2004 News Article Refers To "Kenyan Born" Obama

joe bloe's Avatar
We can't forget the visit Obama took to Pakistan when it was illegal for Americans to do so but not for an Indonesian. We also have some scant records that show Obama was trying to get special benefits at college by being a "foreign student". So many questions and the press (and WTF) are so intellectually lazy to ask the questions.

I haven't seen any so-called birthers on this thread yet. You know I don't like that term "birther". It implies the wrong thing. Joe Blow is right. It is not about where Obama was born. It is about a constitutional qualification. That is a very important thing but the left keeps wanting to diminish the concern and the Constitution with name calling. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm not sure Obama's visit to Pakistan in 1981 was illegal for an American citizen. Pakistan was on The US State Department's no travel list at that time. I don't think that made his trip illegal, just discouraged. Obama went to Pakistan to visit his three Muslim roommates from Occidental College. He was there for three weeks. I'm sure he felt right at home.

I haven't seen any so-called birthers on this thread yet. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, perhaps you need to purchase a new mirror! The one you're using appears to be fogged up!
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  • WTF
  • 06-17-2012, 01:10 PM
JD, perhaps you need to purchase a new mirror! The one you're using appears to be fogged up! Originally Posted by bigtex
No shit...JD was a birther before he wasn't!

Which is it JD were you ever a Commie.....errrrrr birther or not?

Hey remember the old days. When we elected REAL Americans for the POTUS...LOL