Slut Test

rednecksatyr's Avatar
LMAO, At 65% I guess I need some tutoring!

Semi-liberated, I guess -- but perhaps a bit prudish for this crowd!

Semi-liberated, I guess -- but perhaps a bit prudish for this crowd! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Blame it on PJ's very high score.

Oh, I scored 58%

I guess I noticed that very high score and overlooked some of the lower ones.

In any event, an attractive lady need not fear that I'm unwilling to go horizontal on the first date!
ElHombre's Avatar
The Results ARE IN! You are

73% Slut


Did anyone else happen to notice that under the question of "How many sexual partners have you had" that you are only able to put in three numbers. So, and I am just observing by the way, if you have had more than 999 partners you are out of luck.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Oh, I scored 58% Originally Posted by Ansley
Hmmm, I scored 61%, I wonder what put me on top.

Did anyone else happen to notice that under the question of "How many sexual partners have you had" that you are only able to put in three numbers. So, and I am just observing by the way, if you have had more than 999 partners you are out of luck. Originally Posted by tylorblake
Or about to win a lifetime supply of condoms.
Hmmm, I scored 61%, I wonder what put me on top. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Maybe because you let her get on top?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Maybe because you let her get on top? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Good thing there wasn't a (Let her get in back question.) J/K
id like to hear (read) anyones answer to the last part of the slut test, to wit:

Optional & interesting near-anonymous polling!
What is the sluttiest thing you’ve ever done? Tell us your crimes
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Sex in a crowded room. Not an orgy, just people at work.
Sex in a crowded room. Not an orgy, just people at work. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

but i sorta meant the women silly
I became a provider.
discreetgent's Avatar
87%, shocked.