threaten with bad review

Passion2015's Avatar
Threatening is NOT cool at all, during a session or in threads. Unfortunately it happens on both sides. Whether it's providers threatening to boycott hobbyist for being bad because they try and negotiate or hobbyist doing the same towards providers.

For me , I let it go in one ear, speed up and go out the other ear and move on.

This is just a playground where you can't make everyone happy so why try.

Have fun and be safe all
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 07-09-2015, 08:17 AM
During a session once I inquired about Greek. Immediately the girl said, "Great, so now if I don't do it you're going to write a bad review." I assured her that it was totally her choice and that I didn't play that game. It didn't happen and I never wrote a negative word about it. But this told me that this stuff happens all the time. Respect given usually results in reciprocation of like kind. It doesn't take much to show respect.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Be nice and have fun, how hard is that. If you want to be mean and humiliate a lady that might be fine if it is done with consent by a kink friendly provider, just ask and be respectful. Just about anything you would want and do is found, just do it threw the right channels.

in 15 years of doing this I could have easily written about 50 bad reviews. at the end of the day, some of them were my issues were valid and some were of my own expectations being let down...

Yes many guys are pricks and try to work a girl..
TemptationTammie's Avatar
To address the OP's post: threatening a bad review is a very real thing. A hobbyist has NOTHING to lose, whereas a provider has EVERYTHING to lose. If a hobbyist gets a bad rep, he can change his handle, change his hobby phone, and start over, avoiding anyone he's seen before. If a provider gets a bad review, it's almost impossible to start over without someone finding out who she used to be. And in rare cases, a negative review can have devastating consequences. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Not only negative reviews, but sometimes unfounded negative comments, too.
During a session once I inquired about Greek. Immediately the girl said, "Great, so now if I don't do it you're going to write a bad review." I assured her that it was totally her choice and that I didn't play that game. It didn't happen and I never wrote a negative word about it. But this told me that this stuff happens all the time. Respect given usually results in reciprocation of like kind. It doesn't take much to show respect. Originally Posted by onei
What if the lady had told you that Greek was play at your own risk if not previously discussed before the appt?

I agree that it doesn't take much to show respect. And most times, you do receive it in return. I was raised to treat people the way I want to be treated, and it's always been a good motto.

But back on topic, threatening a no review just because he didn't get his way is wrong to do. If the lady isn't FS then he shouldn't expect that. There are plenty of us that are to choose from.
Easy on the fire water there Chief.... Nice is to a certain point....

-Nilla Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX
Goddammit! Another one of you calling me a girl..... And I know you edited it Windy!

"Nothing wrong with a WK, this place needs more of them go Brienne of Tarth."


-Nilla Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX
First of all you brought my name up out of nowhere. If you're gonna call me out for no reason then don't get all girly.. I mean testy if I answer appropriately.

Now I know who for certain. I knew it was one of three options. I don't believe anything about my post was mean, disrespectful or misguided.

Some things are just so blatantly obvious it's impossible to Not notice them even though one wishes he or she could.

You're cautious not to do anything that would incriminate while at the same time not giving a shit about rules or the fact that you're blatantly obvious to everyone here. In fact it's clear that you're trying to be. Flipping a bird to the system so to speak.

Likewise I'll be equally cautious about not making any direct accusations without proof as I know calling me out in the hopes of getting me to cross the point line is your objective.

I see it. The other readers see it. You see that we see it. That's good enough.
First of all you brought my name up out of nowhere. If you're gonna call me out for no reason then don't get all girly.. I mean testy if I answer appropriately.

Now I know who for certain. I knew it was one of three options. I don't believe anything about my post was mean, disrespectful or misguided.

Some things are just so blatantly obvious it's impossible to Not notice them even though one wishes he or she could.

You're cautious not to do anything that would incriminate while at the same time not giving a shit about rules or the fact that you're blatantly obvious to everyone here. In fact it's clear that you're trying to be. Flipping a bird to the system so to speak.

Likewise I'll be equally cautious about not making any direct accusations without proof as I know calling me out in the hopes of getting me to cross the point line is your objective.

I see it. The other readers see it. You see that we see it. That's good enough. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
There are three other providers besides myself who have seen Nilla BCD. Maybe one of them will vouch for him.

And speaking of obvious - I'm pretty sure I've figured out who you used to be.
sixxbach's Avatar
Alright kiddos, this is a friendly warning from your moderating staff to get back on topic.

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 07-09-2015, 04:17 PM
If a provider gets a bad review, it's almost impossible to start over without someone finding out who she used to be. And in rare cases, a negative review can have devastating consequences. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I'm assuming a "bad" review is a "no" review in the context of this thread.

One of the purposes of this site is to protect guys from unscrupulous ladies, which is why we don't just let ladies re-create themselves. If a lady provides bad service, they have to own it and live with that.

