Good ole' Bachmann fact checking

Rodram's Avatar
You losers had 2 years during the campaign to run Obama into the ground and you failed miserably and you're answer to him was John McCain and SARAH PALIN! LMAO!!

Michelle Bachmann is 2 DAYS into her campaign and she's screwed up twice already! The first day by confusing John Wayne with John Wayne Gacy(serial killer LOL!!!) and the second day screwing up basic American history.

And what did you want to say about President Obama?!? Say hello to a 2nd term baby!! YEEE HAAA!
I B Hankering's Avatar
And the “Anointed One” does it with a teleprompter.”
You losers had 2 years during the campaign to run Obama into the ground and you failed miserably and you're answer to him was John McCain and SARAH PALIN! LMAO!!

Michelle Bachmann is 2 DAYS into her campaign and she's screwed up twice already! The first day by confusing John Wayne with John Wayne Gacy(serial killer LOL!!!) and the second day screwing up basic American history.

And what did you want to say about President Obama?!? Say hello to a 2nd term baby!! YEEE HAAA! Originally Posted by Rodram
No one dogged Obama during the campaign because he was the Anointed One. The press refused to say anything bad about him. They were so mesmerized by him they collectively had exited peeing puppy syndrome. Now, hopefully the gloves will be off. Now, hopefully the Republicans will present someone that is competent and sellable.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-29-2011, 02:21 PM
No one dogged Obama during the campaign because he was the Anointed One. The press refused to say anything bad about him. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

And apparently you've never heard of FOX News. And you seem to have been asleep during the whole Reverend Wright affair.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-29-2011, 02:27 PM
And the “Anointed One” does it with a teleprompter.” Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Say what you want about using teleprompters during speeches....teleprompters, note-sheets, they all do it in one form or another.

But Obama's allowed himself twice now to be interviewed by O'Reilly. Once by someone else on FOX News. I don't recall Bush going on Olbermann. Or Maddow. McCain either, for that matter. Palm-Reader-Palin? Wanna lay bets?

The running memes about some people say more about their critics than it does about them.
Rodram's Avatar
No one dogged Obama during the campaign because he was the Anointed One. The press refused to say anything bad about him. They were so mesmerized by him they collectively had exited peeing puppy syndrome. Now, hopefully the gloves will be off. Now, hopefully the Republicans will present someone that is competent and sellable. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Lets see, what were the fav bumper sticker declarations from republicans during the campaign....... oh yeah, Socialist, Marxist, He's an Arab, He's just a community organizer, black man is gonna take our country away and lets not forget the media orgasm over Sarah Palin etc......

Republicans had their own zombie army like FOX news and every AM radio geriatric Social Security recipient show like Rush Limpballs, Glen Feckless, etc..

"Now the gloves come off" ?!? Shit you guys were sending armed people to the townhalls and you still lost the Healthcare debate!! C'mon you've got nothing and you know this man!!! LOL
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-29-2011, 04:13 PM
C'mon you've got nothing and you know this man!!! LOL Originally Posted by Rodram
Teleprompters. Birth Certificates. Playing golf. That's what they've got.

Lets see, what were the fav bumper sticker declarations from republicans during the campaign....... oh yeah, Socialist, Marxist, He's an Arab, He's just a community organizer, black man is gonna take our country away and lets not forget the media orgasm over Sarah Palin etc......

Republicans had their own zombie army like FOX news and every AM radio geriatric Social Security recipient show like Rush Limpballs, Glen Feckless, etc..

"Now the gloves come off" ?!? Shit you guys were sending armed people to the townhalls and you still lost the Healthcare debate!! C'mon you've got nothing and you know this man!!! LOL Originally Posted by Rodram
Rodram, i dont know where you came from, but your funny as Fuck!!"Rush LIMPBALLS"!!LMFAO!!You mix just right amount humor to your ideals in a way thats cool.."hes an ARAB"!!LMAO!it is true the way it happened and sounds funny the way you say it..
Teleprompters. Birth Certificates. Playing golf. That's what they've got.

