The Big Human Infrastructure Bill: Liberals Please explain How This Will Work.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-20-2021, 04:43 PM
Trump doesn't need to run again. He accomplished what he set out to do and that is exposing the enemy. In case you don't know who the enemy is it consists of the Liberal Media and the Democratic Party as we know it today. This is something Trump did that can never be undone. In less than one year Biden's approval rating is so low you can slide it under a door. Biden is a real class act. He calls an 18 year old kid a "White Supremacist" after he went through a horrible ordeal where he had to use deadly force to preserve his own life. He tells Black people they aren't Black if they support Donald Trump. He says one dumb thing after another. If the Democrats don't lose most of their seats at the Mid Term Elections then there is something really wrong going on around here. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Unless you're a are not supposed to post in this thread per as a libertarian, I can not address that lunacy
Unless you're a are not supposed to post in this thread per as a libertarian, I can not address that lunacy Originally Posted by WTF
I am not a Liberal by any means. Although I can respect other people's views, I also know where to draw the line and I draw that line on these Liberals who think they can dictate how people should think and what they should say.
I am not a Liberal by any means. Although I can respect other people's views, I also know where to draw the line and I draw that line on these Liberals who think they can dictate how people should think and what they should say. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... Do you ALSO draw the line on RESPECTING
the wishes of the thread-starter?

Them's the breaks, mate.

### Salty
... Do you ALSO draw the line on RESPECTING
the wishes of the thread-starter?

Them's the breaks, mate.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sure, it doesn't mean I'll abide by them, lol.
  • Tiny
  • 11-20-2021, 09:10 PM
Thank you for that, but how does your post answer any of my questions about the Human Infrastructure Bill?

Folks we are off into the weeds here. Please return to the topic of the OP.

Liberals only please. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Hey, I'm a neoliberal and a classical liberal and would be happy to comment. But what you're really looking for is a Democrat. And good luck with that. NoirMan's the only one who might bite. Yssup, Mole, PFunk, etc. aren't going to respond unless there's some entertainment value in it for them, and I just don't see there being any.

WTF might bite too, but he's a strange breed. I think he leans Democrat, but in 2016 was one of the few wise enough to vote for the best candidate for president since Ronald Reagan, i.e. Gary Johnson.

About getting into the weeds, there were way too many threads here until recently, and I'm not sure there's a point in starting new ones every time someone gets off topic.
ICU 812's Avatar
Thank you all (I guess).

My point in starting this thread is that, im my view, the Human Infrastructure bill or whatever the multi-trillion dollar bill is actually called, cannot rationally be defended.

Another point made by liberals in abstantia is that most of them cannot compete in the discussion of concepts, principles and ideas without resorting to negatively labeling the opposition. Now many here on the right do that too and sll together that is a reflection on the intellectual gene-pool of this forum.
adav8s28's Avatar
I would like to hear from the liberals on this board just how the Infrastructure bill will Work.

Only liberals please, I know what other folks will say.

How will this
  1. fight inflation
  2. fix the supply chain problem
  3. Irradiate Covid
  4. educate the young
  5. promote societal equality

And at no cost, "Zero" as President Biden ahs said. Originally Posted by ICU 812
According to what Reuters says Beiden's BBB bill should help with items 4 and 5 on your list. I don't see it doing much for items 1,2 or 3. The CBO has scored the bill. The CBO predicts this bill will add 360 billion to the deficit over a 10 year period. So, not exactly paid for but to add 36 billion per year when we are running 1 trillion dollar deficits right now (Thanks D. Trump) is small in comparrison to other spending the FED does.

From the link:

The new bill provides free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds, boosts coverage of home-care costs for the elderly and disabled, significantly cuts the cost of some prescription drugs such insulin, expands affordable housing programs, increases grants for college students, and puts $550 billion toward tackling climate change.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 06:06 AM
I draw that line on these Liberals who think they can dictate how people should think and what they should say. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Is that like the woke culture wanting all to stand for the national Anthem? Or one group trying to tell women what they can or can't do with their bodies?
ICU 812's Avatar
The trillion dollar borrowing goes back a-ways and includes both Republican presidents and Democrats.

How can we stop duping this over and over?
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2021, 11:31 AM
The trillion dollar borrowing goes back a-ways and includes both Republican presidents and Democrats.

How can we stop duping this over and over? Originally Posted by ICU 812
Elect more people like Gary Johnson, Jeff Flake, Mike Lee and Rand Paul.
Is that like the woke culture wanting all to stand for the national Anthem? Or one group trying to tell women what they can or can't do with their bodies? Originally Posted by WTF
No it's not the same.
No it's not the same. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... Of course it's not... This bloke just likes
to argue... He's wrong on a number of things.
He's just blue and cross after his being pushed-about
over in that GDP thread. And being a sorry sport.

#### Salty
rexdutchman's Avatar
Common man ""ZERO"" Yea right
dilbert firestorm's Avatar you think the GOP will let Trump run again?

I do not.

They got what they wanted out of Trump and a bonus when Ruth died.

There is no way they'll let him be the nominee Originally Posted by WTF
Thats what they thought in 2016.