Trump claims White House Rigged 2020 Election

No Salty, only you still believe this bullshit at this point. Not even Trump believes it anymore that became clear once he came out of the closet! And I believe that that POS knew the election was on the up and up from the get!
And quits s0peaking for the American people.
Sane people knew he was full of shit when he started lying about it being rigged in July before the election in November!
Your not riding around on an electric bike dressed like Paul Rivier are you?

... Yet, the point IS - everybody understands
what Trump meant.
They DID rig the election. And used the media slags to do it.

... Just as Trump stated.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
no problem my man

am i surprised you cant understand lol
your answer only demonstrates your level of intelligence thats all and what you believe to be true. true or not .its quite clear to me now that you believe what you say. im not surprised at all at the extent of your knowledge. id guess its probably 75% of those who believe like you.

keep on believing what your believe , they really need you to continue with what you think and what you believe Originally Posted by mrmxmr
I have no idea what you're babbling about BUT there's never been a single shred of evidence to back up trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen. Not a single shred. So, it appears that it's really trump who needs his knuckle draggers to believe what they believe - because none of it's true.

And just the record: maga tears do not count as evidence.
And quit speaking for the American people.
Sane people knew he was full of shit when he started lying about it being rigged in July before the election in November! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
Thank you. Anyone who understands what 'projection' is knows trump was full of shit.

The tragedy here is how he continued with his big lie to the point of Americans getting killed over it. The blood of Ashli Babbitt and Brian Sicknick is on his hands.
Ashley Babbit knew she was wrong when she went there. She swore an oath to defend the constitution when she was inducted into the am Airforce as i did going into the Army.she had four years to evaluate how much of a threat Trump was to America, she was stupid she knew she was wrong when she did it, as did everybody else that participated in the 1/6 insurrection. And she did it anyways, I don't want to say she deserved what she got, she didn't but I don't have a problem with any of the sentences being handed out to the other participants and that's what she should have gotten but she fucked around and found out!
The real surprise was that more people didn't meet the same fate!
Every cop there would have been within their rights and the scope of their duties to have opened

Thank you. Anyone who understands what 'projection' is knows trump was full of shit.

The tragedy here is how he continued with his big lie to the point of Americans getting killed over it. The blood of Ashli Babbitt and Brian Sicknick is on his hands. Originally Posted by tommy156
Double post,sorry.