Not every guy is going to get along with every lady, so you should expect a "No" review at some point in your career. How the lady handles that feedback determines her fate. It's not the review itself that does it.

I tell every lady who contacts me about how she should respond to a "no" review the same thing: Ignore it. No good comes from complaining about it. If it's not justified, the smart men here will see that and ignore it. If that one "no" review causes you to lose a potential client, you probably didn't want that trick anyway.

Quick update I spoke to the lady who was threaten with the bad review. It seems the guy called again to schedule via text and gave her a google number when she called it the answer was recorded. She texted him to cancel and he start threats to wait for her outside her studio an punch her in the face, called her a whore and other threats.although he was dumb enough to provide his handle she and I will not expose him.
Quick update I spoke to the lady who was threaten with the bad review. It seems the guy called again to schedule via text and gave her a google number when she called it the answer was recorded. She texted him to cancel and he start threats to wait for her outside her studio an punch her in the face, called her a whore and other threats.although he was dumb enough to provide his handle she and I will not expose him. Originally Posted by rt arbuckle

What exactly is the point of this thread? Was there ever an actual point?

OP starts a thread under one handle about some phantom 3rd party he said she/said BS.

OP then disables account.

OP's one review is equally lacking in info, vague and questionable.

OP then returns with a new handle to feed some more bullshit about the phantom 3rd party drama except this time claims phantom monger is also violent and threatening said phantom provider.

Neither the questionable OP nor phantom provider will identify the phantom violent 3rd party monger.

Is there anything about this thread that isn't completely retarded BS?
As long as your a good provider don't give a shit what they say some hobbyist think they have a lot of pull in the community or they'll tell you they do and they don't. The Austin men are not dumb they know a good provider when they see one as long as you maintain as a good provider the Austin boys will take care of you
dodger's Avatar
guys who have done this for awhile understand reviews can be partial or complete fabrications and we treat them as such. a guy writes a review .. does not have to be a bad review ... the lady says it never happened, what is a mod to do? all reviews are not equal. who wrote it .. how it smells ... and how it fits into the overall .. all of these things matter.

a bad review among a number of good reviews .. doesn't carry the day with most guys. we appreciate that sometimes a bad day or a click factor can be an issue, or just a 'he said, she said' ... so continue our research. we may ask a lady about a comment, being careful not to reveal ROS .. but just ask how she feels about this or that .. or some such. in other words, look for the other side of the story.

specifically, awhile ago i booked ARIANE for a two hour session (review posted i read a bunch of reviews and about 1 out of 10 were not good. but the good ones were very good .. so it set off my spidey sense regarding the bad ones. i communicated with ARIANE and paid a lot of attention to what she had to say. and she said all the things i wanted to hear. she made sense, so i booked. wonderful session. i am so glad i did not let a couple of hinckie reviews deprive me of a wonderful time.

bad reviews get some attention .. but they are not terminal. a guy can write a bad review and change handles. that can happen. but then the next review will be first review submitted under that handle. most guys do not pay attention to reviewers who do not have a history or writing reasonable reviews. in other words .. some reviewers have credibility ... others have none .. others need to earn the credibility one review at a time.

what i'm saying is .. decide you want to be an excellent provider. provide excellent service. the reviews will reflect it. if there is a bad review now and then ,,, just keep rolling along. most of the guys here are clever enough to avoid having a phony review deprive us from seeing an excellent provider. a lady who gets off to a rocky start can turn it around .. making adjustments which are appreciated by the guys. so .. a lady who may have begun as "meh" can turn it around and become a compelling visit ... i've seen it happen.

if there is a preponderance of reviews indicating that the provider doesn't perform the services which were indicated as available .. or is a clock watcher.. well ... we can figure that out, too.

on to the point .. if a 'client' is a bully .. creates threats ... or tries to manipulate a provider .... an alert may be appropriate. please let all of us know about it. really. let mods know when a guy threatens to out real world information .. demands services beyond what a lady is comfortable providing. again, ppl can figure things out .. but need some information to move things in the right direction.

finally .. thank you to all the ladies of generous spirit to are willing to share their charms with the likes of me. you cannot imagine how grateful i am for your attentions.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Quick update I spoke to the lady who was threaten with the bad review. It seems the guy called again to schedule via text and gave her a google number when she called it the answer was recorded. She texted him to cancel and he start threats to wait for her outside her studio an punch her in the face, called her a whore and other threats.although he was dumb enough to provide his handle she and I will not expose him. Originally Posted by rt arbuckle

What exactly is the point of this post if you're not going to name who the bad guy is....This is the type of guy who NEEDS to be exposed... pretty worthless thread without the most important part of the heads up....
Agreed pls give a handle