More gun violence, Connecticut School Shooting

LovingKayla's Avatar
It's even worse when you know one of the families.

The ear to the ground says it was lined up by gov. Don't know if it's US or UN, but something's wrong. This is all they need to push gun laws.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Inexplicable tragedy. God help those people in Newtown. I can't even imagine the feelings and emotions that are going on. Attempts to politicize this before the dust begins to settle are despicable. Let's turn our attention to sending prayers and support to families and loved ones of the killed and injured. There will be plenty of time to discuss and lay blame later. Today belongs to them.
OklahomaSooner's Avatar
Reports now saying a parent of the 20yro shooter was found dead at home in NJ
It's even worse when you know one of the families.

The ear to the ground says it was lined up by gov. Don't know if it's US or UN, but something's wrong. This is all they need to push gun laws. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

I really hope you are kidding.

If you aren't, why don't you shut your whore mouth and take your agenda elsewhere.
Inexplicable tragedy. God help those people in Newtown. I can't even imagine the feelings and emotions that are going on. Attempts to politicize this before the dust begins to settle are despicable. Let's turn our attention to sending prayers and support to families and loved ones of the killed and injured. There will be plenty of time to discuss and lay blame later. Today belongs to them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
+1, COG...good call.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Hi there cunt! You're welcome to come try and make me. You might want to take the training wheels off first. Or maybe you need them, I'd want it to be a fair fight.
cinderbella's Avatar
I live in a nicer neighborhood in a small town, there are a few police officers who live on my block and patrol regularly.

Yesterday afternoon, I was walking my dog and we passed a backyard fence where the owner keeps a few greyhounds. My dog likes to run along the fence and play chase with the greyhounds. The owner had come out a few days ago to sternly tell me to stay off his property, which was a small patch of grass next to the road and no sidewalk. Seeing me yesterday, he became enraged and ran up to the fence and yelled at me that he would call the cops. I apologized politely and he kept yelling. I offered to stick around if he wanted to call the police and he screamed that he would shoot me next time. I reminded him it was illegal to discharge a firearm in city limits and that if he shot me or my dog, that he would be spending time in jail with his new boyfriend. I then went to the police station and filed an incident report. The cop who
took my report did not seem to feel that a report was necessary since I did not think I was in imminent danger. Well, nowadays if someone threatens to shoot I do think it is something to be taken seriously and I won't allow myself to be bullied by a nutcase with a vendetta. God bless all the victims of this latest horrific example of insanity meets guns.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Inexplicable tragedy. God help those people in Newtown. I can't even imagine the feelings and emotions that are going on. Attempts to politicize this before the dust begins to settle are despicable. Let's turn our attention to sending prayers and support to families and loved ones of the killed and injured. There will be plenty of time to discuss and lay blame later. Today belongs to them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

+1, COG...good call. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
LovingKayla's Avatar
To everyone else, I personally know one of the families. It's not my intent to disrespect anyone except that cunt a few posts up.

Im verysorry if I did.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Lilianna, don't pay any attention to Glenna. She's been off the Rational Reservation for some time now. We're all aware of her "agenda," though it hasn't enough coherence to really qualify as such.

"The ear to the ground says" - you've got to be fu*king kidding me! LOL! Oh! to be truly "plugged in" to what is "really" going on! Yee-fu*kin-Haa. Damn, I'm envious. Maybe she mispoke, hmmmm, there's a decent backup handle, Miss Spoke.
I really hope you are kidding.

If you aren't, why don't you shut your whore mouth and take your agenda elsewhere. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
Oh, she's not kidding....and there will be others espousing the same whacked-out viewpoint.

Obama going to address the nation this afternoon. Here comes the gun control fight.
+2 Originally Posted by I B Hankering

What a surprise. The gun nuts don't want to talk about the murder of 18 elementary school children...with a gun.

Coulda been a knife, though right? Or all of these children could have been drowned in a bath tub. But, it wasn't, was it....

What a shame that we can't at least have a discussion about taking some sort of action to prevent this shit from happening again and again and again....other than the gun weirdos saying "that's terrible, but tough shit." Because that's what they're going to say.
"Never let a crisis go to waste"

R. Emanuel.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
"Never let a crisis go to waste"

R. Emanuel. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No sh*t, Trendaway. That's the fine print right under all of the "Don't Tread On Me" and "Union Dissolved" posters you have up on your outhouse wall.

Well, actually in Teawipe Nation, it reads "Never Let an Imaginary Crisis Go To Waste."

You folks are a little limp wristed when it comes to anything real.
It's even worse when you know one of the families.

The ear to the ground says it was lined up by gov. Don't know if it's US or UN, but something's wrong. This is all they need to push gun laws. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Lined up by the Gov.their is a winger idea..What a cunt...