I have never been so tickeled

Free entertainment. How easy it is to laugh on this site. I'm an AMERICAN Rock Star!!! Great Fun what else can I say. lol
The more I read the more I laugh. I am getting the biggest kick out of this site, especially in Diamonds and Tuxedos. I think I'm cancelling cable, who needs it I have all the entertainment I need right here.

Thanks for the fun! Originally Posted by sexyginger4you

enjoy :-))))) me too :-))

here a nice video , hope you like it, i loved it :-) (oh and its so classy it must be in D&T :-)) hehehehehe

Tiger Lillies - "Life`s a Cunt"
simpleton's Avatar
I think I'm the only one that finds me laugh out loud funny. Sometimes I laugh so hard it hurts.