Be hold the pale horse & the king makers

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
well since this thread turn out to be bible study I'll go with the flow If you take all of the major religon books like the torah, the many versions of the bible, the koran, the calithic & the jews (or the people of the book as call by some) you will see alot in common. plus the fact that the bible is like more than 10000's plus years of history put in one book alot of shit had to be taken out to fit the people who ran shit at that time needs. So to that end reading is fundamental & well if there is a hell then pack ice water get one last bj or ladies get some head & get ready for the heat.
I'm not trying to be dismissive of the bible...but I always think back to a roommate I had. He was a born again Christain, and he would regularly do a 'bible study', in which he would essentially write a book report about a section of the bible. His friend would come over and discuss. They would literally hang on every preposition, and verb tense, in their quest to find the exact meaning of a verse.

It made no sense to me. The ancient languages of the bible do not 'mesh' with english very well. There are words and concepts which do not have direct counterparts. I took 5 years of Latin, and we spent alot of time translating poetry. Every line of text had about 4 footnotes, explaining the possible meaning, and translational options possible. It is just extremely difficult to translate symbolism and non-tangible ideas across languages.
OMG I am sitting here laughing my ass off. Who in a million years would have thought one of Cheaper's antagonistic posts would lead into a semi-deep discussion of the Bible, as well as no one really brawling and everyone trying to duke it out? This is great! LMAO

Could this be the "1000 Years of Peace"? LOL
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
my child bottom yea who listen to cheaper over time shall indeed have divine wisdom for as wine my words only get with time
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, the Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Cheaper's praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Cheaper's praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Cheaper's praying, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, the Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Cheaper's praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Cheaper's praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Cheaper's praying, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
crew where the hell u been damn I cant hold things down without some help. Now wheres dirty just like like a Dirty MF NOT TO BE AROUND WHEN YOU NEED HIM dirty S.O.B. when every theres 3 or more the lord shall come or something like that.
Longermonger's Avatar
Trying to take the book literally does a disservice to the literature, clouds the essential message, and can lead to bizarre conclusions. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The most bizarre conclusion being that God literally exists.

And this is a God that's got the whole Universe planned out before He ever created it...knows exactly what's going to happen to every little piece of it and knows who's going to Heaven and who's going to Hell before He ever creates them. Yet he lets those that He has already doomed to eternity in Hell live, and asks that they worship Him and try their best to be good so they can go to Heaven. All the while he's stacked the deck (He created the deck) and knows every card (He created all cards...and all things) and knows how they will fall (He knows everything).

To believe in that religion is to believe in the ILLUSION of free will, but not ACTUAL free will. You can reply to this or not. Either way you'll THINK that you have the choice. But if you believe in God's plan, then it is only fate. God has already decided that you'll reply.

But maybe you think that you can change God's plan. Really??? How can you change a perfect plan created by a perfect all-powerful, all-knowing being that sees the past, present and future of the entire Universe all at the same time? Do you think you have that power? Do you think you can improve upon his perfect plan for the Universe? Talk about ego...but yeah, that's basically what you wish for when you pray. You ask God to change his plan for the Universe to benefit you.

Maybe you think that His plan for the Universe is just a rough outline and he left 'wiggle room' for you to make some choices. Nope. Butterfly effect. Did you guys sleep through all of the Back to the Future movies? Hell, anybody that's seen Hot Tub Time Machine knows that you can't go fooling around with a predetermined series of events without some major consequences.

So, you either get Free Will (Yay!!!) or God and your sealed fate (Boooo!!). If you chose the last one, then you KNOW that God is floating up above you and He ALREADY KNOWS if you're going to Heaven or Hell and He's going to sit back and watch you for the rest of your life until YOU find out after you die.
nsafun05's Avatar
The best way to look at free will is this: incentives. For example, I'd like to have an energy efficient house but I really don't want to replace my windows. But Uncle Sam will give me a break on my taxes if I do replace my windows. So I take advantage of the incentive and get the windows as well as have a more energy efficient home. I still have a choice, but there is an incentive behind one of them.

In another simplistic example, every morning I have the choice to shoot my neighbor's dog that shits in my lawn and every morning I choose not to because I'm aware of the consequences of firing a gun within city limits as well as the possibility the bullet may go somewhere I don't intend it to go.

It is the same as with free will. Heaven is a reward for certain behaviors where as Hell is a punishment for others. I still have the choice as to how I want to behave, but I also know the consequences of my choices. Herein lies the fallacy of the left's view of life because most believe that it doesn't matter how they behave because they had no choice as they were "destined" to be one thing or another. Well, how does anyone know what their destiny is? Maybe God spoke to them and told them? More than likely they just decided (free will) that their situation is what is and will act according to what they believe they are limited to.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
nsa shot him with a bb gun right in the ass
Longermonger's Avatar
Herein lies the fallacy of the left's view of life because most believe that it doesn't matter how they behave because they had no choice as they were "destined" to be one thing or another. Well, how does anyone know what their destiny is? Maybe God spoke to them and told them? More than likely they just decided (free will) that their situation is what is and will act according to what they believe they are limited to. Originally Posted by nsafun05
I knew I was talking over your head so I tried to preemptively dumb it down but even that didn't work. I put free will (yay!!!!) and fate (boooo!!!) to make it easy for you but you even got that backwards, claiming that "the left" resigns themselves to their fates and that you ("the right") assert your free will.

God or free will; that is your choice. You can't have both. In fact, you can only truly choose free will. You cannot choose God because if there is a God then he's already determined your so-called choice.

Again, the examples about God being like your parents, the government, etc are missing the point entirely. God is supposed to be the all-knowing, all-seeing creator of the Universe. More to the point, why would you spend your life trying to please Him when a being like that is impossible to please? (If God was playing Blackjack and got a 21 he couldn't even crack a smile because he cannot be surprised. He already knows how the cards will turn because he created the cards and sees the future.) It's also impossible for a being like that to laugh. Laughter requires surprise. Trying to compare an imaginary being like that to your parents, the government, other real things, etc is pointless. You can only compare omniscient, omnipresent Universe creators to other omniscient, omnipresent Universe creators.

One more time just to pound it in...if you believe in God then you must believe that your fate is pre-determined. Because if you did have a little bit of free will...then that would be something out of God's control...and he wouldn't be all-powerful or all-knowing...and thus...NOT God.
dirty dog's Avatar
You wasting your time even responding to monger, he is a picture perfect example of the everything is cool as long as it feels good world. He can justify ever action he could think of like if he blew a pig, without a god he is not judged for his actions, like if he licked a rhinos ass, or jerked a horse off into his mouth, in his world these actions have no consequences so there is not judgement and if he thinks it feels good he can do it.
nsafun05's Avatar
You're absolutely correct DD. There is no point arguing with a troll.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-28-2010, 08:31 AM
Gee, imagine Lulz (monger) responding to this thread. DD and I went way too many rounds on subjects like this with him, and your'e waste of time as he knows all and sees all... he is a god in his world.