not by their reviews or what they post. Originally Posted by monkmonk
How do you go about getting to meet them in person? Do you browse showcases, look at pics, ads, posts and reviews, or do you strictly see ladies you've met at socials? Enquiring minds wanna know...
Yes some of the men are taking the provider's preference too seriously! ....just saying
How do you go about getting to meet them in person? Do you browse showcases, look at pics, ads, posts and reviews, or do you strictly see ladies you've met at socials? Enquiring minds wanna know... Originally Posted by M A X
purely random selection based on pictures, I have not had a really bad time in over a year so it seems to be working.

I do avoid seeing anyone who has been at the ninja kitty dojo
for two days after neotek posts a review.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
For the most part I will not see you if I haven't met you. I operate under the first impression rule. If it was good and we "clicked" then I will try and meet up with you. I have only made one exception to my rule and she was a lot of fun. So I occasionly make an exception but they are few and far between.

The question may or may not have been aimed towards me. Since I don't hobby much you may not want to use me as a barometer.
Not BS, Ms. Max, I really don't think about "someone else" when I am with someone. It just doesn't work for me. I focus on the feelings and even though my eyes are closed, I am not visualizing another person. At least not that I am aware of! LOL!

My "fantasies" are as simple as thinking what I would do if Johny Depp showed up on my doorstep some day. It pretty much ends there too! The fantasy in those situations are generally better than the reality (as MY experiences have shown), so I really DON'T do it.

I never have been "normal"! LOL!
Bobster36's Avatar
There is a 30-ish fun MILF provider on this board that I very much wanted to see.....until she posted something about her personal preference for young (not middle-aged) Hispanic men. Because I'm a middle-aged Gringo with a small cock and a beer belly, I know that I couldn't possibly fit her preference and did not continue contact with her.

I understand the providers having preferences. I can't get my S/O to F me & I'm supporting her and her 2 kids (1 a total shithead). She prefers not having sex after marriage and since I prefer sex after marriage, we aren't a good match. The fantasy that she wants to F me is ruined. The same as that fun sexy provider that prefer men of a different race than me.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
@VNurse...So ya do fantasize....just not when you're with someone....I can live with that. '-)
OldGrump's Avatar
If we truly enjoy a session, the company, and leave feeling special, does it really matter what the lady was thinking?

I will say that vnurse either truly likes people or should move to Hollywood and get rich.
Ms. Max, I suppose you are correct! Honestly, I never thought of it THAT way. I guess I always assumed that when people talk about "fantasizing", it is meant while they are in the act or are doing the deed with another person.

OldGrump, It's funny that you say "move to Hollywood". I got a phone call the other day and the gentleman asked me if I do role playing at all. I had to laugh and explain to him that no, I don't do role play because I am a TERRIBLE actress and just have never been able to pull it off.

It's funny to me that it comes to some people so easily but I am just an 'in the moment' kinda gal! LOL!
How do you go about getting to meet them in person? Do you browse showcases, look at pics, ads, posts and reviews, or do you strictly see ladies you've met at socials? Enquiring minds wanna know... Originally Posted by M A X

Works for me but two of my ATFs I had never met but had spent at least a month flirting with PMs, txt and phone calls, one I had never seen her face until I walked into her door. So, I guess it is a gut thing, hasn't failed me yet.
I do avoid seeing anyone who has been at the ninja kitty dojo for two days after neotek posts a review. Originally Posted by monkmonk
Wise man!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Thanks Bobster that's more on the lines of what I was looking for. And for the girls that said they'd see anyone anytime, I am trying to understand why some practice poor marketing skills in a rather small sector of the population. Could you imagine a SW marketing her wares with a printed t'shirt saying, "I only see men over the age of 50." What sense would that make?

With the amount of providers saturating the DFW area, there is basically a smaller market per provider to market to. Why limit your market by posting in public that you love big dicks when general statics says that less than 20% of the male population are sporting more than 6 inches? Again, I'm not complaining, just curious on the lack of marketing skill required to target this sector of the population.
Duffman's Avatar
All I can say is wow, i am not even going to go there with you on this! Do you even have a heart to say that right now to me? Originally Posted by Tara Evans
My fellow hobbiests,

Another Example: If I dip my wick in a size-queen's Y, she isn't going to be satisfied. I'm average in size, it's just a fact and I'm not complaining. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
hmmm, I could be wrong but I dont really think the size of woman has a whole lot to do with the tightness of her pussy.
Phrodo's Avatar
Lisa, don't have a bud lite gut. Does coors lite count?