You immoral BITCH...NANCY

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-15-2019, 07:08 AM
What an amazing artificial and stupid temper tantrum by Trump.

All he had to do was push for his wall when the Reps controlled both houses.
Then this would be moot--so why didn't he? He had two years to do it, but for some reason he forgot it was important to him? Or was it he knew he couldn't get it done then, but when he could blame the Dems, that's when he pretended it was critical to the country. What became so different--other than now he has a scapegoat? And why are the RWWs not bashing the REP controlled congress for not giving it to him already? Yes, there is hypocracy enough for all.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What an amazing artificial and stupid temper tantrum by Trump.

All he had to do was push for his wall when the Reps controlled both houses.
Then this would be moot--so why didn't he? He had two years to do it, but for some reason he forgot it was important to him? Or was it he knew he couldn't get it done then, but when he could blame the Dems, that's when he pretended it was critical to the country. What became so different--other than now he has a scapegoat? And why are the RWWs not bashing the REP controlled congress for not giving it to him already? Yes, there is hypocracy enough for all.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Recall that this is only the second budget and that Trump said he wouldn't sign a second budget -- one that didn't include the wall -- the next time.

-When police officers showed up as Pelosi requested, they asked for identification from Loomer, her associates and the illegals.

Loomer responded, "I was told IDs were racist. I'm so confused."

-Loomer tested the doors at Pelosi's estate and found the doors were locked. Loomer said, "only bigots lock their doors. Come on, you [Nancy] can't say everyone is welcome here and then lock your door."

Just a reminder, Pelosi has a nice, large wall surrounding the property that Loomer and her pack of illegals crashed.
They need to doxx her and all these top Dems estates.
themystic's Avatar
The bitch never explained what was immoral about a wall...because there isn't...the dumb fucking bitch.
I guess the Dems wanted it then!!
CA is a clusterfuck...let the illegals ALL live there...I'm fine with that!! Originally Posted by bb1961
bb let me give you an update on the wall

Nancy said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Nothing for the wall LMAO!!
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2019, 06:46 PM
the wall isn't immoral. its all politics. trumps stupid shit that Mexico was paying for the wall is the thing that's preventing it. Nancy is a politician and she is punking trump out. Sure is putting a new spin on his future rallies. Im glad Trump is president. I got sick of hearing how fucked up Hillary & Obama were. Originally Posted by themystic

"I'm glad Trump is POTUS."
Where did that come from?
Methinks the Mystic doth protest too much!
themystic's Avatar
"I'm glad Trump is POTUS."
Where did that come from?
Methinks the Mystic doth protest too much! Originally Posted by oeb11
Lol oeb. Its kind of like the amateur boxer who thinks hes some bad mother fucker that can whip anyone and everyone. Hes always talking shit about how great he is. Finally after a while someone says ok, take a shot at the big boys, box a professional. He gets in the ring with a pro. The pro plays around with him a few rounds. The amateur thinks hes really something special. Then after a few rounds, lets say 2 years for example, the pro starts punching the fuck out of the amateur. One punch after another beating him to a pulp. The pro knows he can knock his punk ass out whenever he gets ready to. But instead he teaches him a lesson. The amateur goes away with his head between his legs. That's whats happening to Trump right now
rexdutchman's Avatar
Did Nancy ask for the government to fund a wall?
Yes scure fence act : yeah look it up .
winn dixie's Avatar
the wall isn't immoral. its all politics. trumps stupid shit that Mexico was paying for the wall is the thing that's preventing it. Nancy is a politician and she is punking trump out. Sure is putting a new spin on his future rallies. Im glad Trump is president. I got sick of hearing how fucked up Hillary & Obama were. Originally Posted by themystic
I wonder how drunk nancy will be by the end of the day? Will she be face down and ass up begging Trump to screw her as usual? That is her morality! Trump will tell nancy's and the libs. caravan NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

ba Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh aahhahahaa
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah some people need a Dictionary Immoral the best the Liberal -retards can come up with ,And yet they vacation , with people getting no pay checks That's Immoral
themystic's Avatar
Did Nancy ask for the government to fund a wall?
Yes scure fence act : yeah look it up . Originally Posted by rexdutchman
How's the current wall funding going? Has anyone heard any update on what Nancy's answer is?.

Heres the last update I have. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! !