Advice Needed re Gay Daughter

Good luck. It's tough when adult children want to flex being grown without having an address of their own.
My daughter is 21. She still lives at home. She has a good job but only works part time, her choice. Working full time would cut into her Roller Derby involvement. She could work full time if she wanted to. She is gay. Recently she has been having her long term GF stay over night in her bedroom. They usually stay in there until very late in the morning. Then they sit around our breakfast table drinking coffee in their sleep clothes and chatting.

I would never have allowed my son to do this with a GF when he was still living at home.

Should I drop the hammer or should I tell my wife to put a stop to it. My daughter and I are not very close but she has a good relationship with my wife.

Just to be clear, I have no hang-ups with her being gay, and don't think less of her for her sexual preference. Originally Posted by JohnMacnab
I don't have any kids. But I often find myself on the outside looking in on how parents seem to make fatal mistakes with their children. I see it in my own family. You say you and your daughter aren't very close but she is with your wife. Although I can see your point in your concerns with her, I wouldn't put it all on your wifes shoulders. I would first discuss in detail your feelings with your wife and then hopefully you and your wife can form a common ground and then the three of you can have a meeting of the minds. The two of you had a daughter together and I am sure you love her dearly but some things you just can't tolerate and thats fine. But don't be passive aggressive and expect your wife to fix it. Be involved and find a solution. I'll say this one last thing. This is one of those " Now Moments" You can make a big difference in your relationship with your daughter and even your wife by taking charge of this little family situation and by not being judgemental and showing that you really do care. They both may see a side of you they haven't seen in a long time and you may have a good outcome. I would think about it for awhile on how you would like to present your thoughts and feelings to your daughter. This seems important to you and it should be. I believe we should all respect the lifestyles and beliefs of others, but first we must respect our own. Good luck to you my friend.