Still Looking's Avatar
I see your point on the name calling, but it's all stemming from a desperate call for help. Hurting people, do and say hurtful things, same goes for ignorant individuals as well... they just don't know any better...

Not that I am making excuses for her poor behavior, just trying to look at the situation from a different perspective. At the end of the day it is a sad situation and having to depend upon a client to make ends meet is not as you put it professional.

Yazzy. Originally Posted by yazminaariel
Sweetie, just so I'm clear, these providers do this on a regular basis. The one provider had three reviews in one day five days before I met her. Her rate was $250. I counted and contacted 23 of the hobbyists that had written reviews on her! FIFTEEN responded all saying the same thing! What tipped me off to this was two hobbyist contacted me after reading my review and asked me if I had this issue with them. And of course I did, so that got me to thinking....hummmmmm. This is how they do business! Keep in mind the first few times I wrote it off, but then I started asking questions. The rest is history. SCAM!

Are there ladies that are hurting? YES! Are there ladies that struggle to pay their bills? YES! Are there ladies that might not get the calls because they are not as attractive as other providers? YES! I don't see ugly chicks! These surprisingly are providers who have been around for a while who do this just to make EXTRA cash. SCAM!

I kept my cool with this one, but then I started laughling when she started calling me names! I kept thinking, "sticks and stones will break my bones but my dick and cash you will not get!" Originally Posted by Still Looking
Ok, that last sentence was funny. Point taken and at least you stood your ground and did not give in :-)

Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, that last sentence was funny. Point taken and at least you stood your ground and did not give in :-)

Yazzy. Originally Posted by yazminaariel
SL is a gentleman. If a lady said her lights were going off, HELL she could BBBJ in the car over to the power company. What, am I heartless? LOL Thats not the deal here!
Sweetie, just so I'm clear, these providers do this on a regular basis. The one provider had three reviews in one day five days before I met her. Her rate was $250. I counted and contacted 23 of the hobbyists that had written reviews on her! FIFTEEN responded all saying the same thing! What tipped me off to this was two hobbyist contacted me after reading my review and asked me if I had this issue with them. And of course I did, so that got me to thinking....hummmmmm. Originally Posted by Still Looking
So, SL, did you mention this issue in your review of the girl? Or post about it in the Men's Lounge? Did any of the fifteen guys that had the same experience mention it in their reviews? I'm assuming the answer is no, or you would have known to pass that provider by. That is what allows the scammers to keep on scamming.
Roothead's Avatar
I have helped provider friends at xmas time, when a major appliance died, etc.... shit happens and if I can help the few that I know well (RL names, kids, life story, etc) I certainly do try.....

One time a woman that I knew fairly well, a divorced single mom who is a very hot waitress at the Lodge and a former dancer there, sent me a text just before xmas saying her furnace was not working and that it would take $1500 to repair it.... I said OK, give me the name of the repair guy and I will take care of it - cause I wanted to insure she was able to have a nice holiday for her kids... she never responded with the info.... come to find out from others that know her she was dissing me later cause I would not give her the cash..... when I shared the other part of the story, I was told that it was all part of her on-going MO.... live, learn and never forget
ben dover's Avatar
Have a similar story but it was her car. It needed $1000.00 worth of work. I told her I would absolutely help her. She was happy til I told her to take it to my mechanic and i'd pay the bill. Never heard from her again. BD
Over the years I have lost some good friends because I lent them money. .... Then I got a text telling me that all the girls in the powder room think I'm an asshole! I text back, "I think they are right LOL!" That’s the last I heard from her..…. Just say no! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Let's discuss the real tragedy here!! She divulged Powder Room information to you!! Oh well, I guess it is no big deal....I mean, it's not like "SL is an asshole" is a really big secret......carry on......
So, SL, did you mention this issue in your review of the girl? Or post about it in the Men's Lounge? Did any of the fifteen guys that had the same experience mention it in their reviews? I'm assuming the answer is no, or you would have known to pass that provider by. That is what allows the scammers to keep on scamming. Originally Posted by Fratelli
Did you ever think that maybe she did the scam after the review. I have noticed that SL reviews are quite prompt after his sessions. Some guys will write a review hours after the session. I will wait like 2 to 3 weeks after the session. I'm just f*cking lazy.*
I think sometimes we forget that some providers, not all of us, are solely in this industry for survival purposes (i.e. to pay off insurmountable debt, trying to keep a roof over one’s head and food on the table daily). For some, the illusion of making quick money to pay off debt, loans etc... In a short period of time is not always reality. This provider was obviously in a tight position and didn't feel comfortable asking family or friends (if she even has that type of support) to begin with. Granted you have every right to decline her request, but we don't really know what another individual is experiencing in their personal life and sometimes giving another human being the benefit of the doubt may help them out of a tough situation. If anything its (good) karma on your part and will come back to you one way or the other, the universe always reciprocates. Originally Posted by yazminaariel
But 15 times. That my darling is a pattern. There is no excuse for that kind of bullshit. Instead of defending a girl like this, you all should be outing this type of behavior. If more of these type of providers come into our small community. The less active I will be. I do not like to get taken advantage of, it p*sses me off. It is not that hard to get laid. The good providers are the ones that actually get hurt from this type of behavior. There won't be that many good clients out there.
Still Looking's Avatar
Did you ever think that maybe she did the scam after the review. I have noticed that SL reviews are quite prompt after his sessions. Some guys will write a review hours after the session. I will wait like 2 to 3 weeks after the session. I'm just f*cking lazy.* Originally Posted by Salsa man
Your right Salsa, the reviews were posted. With as many appointments as I have it's the only way I can keep them straight.

