Why Do Republicans Hate America?

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  • 07-15-2011, 10:27 PM
I heard an interesting point made yesterday.

Remember back in the 60's when all the liberals, hippies, and tree huggers wanted government out of our lives and to leave us alone?

Now it seems they're WANTING government to control all aspects of our lives and tell us what's right and wrong, good and bad.

That may or may not be true, but it sure does seem that way... Originally Posted by cucharabill
Liberals and conservatives both want to run others lives. Understand that and life will be simpler.
Back to your point....WTF they(liberals) want is for you to pay your bills.

You were in two wars (both of which I think you started but that is neither here nor there) and you cut taxes. Then you gave the seniors unfunded Rx drugs for Medicade. That is idiotic in my book.

But it is especially stupid to then cry about deficits!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Admit it, you are a scumbag communist.......

You mean like having the liberty to marry someone of the same sex?you want the right to marry your brother and/or father? they are the same sex At least they aren’t the same person as in your case.
Or the liberty to choose an abortion from a safe clinic?
how about the right of the unborn human being to be recognized as a person under the Constitution so he/she won't be murdered without due process of law?
Abortion is legal. Murder is not.
Or the liberty to peacefully protest a war you might be opposed to?
how about the right to support a war you agree with and cheer when your enemies are killed....you know, the enemies who want to kill you because you won't convert to their religion....
Yes. Even the enemies who just don’t like you.
Whatever happened to our liberty to travel unhindered without undue and overly invasive searches?
profiling would certainly extend this right to most people
You can travel when and where you like without searches. But if you want to fly, you agree to the terms and conditions set by the airlines when you buy your ticket. Profiling is illegal. Originally Posted by Marshall
Are you projecting when you call people communists or is that what you call people who don't agree with you?
Are you projecting when you call people communists or is that what you call people who don't agree with you? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I call people who agree with the ideas in the Communist Manifesto communists.......people who agree with ideas in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are conservatives.......did you ever ask yourself what are conservatives trying to conserve?
.......people who agree with ideas in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are conservatives Originally Posted by Marshall
Hmmm. I call them Americans. While you may not have answered the question I originally posed as the topic of this thread, I think you just justified asking it.
Hmmm. I call them Americans. While you may not have answered the question I originally posed as the topic of this thread, I think you just justified asking it. Originally Posted by TheTexasTornado
I'm not a Republican you moron.......so, according to you, people who believe in the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution hate America....
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I call people who agree with the ideas in the Communist Manifesto communists.......people who agree with ideas in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are conservatives.......did you ever ask yourself what are conservatives trying to conserve? Originally Posted by Marshall
I have asked myself before but isn't it better to ask conservatives instead of putting words in their mouths? If you recall that the Founding Fathers were all progressives and they made a process for amending the Constitution, it indicates change is expected and needed from time to time. All Americans have a say in that, even the communists.

Of course you said it wrong. Try; Conservatives agree with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Just like liberals and moderates do.

I've seen you claim others are communists but I have yet to see anyone quote the manifesto.
I'm not a Republican you moron.......so, according to you, people who believe in the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution hate America.... Originally Posted by Marshall
I never said that you were a Republican. I guess that makes you the moron, huh? You're arguing against things that were never said. Along those same lines, please don't tell me what I believe. First, based on what I've seen of your postings, you are not likely able to understand what I believe, and second, while it makes your life easier to argue against what other people never said, it's not really fair to them. And I know, that above all, you want to be fair, right?
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  • 07-16-2011, 06:55 AM
I'm not a Republican you moron.......so, according to you, people who believe in the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution hate America.... Originally Posted by Marshall
We have already established you are a cheap selfish welfare queen. You suc'd from the government tit and wanted everyone to pay taxes so you could do so. When it comes time for you to get into the real world and pay taxes you sulk and bitch about taxes.

Welfare Queen is WTF you are.
I have asked myself before but isn't it better to ask conservatives instead of putting words in their mouths? If you recall that the Founding Fathers were all progressives and they made a process for amending the Constitution, it indicates change is expected and needed from time to time. All Americans have a say in that, even the communists.

Of course you said it wrong. Try; Conservatives agree with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Just like liberals and moderates do.

I've seen you claim others are communists but I have yet to see anyone quote the manifesto. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Yes, the founders put an amendment process in the Constitution, the plain meaning of the Constitution isn't suppose to be ignored......

liberals don't agree with most of the Constitution......they prove that by the way they run through the Constitution's fire-walls......they are un-American

you didn't see anyone support the ideas in the Communist Manifesto?....really? How about the progressive tax code.....equality of result rather than opportunity, etc etc. etc. the majority of the liberal agenda.....
Munchmasterman's Avatar

Yes, the founders put an amendment process in the Constitution, the plain meaning of the Constitution isn't suppose to be ignored......

liberals don't agree with most of the Constitution.If you put words in people's mouths, what do they put in your mouth? Oh.....never mind.....they prove that by the way they run through the Constitution's fire-walls......they are un-American

you didn't see anyone support the ideas in the Communist Manifesto?....really? You're one of those guys that buys a dictionary and then stops buying books...because all the books in English are already in the dictionaryHow about the progressive tax code.....equality of result rather than opportunity, etc etc. etc. the majority of the liberal agenda..... Originally Posted by Marshall
During the birth of our nation the conservatives were the tories, the loyalists, and other assorted crown polishers. At the end of that war, all of the above were dead (hanged as traitors, shot while running away from battle, the normal stuff for them), in prison, gone back to England, or stayed here and moved to Alabama or Mississippi.

