Hacked Email Reveals WHO Is Behind Al Gore’s Climate Change Agenda

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
George Soros thrives in the "Bear Markets", where he makes money off of others misfortunes. Originally Posted by Jackie S
especially he has the money to set companies up for failure.
  • DSK
  • 08-18-2016, 08:58 PM
There is technology available for clean burning coal but it is very expensive to retro-fit existing col burning plants. The added cost also makes it cost prohibitive to be competitive in the energy market. As a nation, we would be better off using grant money to improve existing coal plants than supporting companies like Solyndra that is used to make the owners rich and plead the 5th when it comes to accounting for where the money went.

When the people (our government), which the EPA is not actually controlled by the people but by bureaucrats, makes arbitrary regulations that force compliance, should the people bear the cost of compliance or should the owners. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You make an excellent suggestion - the government should pour money into clean coal technology, at least equal to the money wasted on solar panels and windmills. Those "green" technologies are only sensible in remote areas without existing power distribution infrastructure. Unsubsidized windmills and solar lose money. Subsidized clean coal could make money and coal gasification might be a viable export.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Lunch time for you dolly the bottom feeder.