And there He goes gain . . .

At times, I feel as though I am watching a parody sketcvh from Monty Pithon. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Yeah, Everyone has seen that clip by now. The lights might be on but there is no one home, lol.
texassapper's Avatar
Not justifies. Explains. Sir. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
So what you mean to say is that Democrats are responsible for their nominee just as Republicans are for theirs.
Sure they respected us from the NATO block since we were footing the majority of the bill.

Just like now. Europeans could give a shit less about Ukraine. They like that Russian oil and Natural Gas. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh gawd. Really? I mean, your point about the U.S. paying an unequal share is correct. But still, a world without it would probably be much more unstable, if that were possible.

But to say the Europeans don't care about Ukraine is ridiculous. Ask Finland and Sweden why they joined The NATO Bloc recently. It has nothing to do with Russian oil and gas.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Lemme see if I understand your argument, txdot-guy...

Because Mitch McConnell didn't pressure his Senate GOP colleagues hard enough to cross party lines and impeach/convict Trump back in 2021, it justifies the Democrats clinging to a weak, senile, incompetent 81-year-old zombie for re-election in 2024?

Is that your argument? Originally Posted by lustylad
My argument is that Biden is our best chance of beating Trump. Not because he’s the best candidate but because he’s unified the democratic party and most of the independents in the country. I would much prefer younger candidates on both sides. However if the choice is Biden vs Schitzenpants I think most will choose Biden.

Donald Trump disregards his allies, treating them little better than toilet paper stuck to his shoe. At the least sign of independence from his demands he will turn on them with out any sign of remorse. He insists on loyalty without regard for anything else. Look what happened to the Senators and Congressmen that voted for impeachment. They have been driven out of office and the party. Mitch could have rid the party of that narcissistic fucktard but he decided that keeping the republican party unified under Trump was better than fractured under someone else.

He chose party over country which is why for me a vote against impeachment is an unforgivable sin that no one should ignore. Those Senators don’t deserve your vote or your respect.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
"Stuck"with Biden becsude the Republicns . . . .whatever.

So, someone on the Democrat side agrees that President Biden is someone they/we should not want to be president?

Easily fixed in more than one way: There is the coming election of course, then there is their coming convention, and finally, thee is the Constitution's escape hatch in the 25th Amendment. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The point was that Dumpster was the worst idea as president in "the history of the world."

Better Biden than Dumpster.

So what you mean to say is that Democrats are responsible for their nominee just as Republicans are for theirs. Originally Posted by texassapper
Don't try to worm your way out of this Mr. Wormy. When you write "you mean to say", all that says to me is "what I hear is . . ." Check yourself.

The opposite party is at fault for the current administration. Having such a fucking disaster of an incumbent forced the opposition to put up a buffer between a NAZI insurrectionist and a positive progressive. Q y

My argument is that Biden is our best chance of beating Trump. Not because he’s the best candidate but because he’s unified the democratic party and most of the independents in the country. I would much prefer younger candidates on both sides. However if the choice is Biden vs Schitzenpants I think most will choose Biden.

Donald Trump disregards his allies, treating them little better than toilet paper stuck to his shoe. At the least sign of independence from his demands he will turn on them with out any sign of remorse. He insists on loyalty without regard for anything else. Look what happened to the Senators and Congressmen that voted for impeachment. They have been driven out of office and the party. Mitch could have rid the party of that narcissistic fucktard but he decided that keeping the republican party unified under Trump was better than fractured under someone else.

He chose party over country which is why for me a vote against impeachment is an unforgivable sin that no one should ignore. Those Senators don’t deserve your vote or your respect. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The country must unify against a Christian Conservative Theocratic NAZI regime and put an end to Dumpster. Dumpster must hang.

Or - off with his head.

It's your fault, sir.
texassapper's Avatar
Donald Trump disregards his allies, treating them little better than toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Netenyahu would like a word...

Look what happened to the Senators and Congressmen that voted for impeachment. They have been driven out of office and the party. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Good. Nothing better than seeing your enemies driven before you.

Mitch could have rid the party of that narcissistic fucktard but he decided that keeping the republican party unified under Trump was better than fractured under someone else. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You act as if the people should do what the party says... but then your ilk are ALWAYS Party members.

This is America. The party does what the constituents want not the other way around. Fcuk Mitch the bitch...

He chose party over country which is why for me a vote against impeachment is an unforgivable sin that no one should ignore. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
What was Trump guilty of then?

Those Senators don’t deserve your vote or your respect. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
LOL... keep selling your drivel... nobody is switching their votes
Netenyahu would like a word...
Originally Posted by texassapper
Yeah, that figures. Why am I not surprised that you mention him? His day is coming too. As soon as his coalition totally self-destructs, he is out of office and on his way to a criminal indictment for corruption. ANOTHER corruption indictment.

I'd love little more right now than to use your technique of "line-by-line" intimidation and denial to wallop everything you say above, but...I'm not giving you another minute of a June Friday evening.

tx-dot doesn't need me anyway.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Good. Nothing better than seeing your enemies driven before you.

You act as if the people should do what the party says... but then your ilk are ALWAYS Party members.

This is America. The party does what the constituents want not the other way around. Fcuk Mitch the bitch...

What was Trump guilty of then?

LOL... keep selling your drivel... nobody is switching their votes Originally Posted by texassapper
Sap, Do remember when you posted this. “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

I don’t consider anything that Donald Trump did in the months before and on the day of January 6th either moral or religious. I also believe that there are plenty of people that used to vote republican that don’t anymore. I consider them courageous and moral people. Following their conscience rather than trying to protect the party that revere him like idolators..

