Where does the money go?

Danger Mouse's Avatar
So I find it hard to believe that someone with $94K would need to text Whispers because her elec. was about to get turned off. Or resort to extras because her car payment was overdue. Originally Posted by txAustin202
Who's to say that the stripper making that kind of money is calling anybody? I would assume that she's pretty darn good at separating money from a guy's wallet, a regular hustler.

But for every great hustler in the strip club, there are plenty of girls out there who couldn't hustle for money to save their lives. They got into stripping because it seemed like easy money, they get to drink and party at work, work their own hours, etc. etc. There are plenty of strippers that live practically day to day and are lucky to make their tip out at the end of their shift. At that point, as a good friend of mine says all the time, a girl's gotta do...
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
dont forget some of us are responsible and are paying off debt, lol. Originally Posted by Maci Lynn

Or are supporting a very sick family member

Since you were asking about strippers thou..Is the $300-$400 her take home or is that before she has to pay the house,dj and whoever else?

I've got those same expenses and money in the bank. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
I know thats right !
Guest102312's Avatar
Since I use to dance it is not as easy as everyone thinks for a stripper....the economy has really made it hard. There has been an increase of girls and a decrease of men. You defintely have to have bonified hustling skills but girls are so cut throat that and they are offering to do extras for next to nothing (I heard a girl tell a guy she would give him a BJ for 50).
What club was that at? Lol she must have been real desperate.
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 01-24-2011, 08:30 AM
My guess is that only a small percentage of the strippers make as much as is claimed in the original post, especially the last couple of years. I don't get to the clubs as often as I'd like, but they surely are less busy now than they were a few years back. Only the better looking hustlers make big money in the clubs w/o resorting to extras. Even those that do the extras probably have to hustle more now. I see a lot of ladies going table to table for hours and not making any money to speak of.
Whispers's Avatar
Since I use to dance it is not as easy as everyone thinks for a stripper....the economy has really made it hard. There has been an increase of girls and a decrease of men. You defintely have to have bonified hustling skills but girls are so cut throat that and they are offering to do extras for next to nothing (I heard a girl tell a guy she would give him a BJ for 50). Originally Posted by Maci Lynn
The game in the clubs is getting easier and easier. More girls dancing and waitressing competing for less and less money.

What Maci says is pretty accurate.... getting a blow and go in the clubs is becoming a 3-4 song expense ($60-$80) and FS is fairly readily available for under $$.

Yes guys that do not know what they are doing pay more every day....

But ... competition does drive down prices.... and the competition is fierce....

I asked a regular waitress at a club the other day where there were a lot of new girls I did not recognize if she knew if any of them were playing.... She kind of laughed and said it would be harder to find one that wasn't.

But as many as I know, the number that I would say are smart and have money in the bank can be counted on the fingers of just one hand.

Like someone above mentioned..... $1000 shoes may be a slight exaggeration but most of these ladies could care less what things cost.... the money has lost meaning to them....

An Electric Bill, Cell Phone or Car Payment is not $260 it's spending a few hours between the sheets..... Rent is a couple of evenings......

MOST drive shitty cars they pay too much for because their credit is screwed... Poor Management skills have them getting these clunkers repossessed and then they need another 1200-1500 down payment for the next $300 biweekly payment on a 160K mile car....

Many get evicted and need to plop down huge amounts of cash to get back into places....

It is not just strippers......This was a recurring theme with a local provider I helped get into a house a couple of years ago..... She wanted a big house in a nice neighborhood and came up with $5400 (3 months deposit) to get it leased and lost her deposits 8 months later.... shes had 6-8 cars repossessed over the years....

But.. She was a gal that made tremendous money..... but she loved her steak and lobster...fancy boots and purses and designer clothes.... not just for her.. but for her kids as well.....

Lots of players in the clubs and the list is growing....... I could see 5 new girls this week if I could take the time and spend the money....

I know a lot of these girls and am working on a social designed to put 20-25 of them together with the guys that go to the GC Parties. My little efforts at "Community Service"
harkontume's Avatar
oops.. I almost started "Giving Advice".

Really, none of my business what someone makes.
LadiesFan's Avatar
Interesting convo so far... thought I would share my perspective on two things.

1) Why a stripper says that she makes $xxx - $xxx a day.
She is letting you know what kind of cash it would take to pull her out of the club for the day... I have found that this figure is almost always over exaggerated, and can be negotiated.

2) Why a stripper says that she needs $xxx for a car payment etc.
again, she is letting you know the price for admission, but she doesn't want to come right out and suggest pay for play... this could be due to legal reasons, or she just isn't comfortable thinking of herself as a hooker. Almost every stripper I paid for play told me that she wasn't a hooker, we were just friends helping each other out. Which actually, was really true.

just my 2 cents from my experience so far,

Whispers's Avatar
Almost every stripper I paid for play told me that she wasn't a hooker, we were just friends helping each other out. Originally Posted by LadiesFan
I hear that all the time....

"If I'm only doing this with you and a couple of your friends I'm not a whore right?"

No Baby....

"It's not like I'm running ads on CraigsList or standing on a corner right?"

No Baby....uhh... baby?... A little less hands and a little more lips.....

"OK..... We can go eat before we do it again too right? We are just friends having fun! and you help me out a little...."

.uhh... baby?..... Never mind.... that's perfect.....

txAustin202's Avatar
BTW the figure I gave is from a girl that in my opinion is one of the hottest girls in the club that I frequent so yeah the "average" girl might get less. Then again that figure might still be exagerrated. I'm still new to the scene. Been going to the clubs only since last Oct. so I'm a little curious and I ask the girls questions sometimes like how much they make. I don't know if that figure is before or after tipping out. Another girl that I know actually scoffs at the $400 average because she says that she makes a lot more at XTC since it's fully nude. She also pays $800 a month in elec. bills because her house temp. has to be right at all times. I guess that explains where some of that money goes.
I just had a girl hit me up for a
Cellphone bill 162.00. If that helps any
Whispers's Avatar
I just had a girl hit me up for a
Cellphone bill 162.00. If that helps any Originally Posted by Anonymous170
send her my way if she is who I think she is
car insurance, health insurance, renters insurance, life insurance, home security, two rents, two electric bills, two water bills, two internet bills, three phones (home, personal, hobby), one car payment, childcare, at least a couple hundred on consumable (things that need restocking) hobby supplies such as toiletries, lotions, detergent, beverages. Gas is almost $3 a gallon. And most of us make a habit of eating nutritious food. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Enjoy your childcare Taylor, it turns into college tuition
Save up darling!!!!
Whispers's Avatar
and a lady on the way to meet me this afternoon is in jail overnight on an outstanding traffic warrant.... she was running late and speeding....

so now there will be impound fees and the money lost not working tonight or playing this afternoon....

the issues they have mount....