Originally Posted by Doove
You losers had 2 years during the campaign to run Obama into the ground and you failed miserably and you're answer to him was John McCain ! Originally Posted by Rodram
PUUHLEEASEE !! McCain was a fall guy gift.. NOT my have to admit, Palin freaked everyone out for awhile there..It was the dems turn in 08....8 yrs dems, 8 yrs order..
Lets see, what were the fav bumper sticker declarations from republicans during the campaign....... oh yeah, Socialist, Marxist, He's an Arab, He's just a community organizer, black man is gonna take our country away and lets not forget the media orgasm over Sarah Palin etc......

Republicans had their own zombie army like FOX news and every AM radio geriatric Social Security recipient show like Rush Limpballs, Glen Feckless, etc..

"Now the gloves come off" ?!? Shit you guys were sending armed people to the townhalls and you still lost the Healthcare debate!! C'mon you've got nothing and you know this man!!! LOL Originally Posted by Rodram
Let me start by saying, I don’t watch TV. Personally, I’m not a sound bite idiot, but there are plenty of them around. That’s how people get elected now days. The real press didn’t call him a Marxist, an Arab and all that nonsense it was a bunch of yahoos playing grab-ass with each other and that have access to printing press calling him– not the real Press. I do think his is way off the centerline left, but pulling out inflammatory and or bigoted terms isn’t my style. The bottom line truth, except for Fox and some pendants, he was given a total bye by the legitimate press.

And, I’m not Republican. I am a diehard Independent. I want the best man for the job. I do not believe in absolutes – Never have. I believe when someone buys a platform hook, line and sinker especially something as important as our elected officials they are letting themselves and their fellow man down a bit. I hated Bush even more than I dislike Obama. Obama’s just a brown noser that is in over his head. Bush was evil.

Rodman, I hope we have fun debating.

And apparently you've never heard of FOX News. And you seem to have been asleep during the whole Reverend Wright affair. Originally Posted by Doove
Doovie in your infinite wisdom you are asking me to show links to what I have stated doesn’t exist. I said the press didn’t give sufficient coverage to the fact that he was in no way qualified to be president. It wasn’t the Reverend White affair; it was the sittin’ in a hate whitie church affair. If a white guy had gone to a church that bilged hate towards black people, he would have been hung, crucified, shot, stampeded, his kids bird-dogged in the streets, his wife’s past drug up and the mainstream press would have camped out on his lawn for weeks after he withdrew from the race. It’s not all Democrat good / all Republican good. Your anger and rage delegitimize your claims.

You should also know from our various discussions that I think that when liberals only fall back position is Fox News. That they have already lost the debate. It isn't a defense in a legitimate debate but rather a sticks and stones comment.

It pisses me off to no end when people take the trivial, such as his golf rounds, and try to make something out of it. It gives the righteous an excuse. The fact that he plays golf isn’t the issue. The fact that he can’t make a decision is. The fact that he’s broken campaign promise after campaign promise. And mind you these aren’t little promises. Getting out of Iraq is a major, big time issue. Seeking amnesty for the Mexican immigrants is a major, big issue. Especially if you look at their voting numbers. He’s moving to the center and finally making a decision about leaving Iraq because it is Campaign Season. Anyone who wants to get him out of office needs to stop preaching to the choir and concentrate on his real and numerous shortcomings.
jhende3's Avatar
I'm going to tell you all something before i make my comment. First i love politics fell in love with it back in 2000. I'm a democrat. And i love a good fight.

Now that been said here are some other things you might want to know. The republican could win in 2012. But they have to cut lose the craziness. Shake the Tea party and put up someone who isn't stupid. They haven't done that yet and i doubt they will this year. The more you attack Obama with crazy stuff the stronger he becomes in a general election. Nobody going to vote for someone who believes the stuff most of these guys come up with.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-29-2011, 06:25 PM
Let me start by saying, I don’t watch TV. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Interesting, since you also make this claim:

The bottom line truth, except for Fox and some pendants, he was given a total bye by the legitimate press.
Sorry, but given your first comment, i find it impossible to take your second comment seriously.

