"America Without a Middle Class"

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hopefully he will get elected, and issue an executive order forcing you to only shop at the Walmart in the worst section of Austin, where they will beat the shit out of you for being white, and you will tell the Austin American-Statesman you deserved it because of white privilege. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Spoken like a true dipshit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Deb, have you ever heard of Alan Dershowitz? He is a real smart guy and a liberal. He has to be four times smarter than the dung beetle Chomsky. You might check him out.
My future vote goes with the best woman Elizabeth Warren!


Yeah, go girl go!:

Hey, are you gonna arrest me for being honest???


Tried to upload a pic, but it's a bit difficult on this website, since they do not know how to resize a digital photo Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Hi Deb, let me preface my question to you first, I do respect your opinion, but I must beg the questions. Is it because she a woman, that she has your vote and second, how do you think the government will help the middle class?

I will just inject my opinion here and you reply. IMHO the government just pays people to be losers, and that is very sad, they should be paying people to reach their potential, but instead they take away from those people to give to the losers, that being welfare payroll.
LexusLover's Avatar
Like you? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm not gay. Sorry. You'll have to flirt with someone else.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am pro-choice but firmly believe that not a single cent of tax collected or government borrowed dollars should be spent for abortion. Government sposored abortionsis little more than genocide follwoing the practice of eugenics.

The goal of all socialists is to have only two classes, the ruling class and everybody else.
A step in the right direction would be to close the White House and make it a museum. Move the leaders to a prairie dog farm aka cubicles and let them take public transportation wherever he or she goes. Cut all pay and perqs to the median income and make em pay for their own travel expenses. All government employees whould have to wear a standerad issue uniform like maybe coveralls with no exceptions.

Ah utopia, I cant wait.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hi Deb, let me preface my question to you first, I do respect your opinion, but I must beg the questions. Is it because she a woman, that she has your vote and second, how do you think the government will help the middle class?

I will just inject my opinion here and you reply. IMHO the government just pays people to be losers, and that is very sad, they should be paying people to reach their potential, but instead they take away from those people to give to the losers, that being welfare payroll. Originally Posted by Cherie
Why not strip away all the meaningless bullshit, Cherie, and get to the point: You are apparently are a TP supporter. Why would you imply that government's job is to provide for the middle class and eschew the poor? Have you ever been down and out, flat on your back? OK. Maybe a poor choice of words, but you know what I'm saying.

I urge you to get your talking points straight. And checking your sources before you spin off into the Ann Coulter-sphere wouldn't hurt either.
LexusLover's Avatar
Have you ever been down and out, flat on your back? OK. Maybe a poor choice of words, but you know what I'm saying. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I know exactly what you are saying.

But personally after 2 or 3 generations one would think a FAMILY could be "up and out" .... off their "back" .... and would have found something productive to do in order to provide for themselves. But that's just my thoughts.

What are yours on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th+ generation welfare families?
Why not strip away all the meaningless bullshit, Cherie, and get to the point: You are apparently are a TP supporter. Why would you imply that government's job is to provide for the middle class and eschew the poor? Have you ever been down and out, flat on your back? OK. Maybe a poor choice of words, but you know what I'm saying.

I urge you to get your talking points straight. And checking your sources before you spin off into the Ann Coulter-sphere wouldn't hurt either. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Honestly, now your really getting on my nerves by changing my words, just like all your ilk. I never said anything about "government providing for the middle class". The middle class can very well take care of themselves, just as they always have, as they are not afraid to work unlike "the losers". Just to clarify, I am not speaking of people who need "a bridge", I speaking of the people who simply don't want to work and want to live off the dole, and have all their entitlements like getting TV's, phones, etc., hell that's not what poor is.

If government would get the hell out of the way, we wouldn't have "the losers" or at the very least, they could take responsibility for themselves. The middle class would grow, as the government would not be taking their money, and "the Capitalists" and the "free market" would allow for the real growth of this country, not the quantitative easing that is happening right now, another reason why the middle class is shrinking.

"Equal opportunity" means that if you stay in school, if you get the necessary qualifications, and if you have the right personality, you will have the same chances of employment as everyone else.

I've said all I'm going to say to you, as it appears you are just an argumentative human being that lacks debating skills in getting you point.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Deb, have you ever heard of Alan Dershowitz? He is a real smart guy and a liberal. He has to be four times smarter than the dung beetle Chomsky. You might check him out. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
While I don't consider Chomsky to be a "dung beetle" I do agree with JD that Dershowitz is a good read.

Come to Wichita!
While I don't consider Chomsky to be a "dung beetle" I do agree with JD that Dershowitz is a good read.

Come to Wichita! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
dull knife has finally "come out" he has invited JD to come to Wichita.
LexusLover's Avatar
Honestly, now your really getting on my nerves by changing my words, just like all your ilk. .... Originally Posted by Cherie
Actually, you are looking at that tactic wrong ....

.... it is in reality an admission of defeat.

He's lost this discussion, so he wants to change it to the discussion he wants.

His "ilk" does the same constantly on here ....

.............. this is the only place they can get away with such foolishness.
LexusLover's Avatar
dull knife has finally "come out" he has invited JD to come to Wichita. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If I didn't believe better, I'd think you were jealous!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is this certain Arab provider in Wichita.....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
dull knife has finally "come out" he has invited JD to come to Wichita. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Lol! Let me rephrase that. While JD is certainly welcome to come to Wichita, my invitation is extended to Deb, which is not all that is extended to her.
While I don't consider Chomsky to be a "dung beetle" I do agree with JD that Dershowitz is a good read.

Come to Wichita! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Chomsky is a naive social-progressive who doesn't realize that in the utopian society that he envisions, he will be digging potatoes in the Gulag.