Showering ...

Lmao @ Kayla...crusty balls EWWWWW!

In this Texas heat in the summertime, my vote is for, "please do take five mintes to shower!" It's not like your gonna get in there and wash your hair and shave *giggles*, just hop in and freshen up, and you will definitely get better milage!

Maybe the lady was afraid you were going to take like 25 minutes, lol. Or perhaps, she's had some bad experiences with guys showering and it messing up her schedule? Just a guess. I personally have had a very pushy and total time hogger in the past that tried the ole get two hours for the price of one trick by requesting my presence in the shower and then expecting a full hour out of the shower...sometimes just a few sessions like that can make a girl wary. Again, I am just guesing.

So please, when you come visit me in the summertime, feel free to hop in the shower! There is always pleanty of soap and clean towels!
pyramider's Avatar
Wait, crusty balls are out? WTF Did I miss ANOTHER memo? Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA

Check your PMs.
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  • 07-08-2010, 09:54 AM
I personally have had a very pushy and total time hogger in the past that tried the ole get two hours for the price of one trick by requesting my presence in the shower and then expecting a full hour out of the shower...sometimes just a few sessions like that can make a girl wary. Originally Posted by Marla
I not sure why guys do that. For me the clock starts when I come in. Actually there is a benefit to a quick shower because when I come out "au naturel" it's time to start the session.

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pmdelites's Avatar
Wait, crusty balls are out? WTF Did I miss ANOTHER memo? Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
kayla, STINKY crusty balls are out. crusty ones are still ok. you do have some moisturizing lotion you can slather them with, donca??

btw, i received the memo about 5 yrs ago from a very sexy private postal delivery employee. maybe your postal delivery employee or your email provider were too embarrassed to deliver it :^)
pmdelites's Avatar
It worries me that we even need to remind people to shower... Yikes! Originally Posted by 1thatgotaway
Why wouldn't she want you to shower?!?! That's crazy. ... Originally Posted by Nina Rae
I like when guys shower first and smell all fresh and clean, ... I don't know why someone wouldn't, I mean who doesnt have a shower? Sometimes I may even like to join you Originally Posted by Miss Kitty
i would think that one of the many many reasons why guys dont shower or women dont expect him to show is that they are just not thinking about it.

taking a cool refreshing shower [in the summer, hot in the winter] and steaming up the bathroom!! that's what i like!!!

one woman i visited with many times would, in between rounds, give me a bath using oatmeal soap and coconum shampoo, a mani- and pedi-cures, and even buffed my fingernails! now i know why some of you women go to the manicure places. she also liked to undress me aforehand and dress me afterhand. ahhhhhhh! that was deliteful pleasure incarnate!!!

i always shower before i head to my encounters or shower once i arrive. in fact, i'm jumping in the shower right now!!!

cleanliness is next to sexiness!!!
cwebcoder's Avatar
I have to shower when I get there. No Air Conditioning in the vehicle, so in this Texas heat I show up like I've been in a sauna for 3 hours. I know I stink and it makes an embarrassing first impression. I even bring a change of clothes to put on when I leave.

Stay Clean. Stay Thirsty. Stay Safe.
Shower Often.
wild28's Avatar
I walked on a now retired provider once, for not letting me use the shower. Never saw her again either. I had just finished using the stairs all the way to the top and bottom of a 26 story building with no air conditioning in august.
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  • 07-09-2010, 12:00 PM
I walked on a now retired provider once, for not letting me use the shower. Originally Posted by wild28
I did too. She had a plumbing problem and apologized so I excused myself.

I was really excited about seeing her and was going to reschedule but she moved out of town the next week.

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pyramider's Avatar
This thread started to remind me of Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls from Southpark.
This thread started to remind me of Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls from Southpark. Originally Posted by pyramider
"Put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em and suck 'em and suck'em!" LMAO I love Southpark.

About my time hogger, some guys are just like that,goes with the territory, no real harm done besides I had to be bitchy But what I do love is that when a guy asks to use my shower (besides the freshness) he comes out in his birthday suit and I don't have to mess with all those annoying buttons and zippers!
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-09-2010, 07:05 PM
I appreciate when one is offered and available but I'm usually able to shower right before and the lingering olfactory sensations (aka smells ) make for a nice after glow on the way home.
I prefer a gentleman to shower so a shower is ALWAYS available at my incall(s) AND.....if you are nice enough my monkey will scrub your back!

The Original Jenna of Dallas
Spikebaby Originally Posted by Spikebaby

I want some of that!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL maybe stinky balls is a huge turn on for her!! Lol j/p. I would never tell a gentlemen no he could not use the shower, to me, it means you respect not only yourself, but cleary have some respect for the provider too.
lilsmurf's Avatar
+1 thabear