Rampant black crime being ignored/excused/praised

RIP Waffle the Cat....
Shall we start with Reagan and Cheney? Originally Posted by andymarksman

NO... lets start with this, then we can move on to Reagan and Cheney... and LBJ democrats


RIP willytop....
  • DSK
  • 10-21-2015, 07:52 PM
Shall we start with Reagan and Cheney? Originally Posted by andymarksman
You going to dig Reagan up?
You going to dig Reagan up? Originally Posted by DSK
No, just trying to figure out what to do with the babies, according to your rationale....
No, just trying to figure out what to do with the babies, according to your rationale.... Originally Posted by andymarksman

Before or after you kill them?

Shocker: Non-Black people also commit crimes.
Shocker: Non-Black people also commit crimes. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

I know, I saw your video...

Before or after you kill them?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Which one would you pick, Liz or Mary?
Which one would you pick, Liz or Mary? Originally Posted by andymarksman

Neither... not in to that but I would marry this woman... fucker

She's has a beautiful mind!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Shall we start with Reagan and Cheney? Originally Posted by andymarksman
No, we won't. NAZI
I truly believe it's genetic.....it's not just a cultural thing. Because all over the world, not just america, wherever there are blacks, there is astronomical crime and violence. Other races must take great measures to protect themselves. Originally Posted by willytopnotch
That's because blacks are inherently tribal people. The tribal mentality has been carried over into todays society that's what makes blacks generally territorial and aggressive. Take the City of New Orleans for example. Before Hurricane Katrina the percentage of African Americans was 67% of the total population. Over half of the black population resided in the cities numerous housing projects. The city is divided up into sections called wards just about every ward of the city contains housing projects. You may have heard of a few. Calliope, St. Bernard, Desire, St. Thomas, Iberville ect. Many of the residence of these projects will tattoo the initials and the ward on their shoulder signifying where they live, for example a resident of Calliope project will have the tattoo CP3, Calliope Project third ward. Most of the shootings and murders in New Orleans comes from rival gangs from the various projects infringing upon each others turf. After Katrina members of Los Angeles gangs such as the "Bloods" tried to establish themselves in New Orleans, and the kids from New Orleans killed them. It's about turf, money and respect. That's why wherever you have a large congregation of blacks living in an area you'll have crime predominately amongst themselves. It's simply their nature.