I've never been to Texas, but i know for a fact that New York has the best providers. That's how ignorant you sound.

Doovie in your infinite wisdom you are asking me to show links to what I have stated doesn’t exist.

I'm asking you to back up your empty claim. Something you can't do with any level of credibility since you admit you totally ignore half the institution that your issue is about.

I said the press didn’t give sufficient coverage to the fact that he was in no way qualified to be president.
What's your definition of "qualified"? Mine is "smart", and Obama was as smart or smarter than anyone running. And i didn't hear much of how anyone else wasn't "qualified".

It wasn’t the Reverend White affair; it was the sittin’ in a hate whitie church affair.
Ahhh, so the truth is finally starting to come out.

If a white guy had gone to a church that bilged hate towards black people, he would have been hung, crucified, shot, stampeded, his kids bird-dogged in the streets, his wife’s past drug up and the mainstream press would have camped out on his lawn for weeks after he withdrew from the race.
It’s not all Democrat good / all Republican good. Your anger and rage delegitimize your claims.
You're the one who goes on continual anti-Obama rampages, using silly hate-filled nicknames like "anointed one" (not to mention "Doovie") with little more than vague gripes about his supposedly not being a leader or some such nonsense. I'm just calling bullshit when i see it. And saying the press gave Obama a free ride is bullshit in and of itself, but especially flagrant coming from someone who doesn't even turn on a TV.

Let me guess, you were a Hillary supporter, right?

You should also know from our various discussions that I think that when liberals only fall back position is Fox News. That they have already lost the debate. It isn't a defense in a legitimate debate but rather a sticks and stones comment.
This just goes to show how someone so smart can sometimes be so dumb. You made a comment about the media giving Obama a free ride. If you think FOX News shouldn't be part of the rebuttal, you're nuts.

It pisses me off to no end when people take the trivial, such as his golf rounds, and try to make something out of it. It gives the righteous an excuse. The fact that he plays golf isn’t the issue.
Oh, but the fact that he didn't show you his long form original birth certificate was?

The fact that he can’t make a decision is.
There you go again with your vague complaints that could just as easily be said about anyone. Newsflash - when someone is making decisions that affect millions of people, you damn well bet i want him taking his sweet ass time. I also want someone who makes every effort to balance what the people want with what's actually best. That doesn't come with a simple snap of the fingers. But when you've got little else, i guess that's what you hang your hat on, eh Olivia?

The fact that he’s broken campaign promise after campaign promise. And mind you these aren’t little promises. Getting out of Iraq is a major, big time issue.
And he's working towards that end. And combat troops are out of Iraq. Maybe if you turned on the news once in a while, you'd know that.

He’s moving to the center and finally making a decision about leaving Iraq because it is Campaign Season.
So since he didn't do it within the first 2 years, it doesn't count because now it's "campaign season". See how ridiculous you are?

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-29-2011, 06:34 PM

You should also know from our various discussions that I think that when liberals only fall back position is Fox News. That they have already lost the debate. It isn't a defense in a legitimate debate but rather a sticks and stones comment.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Kind of like name calling?
Rodram's Avatar
PUUHLEEASEE !! McCain was a fall guy gift.. NOT my have to admit, Palin freaked everyone out for awhile there..It was the dems turn in 08....8 yrs dems, 8 yrs order.. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Hey Jon thanks for the compliment!

I'll be honest I thought McCain was going to be hell for Obama to beat and I liked him in the beginning.

He was co-sponsor of the Dream Act and the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform bill which I thought was just awesome. Add in the American Hero thing and he had a head of steam. But then there was the Klondike Kardashian and that was the end.

And I can't leave out Meghan McCain!! What I could do with a can of Whip cream and a hotel room with that woman would cause her to drive to the nearest church and scream for forgiveness!!