Meet & Greet in Temple v-2.0

If I'm in town I would be interested in coming.
I'm down
I want to cum !
Sounds fun....I'm down!!
Yaay it's gonna be fun
Would it be OK if both me and my wife were there? Or would that be weird?
Hephaestus's Avatar
It's getting real close, I'm excited, this is gonna be awesome!
Today is the last day to reserve your spot to the meet & greet so if I haven't yet screened and sent u an address please pm me
cablatino's Avatar
I would like to make it but what time and date?
Hephaestus's Avatar
Thank you all for coming, it was awesome and great to meet you all.
It was great to meet everyone! Also wanted to say thanks to everyone for making us feel comfortable. We were a bit nervous, but everyone was so friendly and nice. Such a great time! And many thanks to the Host with the Most, Hephaestus!
Thank you for having us it was a good time.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Great big wide huge thank you to Hephaestus and Sexctexan. Excellent party. REALLY had fun.
elhomeboy76's Avatar
Had a blast last nite, it was great company and food. thanks to hephaestus and sexctexan for putting it together. It was good seeing old faces and meeting new ones hopefully next time, my Heinekens wont take too long to get there lol.
ffireman's Avatar
A meet and greet and the fireman was not invited. What's up with that