When losers finally figure out they can't win they resort to outing, personal attacks with threats of violence and use personal information they secured by gaining access to a social event.

Whispers's Avatar
Seems like about 50% of your posts are reprimanding fellow board members. I looked at it as you being helpful. What do I know. Other though seem to not appreciate your insight. They prefer you let the MODS do their jobs!
Originally Posted by Still Looking
Perhaps the reason he is no longer a MOD?
Precious_b's Avatar
I'm still surprised he hasn't posted here claiming i'm WK TS SL.
Still Looking's Avatar
He'll never show you. He has never addressed any criticism that is supported. Just turns tail and runs. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I'm seeing that now. One thing about Miss Fran she don't need no stinking mandle to hide behind. Respect to Miss Fran.

Holiday this really isn't looking good for you buddy.
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm still surprised he hasn't posted here claiming i'm WK TS SL. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Still Looking's Avatar
I thinck I got Doc figured out....

Still Looking's Avatar
When losers finally figure out they can't win they resort to outing, personal attacks with threats of violence and use personal information they secured by gaining access to a social event.

Isn't that what terrorist do?

Obviously it's no secret I'm not a fan of Passion2015. I thinck it's bullshit he continually posts in reviews what ass holes "we" are for paying over $100 for the half and $150 for the hour. He also lets the provider know that she ripped off the hobbyist as her prices are too high. And he does this over and over and over. For years.

I feel his conduct is unacceptable and he could exercise other options to voice his opinion on the subject.i.e. start a thread in ML, Join OPEC and recruit other members since he must feel that if EVERY ONE stops paying high prices... prices will come down. Truth is... he is "RIGHT!". The problem is quality pussy is in demand. Especially if its got a full menu attached to it. And there will ALWAYS be an endless supply of hobbyists that will pay those higher prices.

That being said if I met Passion2015 tomorrow at a social event I'd shake his hand buy him a drink. See I don't know Passion2015. Wouldn't if he bite me in the ass. He is simply a person on a key board sharing his feelings and he could care less what the rest of us thinck. Why should he? What can we do to him? Threaten him? Out him? Every one block him? Post warnings in ISO? See most people will simply do the best they can using the rules. They might get frustrated but eventually they move on.

Now here is where the craziness starts. There are those here that are total fucking low life losers that would get the utmost enjoyment out of hurting a board member in any way possible. While they are few they are among us. They wouldn't thinck twice about outing you to family, friends, neighbors, employer or employees. Anything they can do to hurt you simply because in a fair fight / argument / disagreement they ALWAYS fail.

Take a look at Treetop78759 post and lets review...


Let's discuss what Treetop78759 has brought forward by making this post.
Originally Posted by Still Looking
I appreciate the flattering kidrock but I don't have a circle of influence on Eccie. Therefore, I'm not capable or smart enough to plant ideas in people's mind's. We can all think for ourselves and don't live vicariously through others because we are too broke to hobby. Not pointing fingers at you buddy.

Those were hypothetical examples I used silly. This probably a better example but there are others I'm sure. It's no secret that SL blasted Lust Lauren for what she did. I'm pretty sure she won't be sending him a Christmas card this year. She is probably still mad even though she is the one at fault. Shame on her for trying to mislead you! She isn't smart enough to do this but she probably has info she could give to a WK or two or even make a phone call. Shame on her again if she did that because that's wrong, unfair and not cool. However, we are ignorant if we think the potential for revenge is not there. Revenge is a very real threat to all of us in the community and it must be minimized.

Snatch was closed because the rules were not followed. That is a direct consequence to the gals actions. Closing it has also been a pain in the ass for the guys and it's costing the gals a lot of money but that's speculation. Case closed? Nope. On top of that a bunch of people are rubbing it in their face and making jokes about it. Guys actully think it is funny when people are financially hurting. What would you do is someone did the same? Heckled you and high fived others at you expense? Maybe a better way to put it is what wouldn't you do? You can call them dumb whores all you want but they will eventually bite back one way or another. People can get really mean and really ugly when they have had enough bullshit. People become really vindictive when you mess with their money and make fun of them with vicious personal attacks. That would be a consequence to us guys for our behavior. This is probably a remote possibility but I bet there are some men out there who don't think too highly of our behavior. I call them a lone wolf. They could really mess with us and seek revenge for the gals.