Plus I see a lot of new providers that want to be verified so being prompt is greatly appreciated by them!
Well...everybody has their own experiences loaning money..some have been good some have been bad and others have been really bad and SL is right it usually turns out bad and hard feelings with the person you loaned the money now i dont loan "friends" money !
A provider ive seen 1 time i do not consider a friend and it takes time to bond a frienship and yes i do have some providers i consider friends so if a true friend asks for help and i consider it a worthy proposition i have given money to friends - but with one exception - I dont ever expect them to pay it back if i get anything from them its a win win for me but i dont consider it a loan ..its just me helping out a friend with no strings attached .
Ive had some that considered it a loan and have paid back every penny and ive had others trade back services but the key to it is this ...I never expected the money back or i would of never gave it to them to begin with.
So yes dont loan money to people you dont know unless there is a signed agreement and if you loan money to friends it usually ruins if you have it to give and want to help a friend out ..give them the money and tell them dont worry about it and never bring it up again.
Your right Salsa, the reviews were posted. With as many appointments as I have it's the only way I can keep them straight.

Plus I see a lot of new providers that want to be verified so being prompt is greatly appreciated by them! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Could you not have gone back and posted in your review thread? Or posted in the Men's Lounge? I'm sorry guys, fifteen guys get hit by the same scam and no one says anything? What is this, the ECCIE Code of Silence? This is what is known as 'enabling'.

I don't mean to put this on you, SL, and I know that you have endured more than your share of provider drama (or maybe, given your volume, its really just your fair share!), but knowing what you now know, you should at least post about your experience and identify the provider in the ML of whatever city this happened in so that other guys can make an informed decision.
Reading some of the responses on here it sounds like this is a regular SCAM. I think if someone is running a scam, other hobbyists should know about it. The scammers should be outted. Just like when a hobbyists scams a provider, an alert or something is posted. Now, as a level headed individual (sometimes) I understand that life happens and we all hit difficult times. So refridgerators, heaters and cars break down. Instead of asking a hobbyist for a loan. Why not make some sort of agreement with him? For example, you both agree to meet for the next 5 days in a row, or do an overnight? I mean, most providers charge 1k and up for an overnighter. So if you really want to help a provider out during a hard time, BOOK more time with her. Offer to give her that $1500 for that broken heater, so long as she does an overnighter. I wouldn't just hand over that kind of money to someone who isn't your friend. Other hobbyists in my area have told me about this, it's especially big in las vegas. One guy told me he went to Las Vegas for a week and met a couple of girls. When he returned home, low and behold those 2 girls emailed him both asking for money for "emergencies." I asked him what he did, and if he sent those girls money. He laughed and said no, he deleted the emails without a second thought.
Still Looking's Avatar
I stated up front I would not out these providers. Two of these providers know about this thread, I'm certain of it! This thread "should" accomplish the task at hand which is to inform both hobbyist and providers this is happening.

I understand that not every provider is in this for extra money, fun sex, meeting new people. For some its a last resort. Some find themselves in very challenging positions. I'm not interested in outing anyone or dealing with some of the drama associated with simply telling the truth.

Let's face it, there are a few VERY bad people out there. Then there are those that are decent people that just make bad decisions. But for the most part I think people are good. We all need to protect ourselves from those few VERY BAD PEOPLE!
bladtinzu's Avatar
Over the years I have lost some good friends because I lent them money. There is an old saying, "if you dislike someone, lend them some cash. You'll never see them again!"

Now the first time this happened, I wrote it off. The second, third, fourth and now fifth time I started thinking Hummmm... very interesting. So here is the deal. You book with a "well known" ECCIE provider. You have your wonderful session and life is good. Two-Four hours later the provider texts you asking you to call. So I think I wonder what’s WRONG! So I call and then listen to this sad and in every case crying young lady telling me how her kids this, and her kids that. And she begs to see me again that evening or the following day. In every case I tell them I'm booked LOL. Then they ask if you could help them out with a small loan. My answer is ALWAYS the same, I don't loan money to friends.

This last one was a real winner. She went as far as telling me I was an uncaring, selfish, good for nothing douche bag. She also said she was going to post an Alert on me saying I shorted her. I told her I would look forward to that! Then I got a text telling me that all the girls in the powder room think I'm an asshole! I text back, "I think they are right LOL!" That’s the last I heard from her.

No I'm NOT going to give out names or handles. But interestingly enough I started getting PM'S from guys telling me of their experiences with some of these providers. So I started PM’ING guys that have reviewed these girls, and guess what? You got it! Same treatment with the same sad story! One provider over 15 hobbyist have told me the same story. It’s how she does business.

So ladies who run a great honest business… a sincere SL thank you!

Guys beware…. Just say no! Originally Posted by Still Looking

Had them try on me before. I always tell them their failure to save money/plan ahead does not constitute an emergency on my part. Sure I've been called an asshole ect also. One went so far as to say I was taking food out of her kids mouths. I told her to apply for welfare/food stamps and that I could give two shits about her kids.