Leader of the Free World

Presj22's Avatar
Winning ???? ok if ya call that win

but do ya know what ya lost yet ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
We lost a lot with the orange one! If y’all ain’t figured that one out, then yer delusional
Willie Wanker's Avatar
[QUOTE=Presj22;1062602669]We lost a lot with the orange one! If y’all ain’t figured that one out, then yer delusional[/QUOT

Name some tangible things we lost. Please nothing opinion based, like "respect for the office", or other TDS talking points.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
We lost a lot with the orange one! If y’all ain’t figured that one out, then yer delusional Originally Posted by Presj22
mmm fewer illegals

and fewer on welfare and unemployment
need to beg for oil


Originally was hoping this video was something preposterous that Dementia Joe said recently, but the title of the video makes it worthwhile nonetheless.

I wish video would emerge of the cadaver in chief talking about homosexuals the way he talks publicly about Haitians when race baiters aren't around telling him what to say before he croaks it out. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
They had to take him back to his basement to regain control of the dialogue. Government agencies and World economic forum driving the agenda. Will roll him out now only in very controlled environment
Presj22's Avatar
Lost a lot of freedom because of mismanaging the pandemic- I think that’s the biggest thing you could lose
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Lost a lot of freedom because of mismanaging the pandemic- I think that’s the biggest thing you could lose Originally Posted by Presj22
That was Andy Sir mmmm at the time
Next Best Thing's Avatar
It's interesting to see an individual who supports Dementia Joe pointing out the damage done by government restricting civil liberties.

Stunning actually.
If they can force people to be injected with an unvetted vaccine, what else can they do?
lilylivered's Avatar
Once they control and decide who gets what health care and control the Doctors, its game over.

Thats right, they already do....
Once they control and decide who gets what health care and control the Doctors, its game over.

Thats right, they already do.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Yes, they certainly do. But I fear that the vaccine madness is the beginning of a slide down a slippery slope toward a social credit system. As you know, the Chinese exert vicious control over their population via that system. Vaccine Passports would lead to control of travel, a further and final clamping down of gun rights and voting rights. Monitoring of bank accounts is already on the table. And what about the integrity of our elections? The far-too-powerful titans of Big Tech?
Presj22's Avatar
If they can force people to be injected with an unvetted vaccine, what else can they do? Originally Posted by Withnail
You do realize that’s how it works, right? Every vaccine in the history of man was produced on the spot and given to people. Spanish Flu - same thing.
You do realize that’s how it works, right? Every vaccine in the history of man was produced on the spot and given to people. Spanish Flu - same thing. Originally Posted by Presj22
That's incorrect. Vaccines typically take years to come to market. The Spanish Flu was in 1918. A vaccine against any flu was not developed for some time afterward.
rooster's Avatar
If they can force people to be injected with an unvetted vaccine, what else can they do? Originally Posted by Withnail
Please....oh..pleeze....define "unvetted" for us.

Meaning... your understanding of it...not (evidently) the "conventional" definition o' the term....

Cuz I can't wait. No worries. I won't respond. I ain't never debating you cucks about this kinda garbage again. And Bestie will just beat me down with a witty one-liner if I do. It doesn't mean I can't play his game and....encourage the show, tho...

(Christ, we are soooo fucked)

rooster's Avatar
I gots an appointment for my booster tomorrow, btw.

Then....I'm gonna go fuck everything.....EVERYTHING....

Again the misinformation from you folks is amazing….it isn’t surprising but actually sad in a way. I wonder how many Vets are on this board and wonder how many “unvetted” shots they took with that unsanitary inoculator used for decades. Oh my freedoms…..I have done every single thing which I wanted during this brief moment in history as it will be viewed in the near future. Talk about a bunch of pussies……..LOL. If you are so worried - MOVE. Oh wait, you could not handle living anywhere else so you just sit here and act like babies. WTF good entertainment after 9 holes on a breezy day. Scary thing is one of the posters in another thread claimed to be an educator which is also terrifying considering some of the shiiiit he puts on this board. (Insert eye roll)