The gals are always called old fat whores. Many times it is thrown in that they are also mentally unstable. Depression and mental instability are a real problems and we shouldn't make fun of a disease that kills. What if a cyber bullying attacks pushed someone over the edge to doing the unthinkably? What if a note was left behind and it was clearly stated someone on Eccie was a big reason? If I were a betting man that person would be screwed and all over the news. Our DA would love a case like this just for the publicity. Especially since it deals with hookers and tricks. Maybe a lone wolf out there has loved ones who suffer with depression. Making fun of mental problems could make him so upset he makes a call, send an email, etc. and screws our world.

There is a difference between the letter of Eccie rules and the spirit of those same rules. Rules haven't been broken according to the letter but I think that at times spirit of the rules has. We have to be mindful that it works both ways. Others can split hairs, obide by the letter of the rules and not break the spirit. Or, they could say fuck it and throw it all out the window. Ouch. We certainly don't want that now do we?

What's next? There are A LOT of potential next. Are guys going to set up women? Are ladies going to set up men? It would be candy to do. Is somebody going to tip off KEYE and tell them to do a story on this site? Ads promoting Eccie on BP and bring in the trash? Oh, that's right. According to a handful of members our old overpriced whores are already trashy. We need to think about how we trash people and then think about how easy it would be to get revenge. Something will eventually give.

Continue to fuck with them and they will eventually lash out and bite back using their keyboard or telephone or any other method they deem appropriate. Don't overestimate youself as a Teflonic dude sitting behind a computer because I know I'm not. More importantly, don't ever underestimate what someone can do if they are full of hate, spite and revenge.They can really dampen our life.

I'm with you 100% when you mentioned being attacked with threats and being called names. It's happened to me in the last 24 hours. Even threats of banning or shaming and getting the women to not see me. I can assure you that I will not be fired by my regular ladies so your efforts are chicken shit and will serve no purpose. But go ahead, I double dog dare you. lol. I always wanted to say that!

I'm not a threat. Not at all. Eccie is the definition or moral turpitude and nobody needs that label including me. Who is a threat? Those that are angry, hurt, full of hate and want revenge. I believe many dudes already feelthreatened because of mommy and daddy issues. They are full of anger, hurt, hate and are seeking some sort of revenge for what happened to them as a child so they lash out behind the protection of their keyboard. They are one very real threat to the civility of Eccie and our privacy because they intentionally try to hurt someone and doing that will eventually make thebrecipient flip.

An even bigger threat is a lone wolf. We know what they do so no need to explain. With that said, I'm certain we can all agree that even just one lone wolf could cause havoc. I'm mindful of them and you should all be too. There are just those out there who don't play by the rules of the hobby.

The biggest threat of all is women full of anger, hurt, hate and seeks revenge for the way they've been humiliated in recent weeks. It is as simple as her sending an email or making one phone call to get the ball rolling. Again, it is that easy.

Does that scare me. Heck yeah because I'm not immune. One phone call on me could do the same and then I would wonder who was the snitch and then the cycle would continue.

I'm not the threat. I love this web site because a lot of things are funny and it has been a great resource. My fear is that if people are continue to be brutally lash out to these ladies one is going to bite back or a lone wolf will do it on their behalf. Once that happens it won't be fun anymore except for the one who was the rat.

It really is that simple for someone to get back at us and we should always remember that. It's not fair but life is a sugar cookie. I stole that term from the new book Make Your Bed. Its a Navy Seal term if you want to Google it.

Make sense?

Cheers and be safe.

BTW. The reason I don't have a real job is because I love all that I do that it doesn't seem like a job!

BTW Part II - I typed this ony phone and didn't proof but if I did it would still be rambling with misssspppellled words and grammatical aarows. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I said the same thing.
https://eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1...post1059381215 Originally Posted by Observing
Treetop78759's Avatar
You are absocorrect SL but guess what? The only people who have a problem with my concerns for the community is you and your herim.

I would encourage everyone to read the two novel threads I wrote and ask yourself this.

Who is the biggest threat to Eccie? It's not me.