What happened to all our lib friends?

The minions and playthings of the right wing nutz under the funding and the guise of the Tea Party have succeeded in one thing......................

they scared the living shit out of the rest of the world and totally undermined any confidence in the ability of our country to have a functioning government. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
Actually, it was Obama that scared the shit out of the rest of the world....


..and that big dive in the stock market if the debt limit DIDN'T increase is happening after it DID increase....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I try to imagine CND with his doctor after he finds out that he is against Obamacare.

Dr: I'm sorry Mr. XXXXX, but you have a tumor in your colon.
CDN: I don't believe that. You just want to blame Obama.
Dr: I'm serioius Mr. XXXXX, the tests indicate...
CDN: No you don't. I'm not buying into your Bush bullshit. I want a healthcare professional that works in the interest of the people.
Dr: This is the Mayo clinic. We have the best doctors and diagnosticians in the world.
CDN: No, get me a ticket to Havana. They'll know how to make me feel better.
Dr: Mr. XXXXX, I recommend surgery immediately. This is an aggressive form of cancer.
CDN: Forget it doctor, if you really are a doctor. I will wait three months for an appointment with an Obama care provider and they will save me.
Dr: Only if they can resurrect the dead. By the way, your porfolio crashed.
(Sorry about the grammar. I just can't copy that style)
You biased and weird opinions based on right wing indoctrination remind me of the poor girl in the exorcist when all the green slimy shit came out of her mouth.

I think when you were a galley cook you listened to some weird stuff or maybe some of the oregano you chopped was not really oregano?

I feel these 87 should be tried for Treason for trying to destroy the country and overthrow the government. I am ok with a public hanging after that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A true progressive. Execute the heroes and celebrate the villains. Thank you for making it clear. A poor excuse for an American.
John Galt you just suck and when you were in the ship's galley making oatmeal you likely sucked at that too.

You say nothing of value, if you passed away absolutely no one would care and no one would miss you. The ancient asians you pay to touch you would cheer and be relieved of their night terrors.

Your life is so empty that you grasp at comradeship in a fringe group of traitors that are bent on destroying the American way of life by replacing good government with rule by corporation and worship of the rich. You are a fool and a poor tool of those bent on your destruction.

How did you like Limbaugh calling Obama a Jackass and saying that he puts flour in his hair to appear older. Saying Michelle is fat and has no fashion sense. Having Pat Buchanan saying Obama is a "boy" and is somebody's "boy." Do you say those things too John......do ya now Johnny the cook?

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the corporation my job to keep
If I die before I wake
It won't hurt the money they make

All in all John Galt you are just a worthless dumbass.
lmao..as he makes his 1273 post on eccie.
they scared the living shit out of the rest of the world and totally undermined any confidence in the ability of our country to have a functioning government. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
"They" being both parties equally! Boehner looked like a puppet, Pelosi looked like the senile old hag she is, McConnell loked like a pompus ass with no clue and Reid looked like the decrepit old man we've come to know him as.

And yes, CND, certain segmants of BOTH parties looked like idiots by ignoring the potential damage of a default and forging ahead with stupid ideas!

No party or member of congress gets a pass on this one.
How did you like Limbaugh calling Obama a Jackass and saying that he puts flour in his hair to appear older. Saying Michelle is fat and has no fashion sense. Having Pat Buchanan saying Obama is a "boy" and is somebody's "boy." Do you say those things too John......do ya now Johnny the cook?

...oh poor little obama, he is off limits i guess. nobody ever said anything like that about a republican president. and michelle is fat and has no fashion sense. so what.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sounds like I hit a nerve. Bullseye (if that is not too violent of imagery)!

I've given up trying set CDN straight. It has become obvious that he is delusional so why bother. For the record; I've never worked in a galley, nor do I make or eat oatmeal (unlike CDN, I'm regular).

Michelle Obama is kind of freakish, and Obama has not grown up to adult responsibilites. If you want to refer to him as a boy CDN then be my guest. I understand you.

You know I thought of two other things that our libs were doing the past couple of weeks; serving time or in the hospital. I hope your feeling better and your butt will heal up.
How did you like Limbaugh calling Obama a Jackass and saying that he puts flour in his hair to appear older. Saying Michelle is fat and has no fashion sense. Having Pat Buchanan saying Obama is a "boy" and is somebody's "boy." Do you say those things too John......do ya now Johnny the cook? Originally Posted by catnipdipper
CND - Obama IS a jackass; not only is it the symbol of his party, but it is how he acts (Andrew Jackson was called a jackass in the 1820s and was so proud of that caricature that Jackson made it the Democrat party symbol). And "boy" is an apt description because the Bamster acts like a petulant child - goes away and pouts if he doesn't get his way.

And, don't you remember Clinton telling the Swimmer during the 2008 campaign "You know, 150 years ago he'd be getting us coffee in the White House".


You must be a fan of Rush since he hadn't mentioned the flour in the hair until about a week ago. Welcome to dittohead nation.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
What everyone does not understand is left or right shit is fucked up and the blame game is getting old. The problem is people is people don't listen or read what people are thinking now they just want to say oh the left thinks this and the right thinks that. What we need are solutions not the same shit talking. They need to fire everyone over 40 let the new school in with fresh ideas.

As far as you dipshits who suck dirty cocks at the local gloyholes, why is it you can't read what I type but you can take your sticky finger in your booty fingers and found quotes and links to correct me. Don't you know teachers are under paid. If you just open your mind (and not just your asshole) you will see the light. Your not even worth the piss I leave on the side of the road. And your life must suck like a shemale at a tea baggers rally. I rather type poorly than be under classed by bums and old fuckers. I am starting a fund to pay for Elana and Silly girl to strap-on fuck you weak old bastards so you can calm down and let the true you out. Besides dirty dog said I can't take your lunch money any more. In the end choke on a dick and prosper bitches.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Thanks for the catch, I haven't listened to Rush as often as CDN so I missed that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Two for one? My lucky day. At this rate CDN and C2B will vapor lock.
another well thought out post by cheaper. and what a easy read.lol
Deacon, Galt, Barleycorn or as the movie was titled Sybil, or Herbert Philbrick in I led 3 lives, or the 3 Faces of Eve;

I am pretty sure you were used at night in the galley and while bent on the pickle kegs all the blood rushed to your head and killed most living brain cells you had. You slipped by the 80 IQ minimum and were put in the galley as an Oatmeal boiler. You like men with strapons or antique asian women as they make you feel special for a few minutes and they are really cheap too.

You slipped and slid your way to a government pension, used the VA for mental and health care and have abused the G.I. Bill with no known positive results. You are so alone and so insignificant that you try to bond with a fringe that you know from the internet and get to say inflammatory bizarre things like they do but you did not get to run for congress you just got to give them your money...............or maybe the ancient asians got the surplus?

Ida know man but as they say..................you ain't much, but you are a racist twerp in spite of the fact that maybe one time you knew a guy that was not white exactly but he did your ass just the same.