Ohio. A shining monument to Red State policies and moral standards

Jacuzzme's Avatar
From what I read there was no reason for this girl to travel, her case fell solidly under Ohio’s exceptions clause.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
According to Attorney General Yost (Ohio), there was no need to treat this young girl like some sort of science project. This is a demonstration of the cruelty of the left to put her through this for PR purposes. Plus, we add in the fact that the evil was dismissed by the left and protected by an officer of the court...up until they needed his arrest to prove that this happened. How many other times has he committed criminal acts of this nature?

Where is the left when it is time to stand up for the young, the innocent, for the victims when they don't stand to make a political point?

Jesse Waters of Fox News is taking credit for applying the pressure to get this outcome. Unlike the OP, Waters was not duped by this story. He had it and reviewed it critically. Many things, intentionally hidden, laid open the story to doubt. Why did the left try to hide these inconvenient little facts?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The girl and the guy are Liberals. Irresponsible and stupid. Trump isn't the problem here. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That's idiotic.

The guy is an illegal immigrant.

The "girl" is almost a decade away from voting age.

Again, how idiotic!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Gee-- if you wanted to point to red state failures and Ohio-- you could have mentioned that Ohio in all its glory was the ONLY state during the Trump administration that had net job loss instead of growth.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed, but look where this conversation has gone.

Suddenly it's the Democrats' fault. Or the media's.

Anybody but those who created the laws that forced this unfortunately situation to take place.
HedonistForever's Avatar
you need to downgrade your spell check.

its "confirmation biases" Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Spell check didn't catch my admitted mistake because the word I used MISTAKENLY was the correct spelling of the word I MISTAKENLY used.

Perhaps a more advanced algorithm would have caught it and said "you sure you want to use that word because I believe you meant to say biases". But the good news is, you knew exactly what I was TRYING to say.

Maybe years from now the young people won't have to be humbled by such things.

Dream the possible!
HedonistForever's Avatar
According to Attorney General Yost (Ohio), there was no need to treat this young girl like some sort of science project. This is a demonstration of the cruelty of the left to put her through this for PR purposes. Plus, we add in the fact that the evil was dismissed by the left and protected by an officer of the court...up until they needed his arrest to prove that this happened. How many other times has he committed criminal acts of this nature?

Where is the left when it is time to stand up for the young, the innocent, for the victims when they don't stand to make a political point?

Jesse Waters of Fox News is taking credit for applying the pressure to get this outcome. Unlike the OP, Waters was not duped by this story. He had it and reviewed it critically. Many things, intentionally hidden, laid open the story to doubt. Why did the left try to hide these inconvenient little facts? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Yep, Waters of FOX NEWS, did exactly what a good journalist ( that leaves out whoever the OP used ) should do, question the story instead of "confirmation bias", singular since I'm only describing one issue.

But as we have all seen, the OP doesn't give a hoot about good journalism, seems nobody on the left does but he does seem very skeptical about everything said by people who he ideologically opposes and will not take the time to watch Fox News to get the truth of the story. When will they learn.
So confusing. She was 10. She was pregnant. She was raped. She got an out of state abortion. Ok. So those are facts. Unless that’s disputed. Which it doesn’t seem to be unless you’re a republican legislator from Ohio.

So from that comes assumptions, not supported by any facts, that somehow she was aware at 6 weeks. Any evidence that she was aware at that time? Maybe I missed the sourcing on that.

But it’s clear that instead of addressing the problem raised by 6 week or aborting bans before the end of the first trimester, the big deflection is to argue immigration. As if those two things have anything to do with one another. I’m sure if we try really hard we can find a similar example that doesn’t include an illegal immigrant. I’m which case the same actual issue regarding abortion bans would remain.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That's idiotic.

The guy is an illegal immigrant.

The "girl" is almost a decade away from voting age.

Again, how idiotic! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It’s not the little girls vote they’re trying to get. People with double digit IQs tend to understand nuance without having it explained to them, try’n keep up.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So confusing. She was 10. She was pregnant. She was raped. She got an out of state abortion. Ok. So those are facts. Unless that’s disputed. Which it doesn’t seem to be unless you’re a republican legislator from Ohio.

So from that comes assumptions, not supported by any facts, that somehow she was aware at 6 weeks. Any evidence that she was aware at that time? Maybe I missed the sourcing on that.

But it’s clear that instead of addressing the problem raised by 6 week or aborting bans before the end of the first trimester, the big deflection is to argue immigration. As if those two things have anything to do with one another. I’m sure if we try really hard we can find a similar example that doesn’t include an illegal immigrant. I’m which case the same actual issue regarding abortion bans would remain. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Maybe you missed the fact that the Ohio AG said under Ohio law, she didn't need to leave the state. Wouldn't you consider that an important piece of information left out of the story?

But you are right in that Democrats don't give a fuck about illegal immigration and Republicans do and we are about to see how that plays out come Nov.8th.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You have to understand, people like YR... they don't care about people. A little girl is not a person to him. She is an opportunity... an opportunity to score political points. Nothing else matters.
Maybe you missed the fact that the Ohio AG said under Ohio law, she didn't need to leave the state. Wouldn't you consider that an important piece of information left out of the story?

But you are right in that Democrats don't give a fuck about illegal immigration and Republicans do and we are about to see how that plays out come Nov.8th. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I did see that he “said” that but it’s unclear his basis for doing so. Was she aware prior to 6 weeks. Or was he saying that if she knew before six weeks, she could have gotten the abortion in Ohio. Maybe you can clear that up since I seem to have missed that little bit of pertinent information.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have to understand, people like YR... they don't care about people. A little girl is not a person to him. She is an opportunity... an opportunity to score political points. Nothing else matters. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You’ve got 15 minutes left to edit that awful insulting comment, JD.

And apologize
You have to understand, people like YR... they don't care about people. A little girl is not a person to him. She is an opportunity... an opportunity to score political points. Nothing else matters. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
What surprises me was Mr. Biden was babbling about this several days before it hit the news. That has to be a first because he is normally lagging in everything. Sounds like some democratic assistance to the story.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I did see that he “said” that but it’s unclear his basis for doing so. Was she aware prior to 6 weeks. Or was he saying that if she knew before six weeks, she could have gotten the abortion in Ohio. Maybe you can clear that up since I seem to have missed that little bit of pertinent information. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

What I understood the AG to be saying, was that 6 weeks not nothing to do with this situation. That the abortion could have been done in Ohio at 7 weeks, 8 weeks, etc if it met the exception law in Ohio. Now to be fair, I have not read the Ohio law so I'm just repeating what the AG said. I'm sure somebody on the left is out there researching that very thing and if the AG lied or mis-lead, then that's a whole different conversation but here is my point, yes many points you made were true but the central point other than who raped her and how her guardians let that happen, was did she have to leave Ohio and right now, the answer seems to be no, she did not which makes what was in the OP, wrong IMHO.