Do you have a link to a formal agenda or an agenda you people claim liberals have?
Don't worry about it. We both know you aren't going to post a link.
surcher's Avatar

liberals don't agree with most of the Constitution......they prove that by the way they run through the Constitution's fire-walls......they are un-American Originally Posted by Marshall

I said this in a previous thread, but it's more appropriate here.

Never argue with a with a fool. It makes it hard to tell the difference.

Charlie Foxtrot saw foolishness and smartly, with grace, took the high road and let us see the fool. So there's no problem distinguishing the fool, I will not argue with Marshall. However, I will say a few facts about our founding fathers and authors of the constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

Our founding fathers were not average citizens of the time. They were educated, white, elitist, slave owning, land owners who did not believe women should have a voice or a vote in matters of state or community. By today's terms that's pretty un-American. Was it conservative? You be the judge.

Acquiring and owning property at that time in our history was huge. It gave you status in the community and was a sign of status and wealth. In the Declaration of Independence, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" was not the original term. Thomas Jefferson changed it from "the pursuit of property," both of which can be attributed to British philosopher John Locke, not TJ. It's ok, we wont go after him for plagiarism, lol. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, which came out before the Declaration of Independence, written by George Mason pulls together "property" and "prosperity."

"That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety."

This part of the DOI may be foreign to Marshall, but by his statements here, I don't think he believes it, unless the beliefs of others are the same as his.
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

It also appears Marshall doesn't believe in amending the Constitution, although I get the feeling he was all for a new amendment against same sex marriage.
liberals don't agree with most of the Constitution......they prove that by the way they run through the Constitution's fire-walls......they are un-American Originally Posted by Marshall
Shit like this amazes the hell out of me. Just because someone has a different political philosophy, they are "un-American." America would be a pretty damn boring place if everyone had to march to the beat of the same drummer! I strongly disagree with the Far-Right Conservative philosophy, just as I disagree with much of the Far Lefts but I never felt those individuals love America any less than I do.

What is scary is that the Far Right Wing Wackos seem to really believe this shit. I suppose they spend too much time listening to Rush, Sean and Glenn! Perhaps letting Rush and Glenn think for them is far less taxing on the few brain cells they have remaining!
Doove's Avatar
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  • 07-16-2011, 07:55 PM
What is scary is that the Far Right Wing Wackos seem to really believe this shit. Originally Posted by bigtex
Don't flatter them, Bigtex. They don't believe that we're un-American any more than they believe that you shouldn't criticize the President during war time - something they spent 8 years insisting that they believed.

It's intended as an insult, which is what you rely on when you're getting your ass kicked while trying to use substantive arguments. Their dilemma is that the insults they'd prefer to use, calling us lousy cocksucking mother fucking ass-holes, wouldn't make it past the censors at the EIB Network and the nightly news. So they settle for calling us un-American. Or Socialists.
nktatc's Avatar
I'm just curious. Would anyone care to venture a guess as to why Republicans hate America and Americans so much? Republicans, care to chime in and let us know what is the source of your hatred of all things American? Originally Posted by TheTexasTornado
Quite an inflammatory statement. I don't know if that's true but based on your statement you believe it to be fact.

Several of the responses were quite interesting and thought provoking. About the only thing I care to mention is that to anyone who claims a moral superiority or resorts to name calling in the end diminishes the validity of the point they are trying to make regardless of what side of the fence they feel they are on.

I do feel there are some false assumptions presented in several of the responses ie: Republican = Conservative / Democrat=Liberal.
I'd be somewhat interested to see what the some feel defines one as a Conservative or Liberal.
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  • 07-16-2011, 08:29 PM
Quite an inflammatory statement. I don't know if that's true but based on your statement you believe it to be fact.

Several of the responses were quite interesting and thought provoking. About the only thing I care to mention is that to anyone who claims a moral superiority or resorts to name calling in the end diminishes the validity of the point they are trying to make regardless of what side of the fence they feel they are on.

I do feel there are some false assumptions presented in several of the responses ie: Republican = Conservative / Democrat=Liberal.
I'd be somewhat interested to see what the some feel defines one as a Conservative or Liberal. Originally Posted by nktatc

You gotta fight fire with fire....turning the other cheeck to the Marshalls of the world will just get you slapped on the other cheek.

You remember the lyrics to 'One Tin Soldier'? Guess what party I think the Valley People are!

One Tin Soldier (The Legend of Billy Jack)
by Dennis Lambert & Brian Potter, performed by The Original Caste (1970)
This song was performed by Jinx Dawson and Coven in the movie "Billy Jack" (1971)

Listen, children, to a story
That was written long ago,
'Bout a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley-folk below.

On the mountain was a treasure
Buried deep beneath the stone,
And the valley-people swore
They'd have it for their very own.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.

So the people of the valley
Sent a message up the hill,
Asking for the buried treasure,
Tons of gold for which they'd kill.

Came an answer from the kingdom,
"With our brothers we will share
All the secrets of our mountain,
All the riches buried there."

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.

Now the valley cried with anger,
"Mount your horses! Draw your sword!"
And they killed the mountain-people,
So they won their just reward.

Now they stood beside the treasure,
On the mountain, dark and red.
Turned the stone and looked beneath it...
"Peace on Earth" was all it said.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.