On the east side you will have a lot of last minute blue collar clientele due to shift work, which can be a good thing depending on your anticipated availability.
Southeast nearer to 45 will be more accessible to Hobby and Clear Lake gents who use that corridor for their daily commute, and it won't feel so remote. However, you might be alienating white collar clients who are more used to working near Downtown, River Oaks, or the Galleria area. If you must choose, decide on the type of gent you want to market to. You will find more regulars along 45 due to their limited search radius and predictable schedule. You will find more drop-ins and shorter sessions the further east and industrial you get, but they may be plentiful enough for you to reap the benefit of there being very few reputable choices on that side of town.
I personally live on the Southeast side near Clear Lake, but I chose to have my private Incall in the Medical Center to reach the broadest range of clientele, while still keeping my commute reasonable.
Good luck
Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Wow, look at the brain on yummy. I moderate another forum with >100k users and this is the most intelligent, well thought out post ive seen all week.
I was going to say something similar. Theres not a lot of Clear lake providers it seems, or maybe theyre quiet. Theres been more as of late, but id make that call based on business demographics and your targeted clientele. Nasa and the clearlake medical area are growing fairly quickly bringing in higher paid jobs. But, is still being outpaced by the growth on the west side.
But, i really feel theres a lack of providers in Clearlake.