Mitch McConnel’s own words in the days after Jan 6th show us how he really feels about Trump.

He said on the Senate floor. “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.”

He and his colleagues in the senate knew what they needed to do they just refused to do their moral and ethical duty.

P.S. Your statements like: “your ilk”, “ Good. Nothing better than seeing your enemies driven before you.”, “ Fcuk Mitch the bitch...”, “ keep selling your drivel”. doesn’t sound very moral. It just seems angry.
texassapper's Avatar
Yeah, that figures. Why am I not surprised that you mention him? His day is coming too. As soon as his coalition totally self-destructs, he is out of office and on his way to a criminal indictment for corruption. ANOTHER corruption indictment. Originally Posted by gladi8r
So? I couldn't give two shits about Israel. America first, everyone else last.

But the Israelis are supposed allies so when some dunce says that only democrats are loyal to their allies, I have to point out the very OBVIOUS example that invalidates their stupid argument.
txdot-guy's Avatar
So? I couldn't give two shits about Israel. America first, everyone else last.

But the Israelis are supposed allies so when some dunce says that only democrats are loyal to their allies, I have to point out the very OBVIOUS example that invalidates their stupid argument. Originally Posted by texassapper
Republicans are and can be loyal to our allies. That includes Israel. Trump is a user. For him it’s always about what you can do for him and how lately you’ve done it. Everything is transactional with him.
ICU 812's Avatar
The clip; Sure, we have all seen it, but lets revie th highlights anyway . . .The video clip in the first post shows President Bide apparently distracted and perhaps disoriented, but certainly "off task" as we say to our misbehaving grandchildren. Then someone redirects him and others adjust to reframe the photo-op so it looks like he had never wandered off.

It is obvious in that short video that Mr. Biden is not in control of the situation, but that others are in control of what he does, where he does it and when. This clip alone rings alarm bells for me and rsids red flags . . .just who is in charge of what goes on at the White House? Who is making policy decisions? Who initiates executive actions?

This was eident three years ago during one of his firt official acts as a newely sworn in president, signing excecutive orders:

He declared that he didn't know what it was he was signing, signed it anyway, and staffers just slid another folder under his nose to be signed.
Light from inside. Disinfectant. Hannibal Lecture. ARRRG. Boat. Battery. Shark..don't let the shark get me. Snake.

All make sense to everyone?
ICU 812's Avatar
Republicans are and can be loyal to our allies. That includes Israel. Trump is a user. For him it’s always about what you can do for him and how lately you’ve done it. Everything is transactional with him. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Transactional" That negotiating technique for international relations seemed to be working pretty well from 2016 through 2019.

So hat negotiating technique has brought us to where we are today? Our border is wide open. Homelessness and crime are rampant. Housing is impossible to finance, eben for the well to do. Our allies are nervous. There are severa wars about to suck us in. the Chinese have full control of the biggest airbase we built in Afghanistan. A drive-through with the grandkids costs $50+ and we are eating s lot of pasta at home.

texassapper's Avatar
Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown. Leftists can't accept accountability in their political or personal life hence their love of abortion, freeing criminals etc. Every negative consequence in their lives is the fault of society or Republicans or Trump... or all of the above.

People that stupid are incapable of reform.
Precious_b's Avatar
Lemme see if I understand your argument, txdot-guy...

Because Mitch McConnell didn't pressure his Senate GOP colleagues hard enough to cross party lines and impeach/convict Trump back in 2021, it justifies the Democrats clinging to a weak, senile, incompetent 81-year-old zombie for re-election in 2024?

Is that your argument? Originally Posted by lustylad
Not justifies. Explains. Sir. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Wonder if reading comprehension was the reason why he has a mini (?) vacay from the site.

So what you mean to say is that Democrats are responsible for their nominee just as Republicans are for theirs. Originally Posted by texassapper
My argument is that Biden is our best chance of beating Trump. Not because he’s the best candidate but because he’s unified the democratic party and most of the independents in the country. I would much prefer younger candidates on both sides. However if the choice is Biden vs Schitzenpants I think most will choose Biden.

Donald Trump disregards his allies, treating them little better than toilet paper stuck to his shoe. At the least sign of independence from his demands he will turn on them with out any sign of remorse. He insists on loyalty without regard for anything else. Look what happened to the Senators and Congressmen that voted for impeachment. They have been driven out of office and the party. Mitch could have rid the party of that narcissistic fucktard but he decided that keeping the republican party unified under Trump was better than fractured under someone else.

He chose party over country which is why for me a vote against impeachment is an unforgivable sin that no one should ignore. Those Senators don’t deserve your vote or your respect. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
They all had that moment of clarity and they tossed it to kiss the brass ring of the orange one. The righties are blind to the fact, or support the idea, that the ideology of their object of hearts content is to serve only himself. Not the people who voted for him. Be it by majority or minority of the voting public.

Sap, Do remember when you posted this. “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

I don’t consider anything that Donald Trump did in the months before and on the day of January 6th either moral or religious. I also believe that there are plenty of people that used to vote republican that don’t anymore. I consider them courageous and moral people. Following their conscience rather than trying to protect the party that revere him like idolators..

Mitch McConnel’s own words in the days after Jan 6th show us how he really feels about Trump.

He said on the Senate floor. “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.”

He and his colleagues in the senate knew what they needed to do they just refused to do their moral and ethical duty.

P.S. Your statements like: “your ilk”, “ Good. Nothing better than seeing your enemies driven before you.”, “ Fcuk Mitch the bitch...”, “ keep selling your drivel”. doesn’t sound very moral. It just seems angry. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Now, Tx-dot, that wasn't nice using his own words against him