You have no game sucka, keep paying for play!

hulkewok1's Avatar
Being upfront and honest is always best, most the time (from my experience atleast) women that are interested in playing no strings attached are receptive to honesty alot more that giving bs lines and the lies, for the most part they looking for the same thing you are some adult fun, and smile alot sometimes they will approach you, but most definetely let them know what your about so that your chances of getting that 2:00 am. phone call and then explaining that to your S.O. that's why a lot of men hobby not cause they have to but to avoid loosing the wife and kids.
Bah! I got the best game out of all ya feckers!

Just be careful who you work your "game" on. Guys who try and "date" in the provider world who think they are above paying for it get known for that real quick. The ladies do talk and find out when a guy is working several at one time.
Jasser's Avatar
Just be careful who you work your "game" on. Guys who try and "date" in the provider world who think they are above paying for it get known for that real quick. The ladies do talk and find out when a guy is working several at one time. Originally Posted by cpi3000
I agree, but the ladies I'm referring to are outside the hobby (a waitress).

"Hi, can I get water for my drink, blackened talapia with a sweet potato and a slice of that juicy wagon you're dragg'n"?

1. Be attractive.

2. Be good looking.

3. Don't be unattractive.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
All I got out of this was "Well I'm 30 now" like you passed some horrible hill top and it's all over but the crying. Holy shit man, You don't even get the true "it" till you're 54. Buck up before you poop your pants, poor wittle thing.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think your question raises any number of issues. The first issue it raises in my mind is the old adage, "Be careful what you wish for lest your dreams come true." Civilian entanglements are just that -- entanglements.

Charlie Sheen wasn't too far off when he said, "I don't pay women for sex. I pay them to go away when I'm finished." One advantage among many that the hobby offers is that providers rarely become stalkers, want you to divorce your wife, or go out of their way to create situations that lead to discovery. Civilians sometimes do, especially if the contact becomes regular. It is a rare girl indeed who in a completely emotionally uninvolved fuck buddy. And you may well have a lot to loose in that department -- half what you own plus child support until your kids are 18 (or if you stand up and do the right thing, until they are out of college).

Second, to the extent that you can get past issues number one, I think you've received some good advice. Be pleasant. Don't play too many games. And make them laugh (preferably not when you take your pants off).
Precision45's Avatar
Walmart!!!!!!!! Have you ever been to Walmart at 6pm any day of the week???? It's like a Vegas buffet...

I have had enormous success picking up girls at Walmart. It usually starts by making some comment about what she's doing and turning it around into something that makes her laugh. Clubs are easy, I can get lucky 75% of the time on my own if I show up after midnight stone-cold sober. If you look and act like a 30 y/o married guy with kids, the women see right through that and will never give you a second chance. That cheesy "Pick-Up Artist" shit you've probably seen on TV actually works, I've been using similar techniques for years.

So why do I still pay for it???? Because looks and a sence of humor will only get you so much. Sometimes I just want to skip all the falling in love and just have sex...
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
OK here's the approach the lady (anywhere is fine from grocery store to a saloon) You give her the very shy Opie Taylor "aw shucks" look, give her eye contact but don't be too cocky. You simply say, "Listen I don't really like this whole deal but I really don't know any other way to approach it so... if I wanted to see you again somewhere else, at another time, socially, how would I go about it?" Gives the lady an easy out. I.E. "I have a boyfriend" (translation...FUCK OFF) or "I'm really not interested, but thank you" (translation...FUCK OFF) either way it gives the chick the opportunity to tell you to hit the bricks without making her feel like a BEEEATCH for doing so and no hard feelings, so move the fuck on and don't be a fucking pest. Repeat as necessary and get pussy. Guaranteed.
These days, I just want everything on the table and upfront. I don't want to lie or have to remember what lie I told, and everything else that comes with being deceptive.

So , I assume you have discussed all this with your wife ?
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I feel your pain my friend for completely different reasons. I'm single right now and some of the responses are less than favorable. My baggage is not kids or baby mamma drama, mine has to do with my health. I just don't know when is a good time to bring up certain information? Information that most on here know about me.

My self confidence isn't what it once was. As a result my dating life has taking a slight dip recently. It doesn't always have to end in BCD activities. I enjoy a nice dinner and great conversation as well.
slims099's Avatar
1. Be attractive.

2. Be good looking.

3. Don't be unattractive. Originally Posted by Lang Sicherung
Yep! That's about the criteria to get some real tail. I don't think ugly confident or "honest" guys get much pussy... in fact I know they don't...

That's life.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
A hobby buddy of mine who, like me, has been hobbying about 10 years had an interesting conversation recently. We came to the conclusion the hobby spoils guys. We are accustomed to making a phone call and "boom" we get guaranteed nookie. Very little effort required.

My point? Chasing civilian tail, particularly if you are married, requires time and effort and a nights' work is often not fruitful. It is much easier to get frustrated and say "screw it, this is too much work. I'll just call a professional". Just a thought...
Has anyone paid a visit to shelly over in Ft. Worth yet? I'm dying to know.
Can I just say that it's not just the nice GUYS that finish one wants a nice chick, either. Guys like to fall for ladies who treat 'em like doodie. More power to ya, fellas. Let me know how that works out for you.

BTW, attractive is not a prerequisite for pussy. Almost all of my ex's are unattractive by society's standards, but confidence, humor, and intelligence are top on my list of things I look for in a man. If I can't hold a conversation with you, I don't want anything to do with you. I like more 'cerebral' types.