Do you know just how sexy you are?

rxram03's Avatar
So gentlemen...When you dive in, just let go of all that junk and give your all Originally Posted by Reese Foster
That right there has been my struggle...just letting go and clearing my head. I'll be just fine for a while but then out of nowhere something will sneak in and unexplainably suggest itself...and BAM, can't finish. I've actually gotten to the point where before any bcd activities take place I warn the provider and assure them that it's not their fault, because really it isn't. I don't need a provider developing a complex because of me. aren't alone in this. In my experience, it has happened several times. I think maybe once you have established a connection with someone over a period of may become easier to relax and let it all go. Of course, I am not a guy so I have no proof of that. I hope that you are able to finally one day just let it go and have a blast.
  • Caleb
  • 01-11-2013, 01:15 AM
That right there has been my struggle...just letting go and clearing my head. I'll be just fine for a while but then out of nowhere something will sneak in and unexplainably suggest itself...and BAM, can't finish. I've actually gotten to the point where before any bcd activities take place I warn the provider and assure them that it's not their fault, because really it isn't. I don't need a provider developing a complex because of me. Originally Posted by rc83
Amen my brother, you are certainly not alone. After a couple of decades of a very plain vanilla, just going through the motions sex life, I decided there had to more to experience. In several sessions, I was so focused on keeping up with my lady, that things just didn't happen for me. Even so, I loved the sessions! And I found I was so right to believe their was more passion possible than what I had been experiencing. On follow-up visits, the outcome (damn I hate puns) was significantly greater. Many thanks to the amazing ladies here who have taught an old dog a few new tricks.

And to attempt to stay on topic, I have also found that sexy comes in all shapes, sizes, skin tone, hair colors... That ever difficult to define "chemistry" is what creates the greatest thrill.
I do.
pyramider's Avatar
In several sessions, I was so focused on keeping up with my lady, that things just didn't happen for me. Originally Posted by Caleb

Slow down, keep up? I am done in four minutes, or less, including foreplay and cuddling.

Dannie, yes that particular lady left me dazed and very confused. But she tends to do that to me. Now regarding my tongue ... I have no idea what you are talking about. When I dine, I always make sure I chew my meal.
cheatercheater's Avatar
I think maybe once you have established a connection with someone over a period of may become easier to relax and let it all go. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
I know guys are suppose to be all tough and stuff and not let things bother them, especially sex with a hot woman. But... I for one sometimes over think things and it gets me in trouble.

For instance, one day I found myself face to face with a provider who has a stellar reputation for both looks and performance. I knew I wanted her in every way. Her reviews and pictures were spot on. I probably earned the award that day for "most likely to become my next stalker" because I slobbered all over myself telling her how pretty she was. I was intimidated by her reputation. Thoughts of what if I can't perform, or what if I cum on her hand as soon as touches me, or what if, or what if.

I can still see past my belly to see that there ain't much there and I know I have a trigger that can go off at a feathers touch. Add those factors to being nekkid with a super hot lady and you can see why the nerves kick in. With that said, I do believe future visits will become more relaxed and make it easier to let go and dive in for fun.

Thanks to the OP and all the other remarkable ladies who understand our insecurities and still show us a great time!
Interest023's Avatar
This is a sweet post. Made me as a client feel good and shed a little of that insecurity. Thanks.
I think a lot of ladies (and that includes a lot of SOs) really don't realize how sexy they are and how easy it is for them to turn a guy on. We guys are a pretty simple lot overall, and most of us just want to make our lady happy. A bit of gratitude for attempting to satisfy your needs would go along way. (And probably could reduce the market for providers significantly.) It is why so the hazy characteristic we call ILLUSION OF PASSION is hard to find yet so desired. So desired in fact, that a premium price will be paid for it.

And yes, it can be intimidating for a guy to be in the presence of some of the ladies here. Taking the OP as an example, Reese, your reputation in the bedroom is stellar. The reviews of you by some of the more prolific writers here overwhelm us mere mortals. You speak of confidence of the guys, but the confidence you exude here also adds to your sexy persona.

I bet a lot of ladies here would be shocked how many guys have never seen them because the guy does not think he can live up to the lady's expectations for a date.

I could go on, but I think the point has been well made in this thread.

Oh, and by the way, nice job Reese. You sent me to google to figure out what FDAU stood for, that was a new one for me.
Papacorn's Avatar
Ty for a nice post topic Reese. We all have ways of dealing with the parts of ourselves we don't feel good about. But the feedback from a beautiful woman that appears to be ACTUALLY ENJOYING our attention is the best feeling there is. Even better if the lady really does ! Lol

And to IP's point - nothing is as sexy as confodence - I love a woman who knows what she wants and takes it...

Now damn, where is my ATM card....
mtabsw's Avatar
Thanks Reese - you do say the sweetest things ...

Plus the above - a few recent memories

"Can you get here right away?"
"do you mind if I get on this thing?"
"Hmmph, mmmmhhh, mmmmmm"
rxram03's Avatar
In several sessions, I was so focused on keeping up with my lady, that things just didn't happen for me. Even so, I loved the sessions! Originally Posted by Caleb
Same here, regardless of my shortcomings I still enjoy each session. As long as I can get her off I'm happy. I know that's a backwards idea, hobbyist paying to get a provider off, but for me it helps me to feel less inadequate.
Interest023's Avatar
Same here, regardless of my shortcomings I still enjoy each session. As long as I can get her off I'm happy. I know that's a backwards idea, hobbyist paying to get a provider off, but for me it helps me to feel less inadequate. Originally Posted by rc83
Here here.

He read one of my previous posts on DATY and followed my "directions" to a T. How sexy is that?
Originally Posted by Reese Foster

You're a class act all the way around. Could you direct this gent to said post about DATY. Maybe some pointers will benefit my lack of talent in that department. Then I'll have the confidence to meet you some day!
Thanks Reese. You do it again
Chevalier's Avatar
I bet a lot of ladies here would be shocked how many guys have never seen them because the guy does not think he can live up to the lady's expectations for a date. Originally Posted by tigercat
I always assumed I wouldn't, whether it's appearance, personality, skill, or whatever. But many of the ladies: (a) are sexually open and can enjoy themselves even with a mediocre partner[*]; (b) are kind to us in person; and (c) would never think of gossiping negatively about us. And even though they wouldn't date me in RL, this is P4P. So, as long as I chose the right ladies, I didn't let any of my deficiencies intimidate me.

But I understand that some guys do.

[*] A wise women once explained to me that men don't give women orgasms. It's more about the woman being relaxed and in tune with her own body. For the most part, women give themselves orgasms and we men just have to avoid interfering with that. Much easier!