Another bummed Dallas trip

Things will start to get better once the unemployment rate starts climbing more rapidly. Until then the princess attitude will continue to prevail due to the abundance of simpy men and foolish men
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There is an old saying, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". I know unexpected events in life happen, but those excuses are used far more than the reality is, so if a provider makes an appointment with you and fails to show, cut her loose and never contact her again for an appointment. In addition, let your hobby brothers know what happened as well. No one is here to have to beg to spend his money.

If you want to really rub it in, do a review of a provider you saw in her absence and send the review to her with the donation highlighted. Sure, the ladies say that all money is not good money, but really, it is all the same as last time I looked, the groceries you buy are the same price no matter who gave it to you or where that money came from.

If done right when giving intel on "my shit don't stink" providers and other hobbyists decide their money is better spent on a lady with a better attitude, then eventually, the lack of their phone ringing will either make them quit the business or change their ways, both of which is good news for the hobbyists.
I'm at that point now that i'm going to call out the ones that ghost or NCNS after making an agreement for a meeting. The ones that don't reply will get a second chance due there might be a legit reason for it. But if they flake on me after agreeing to meet i will be calling them out to let others know about it and wil not be trying with them again.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-02-2024, 03:34 PM
^You should. Gents that do it to me then ask me for another chance must pay a deposit of fifty percent of my rate for that date.
It goes both ways.
secondHandNews's Avatar
[I]f a provider makes an appointment with you and fails to show, cut her loose and never contact her again for an appointment. In addition, let your hobby brothers know what happened as well.... If done right when giving intel on "my shit don't stink" providers and other hobbyists decide their money is better spent on a lady with a better attitude, then eventually, the lack of their phone ringing will either make them quit the business or change their ways... Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Except that this "market forces correction" generally doesn't work. Other hobbyists too often ignore the negative intel and continue to book appointments with the offending providers, so there's absolutely no incentive for them to change. Guys seem to think, "She ghosted him because he was a jerk. I'm a nice guy so she won't do that to me." They don't look at her behavior and cross her off their list simply because of it. They should be telling themselves, "I don't want to see a provider who treats any client like that because it's only a matter of time before she does that to me." Sadly, they don't, and it's business-as-usual for her as she processes her new requests and the ghosted client becomes a distant memory.

The other issue is that guys are punished for reporting such bad behavior. The provider community rallies to her defense instead of calling her out by saying, "Stop doing this shit. You're making all of us look bad." They make note of the troublemaker and refuse to see him. Or at least the threat of being blacklisted keeps him quiet. Most of us just take it on the chin and don't report it because we fear getting locked out. I don't know one truly safe space to discuss poor provider behavior. Theoretically, it should be the Men's Lounge or some similar space, but there are spies in the midst who are all too happy to go reporting the troublemakers to their mistresses.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Except that this "market forces correction" generally doesn't work. Other hobbyists too often ignore the negative intel and continue to book appointments with the offending providers, so there's absolutely no incentive for them to change. Guys seem to think, "She ghosted him because he was a jerk. I'm a nice guy so she won't do that to me." They don't look at her behavior and cross her off their list simply because of it. They should be telling themselves, "I don't want to see a provider who treats any client like that because it's only a matter of time before she does that to me." Sadly, they don't, and it's business-as-usual for her as she processes her new requests and the ghosted client becomes a distant memory.

The other issue is that guys are punished for reporting such bad behavior. The provider community rallies to her defense instead of calling her out by saying, "Stop doing this shit. You're making all of us look bad." They make note of the troublemaker and refuse to see him. Or at least the threat of being blacklisted keeps him quiet. Most of us just take it on the chin and don't report it because we fear getting locked out. I don't know one truly safe space to discuss poor provider behavior. Theoretically, it should be the Men's Lounge or some similar space, but there are spies in the midst who are all too happy to go reporting the troublemakers to their mistresses. Originally Posted by secondHandNews
I agree.

I have always said when you let a provider know what you like in a session you pay for instead of going with the flow and hoping for the best, then the provider puts it out there that you are hard to please and have to be an asshole.

Report that a provider shortchanged you on service after you paid her the full donation, NCNSed you or lied just to get you to set the appointment, then surprisingly, it is construed as your fault.

The worst thing is, other hobbyists take the provider's side and defend their honor so they can freely go screw some other guy over in the future. So, your only solution is to stick with the ones who give great service to you and when you do venture out to get some new to you and it is crappy, you are scared to report so stay silent, aka, go along to get along. The ones that do not do that concept is a reason why some of the guys here have so many haters!
katherynlust's Avatar
I am honestly constantly hearing about ghosting and cancellations.... I feel for y'all/ people I've seen/ friends I've made in the hobby, too. But it doesn't happen with me
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Providers get NS or Cancellations as much as you all get
gosted or cancel on and most of the time don't re-book or make it up , Not all ,but this does happen.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
NCNS is the cost of doing business in this hobby and should be reported when it happens. There is a big difference in outcomes after a NCNS. When a provider does a NCNS on a hobbyist, not only is she given a pass and even lauded for doing so, but sometimes, even the hobbyist gets blamed for her NCNS. When a hobbyist does a NCNS on a provider, he is a total asshole, no provider should ever see him and he is a total outcast in the hobby world.
I'm glad to know it is not just happening to me. I have one I'm done with. She text's back a day or even 3 later and says yes to a date request from 3 days prior and then her response is at 4am!
Or around noon we set for around 6:30 and then noting or then at 10pm the wife and I are crawling in bed and asks if we are still on.
No you never replied at 5:30, 5:45, or 6:00 so no we are not.

****Up Date***
Just decided to tell this lady I'm done trying to schedule and that I need a lady that I can see on a regular basis.
So I get a reply "I'm available now".. I said I am not it's a work day, her response was literally "HUH, what does tht mean" :-O
Miss, that means I'm working, it is the middle of the day in the middle of the week.
That thing that people do to earn money.

I SHIT YOU NOT!!! This was just the literal conversation. SMDH...