Would you do Business (outside of the Hobby) with someone you know from here?

The Dealerships may be licensed but the Sales Staff are not.... So the system brakes down at that level...

I've worked the floor of a few dealerships over the years and belive me.... Cut a deal to buy a car.... then back out and don't be surprised where your personal info lands....

I knew more than a few with lousy attitudes that will feed ya to the wolves. Originally Posted by Whispers
I can tell you unequivocably that in today's world of auto sales ( I am the GM of a dealership) if someone's info did wind up out there somewhere, the penalties are very severe and do not just extend to the corporate entity or the "owner". In today's world of OFAC and Red Flag rules they now prosecute down to and through the GM to the Sales Manager, Finance Manager, and the sales person. In cases where the "corporate entity" is the only target of the action, there is legal precedent for the company or organization to gain recourse from the employee. Most organizations can and do look to the employee that created the transgression to make them "whole".

This can happen in any industry, but car dealers come under the scruntity of the FTC, DOT, TXDOT, OCC and many other organizations on a regular basis.

Personally in my store, if the titling paperwork has not been processed, or the documents have not been completed (legal requirements set forth by the state and federal government) and a customer wants to change their mind or back out, we let them. There is no logical reason for a business to "force" a customer, that does not want to do business with them, to do so. Particularily in a transaction that lasts for a long time like a car. It is just not worth the brain damage for either party
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
TCut a deal to buy a car.... then back out and don't be surprised where your personal info lands.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Always remember, discretion is a two way street. Screw somebody over and karma has a way of coming back with a vengeance. However, I have also learned in sales, positive experiences create more business through word of mouth, even if they didn't buy from you.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
However, I have also learned in sales, positive experiences create more business through word of mouth, even if they didn't buy from you. Originally Posted by Risn2TheOccasion
This is something I stress to my staff all the time.

We follow it, and we make a lot more commission than our peers. And we don't lie or cheat or otherwise decieve to get it. You CAN be successful and honest too.
Whispers's Avatar
I just want to clear something up...

I didn't say I supported it.... Just that I've witnessed it.....

I've seen it in many a Used Car Dept.....

Some of those guys are creative as well as vindictive.....

I've seen paycheck stubs, rental histories and insurance docs generated and altered as well....

Every Business is as vulnerable as it's weakest link.....
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I think most of us guys here are business men to some degree. What if we had a forum for the exchange of services? It could be the kind of thing where you had to read and acknowledge an agreement/privacy statement or something. Then we could post mini ads or something for services offered.

I would actually like to do business with a fellow hobbyist when it comes to auto service or home buying etc.. Because trust and discretion do work both ways, I would feel like a fellow hobbyist would be less likely to screw me over. And in a way you already know the guy.
I think most of us guys here are business men to some degree. What if we had a forum for the exchange of services? It could be the kind of thing where you had to read and acknowledge an agreement/privacy statement or something. Then we could post mini ads or something for services offered.

I would actually like to do business with a fellow hobbyist when it comes to auto service or home buying etc.. Because trust and discretion do work both ways, I would feel like a fellow hobbyist would be less likely to screw me over. And in a way you already know the guy. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
This sounds like a great idea. I would be interested in participating if it comes to pass.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
SOFAKINGFUN: It all boils down to the integrity of that individual and developing a trust in order for a business relationship to be successful and healthy.

Very true and applies to any form of relationship - business, personal/intimate, family or friends. Without honesty there is no trust as they are the foundation.

RECKASXT: would actually like to do business with a fellow hobbyist when it comes to auto service or home buying etc.. Because trust and discretion do work both ways, I would feel like a fellow hobbyist would be less likely to screw me over. And in a way you already know the guy.

After moving to Austin from Ft. Worth, I no longer had the benefit of my own personal & trustworthy mechanic - dear old Dad - and have been screwed over so many times. Very frustrating to spend thousands of dollars and still have constant issues. I have done business with some of our members - specifically for car repairs -for the very reasons rekcasxt noted above. I don't have a problem paying for the services in cold hard cash. I merely want the added security of working w/ someone who comes recommended or has instilled in me some trust. At this rate of neverending issues, though, I think I'm gonna need to talk to someone else. Soooo, uhhhhh... SpaceMtn, think you could help me out? hehehe

We're part of a pretty unique community and I would hope that we could trust the more honest members to be the same no matter what the context. There's plenty of personal info and ideas exchanged here to demonstrate whether or not one is worthy of being trusted.

Good topic, Whiskers.

*spank myself*
