Still trotting out the "Bush's Fault" tag line i see.....

Remember Obama continued on with Bush's wars and remember almost every Democrat voted to fund the two "unfunded wars."

And remember Obama ramped up "unfunded" spending to the tune of a record whopping $4.5 trillion in four years !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he is just getting started. That doesn't included the "unfunded" Obamacare mandate !

And Obama just sent troops back into Iraq !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Unfunded" presumably ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Just reminding you short memory jerks who think this was a new idea.
As far as I can see, this is a report on a report on a report of a report produced by the Legatum Institute which is based in Dubai and has an agenda.

Very reliable.

And US has been at 10 for some years, dropped one place because Luxembourg was included for the first time. Dropped another place because of Ireland, that won;t last long with Ireland's woes.

Still one above UK

Is anybody surprised tiny countries like Norway with all their oil come top?

If they compared US with Europe, or looked at individual US states, it may look very different.

Look at:
