If you could do .....

  • m2244
  • 09-08-2010, 09:44 AM
i'm not too sure about the jumping out of a plane part...being scared of heights LOL...but you never know I have been known to be spontaneous!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
After you look up, and fix any lines, and sure parachute is open right and full. You look around, what a view, like no other. I did it when I turned 40. Wish I did it when I was in my 20,s. They asked me to stop after the 3rd jump. Told me I was to relaxed. I was so in to the view that I never pulled the fake ripcord. And you have to pull it before they let you free fall with out the static line. Static line lets you fall away from the plane and open the chute when safe to open.

Where I went they have a radio in the helmet. Once you get in range. Tell you what way to turn to land where they want you to land.

Every time I jumped. The lines and chute did not work right. But the ground shool is great. You learn how to fix the lines and get the chute to fill with air. Then test by turn one way then back. Then you have what felt like a lot on time to look around. Till the radio starts to tell you what way they want you to turn to safely land where they want you to land.
Direct that 90% of the force structure from Afghanistan be brought home within six weeks.
brutusbluto's Avatar
I could never jump from an airplane. I would be to afraid of hitting the earth when the chute failed thus causing the planet to explode...lol

fall away from the plane and open the chute when safe to open. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I could never jump from an airplane. I would be to afraid of hitting the earth when the chute failed thus causing the planet to explode...lol Originally Posted by jymie

Broke my leg on my fourth jump, a night jump.

That fifth jump had me on an adrenalin overload.
jamesm637119's Avatar
I just want to bang all the girls on ECCIE for as long as it takes to make them cum right after I do lol.
  • m2244
  • 09-08-2010, 09:15 PM
lmao nice dream james LOL.....now what about a non sexual one...any takers?! lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I do have one. Something I have wanted to do to over 20 years.
I would like to be endowed with the power of making other people happy anytime I came into their presence.
brutusbluto's Avatar
To be endowed! sorry, couldn't resist...

I would like to be endowed with the power of making other people happy anytime I came into their presence. Originally Posted by Jakesteed
Since I'm tired of this current subjects daily news coverage, I would do this...

Build that mosque in NYC to show the world that America is NOT the small minded and arrogant country that people have it's perception of being...To prove that the 1st amendment for which we founded ourselves upon is as sacred today as it was when we signed the Declaration in 1776...That we are a country of united, eloquent, and enlightened citizens despite the efforts of extremists who twist the aspects of faith in something into a hypocrisy of truth, justice and freedom.
Inherit money like in the movie brewsters millions with Richard Pryor with the same plot line. Think I could burn through it fairly easily. I almost did the sky dive thing once, but when I was driving back with the money I realized I could take a plane ride to Arizona, enjoy a nice vacation and fly back home. Instead of 10 or 20 minutes of fun I got a whole week.
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
I want to have sex in zero-gravity.
  • Laker
  • 09-22-2010, 08:18 AM
I do have one. Something I have wanted to do to over 20 years. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Offshore, This thread got dropped, what was the 20 year wish?
I would love to travel the world with no worry of finances