Gen. Flynn asks to withdraw guilty plea

With the FBI already caught lying to the FISA court Originally Posted by HedonistForever
its sad that the fisa court seems to be chummy with the liars and not as concerned as they should be with the lies nor the liars

they appointed an Obama lawyer, long time defender of the Russian investigation hoax, to review the fbi's surveillance procedures
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2020, 08:54 AM
Beginning to think the FISA court was very sympathetic to the FBI false Steele dossier reason for their warrants.

The "kiss on the cheek" reprimand of the FBI reeks of complicity of a DPST-oriented Obama appointed court.

If the trump administration had done the misdeed - the LSM and DPST's would be up in arms demanding jail sentences, and the FISA court would referring for criminal action.
lustylad's Avatar
Hopefully he will be tried and shot for the traitorous asshole that he is.

Fucking guy was anti the Muslim Turkey President until he got a huge contract from the said cocksucker(Muslim Turkish President) and switched sides. Originally Posted by WTF
Just curious.... was he being a "traitorous asshole" when he was anti-Erdogan? Or was it when he became pro-Erdogan?

Was he charged with violating the Logan Act? That's what they normally use to prosecute "traitorous assholes". You know... people like John Kerry as a private citizen advising the Iranians to undermine US Government foreign policy. That's a cut-and-dried example of a Logan Act violation.

Is everyone whose political views you dislike now a "traitorous asshole"?

In your creeping senility you are rapidly becoming as incoherent as jaxboy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-15-2020, 12:16 PM
Just curious.... was he being a "traitorous asshole" when he was anti-Erdogan? Or was it when he became pro-Erdogan?

Was he charged with violating the Logan Act? That's what they normally use to prosecute "traitorous assholes". You know... people like John Kerry as a private citizen advising the Iranians to undermine US Government foreign policy. That's a cut-and-dried example of a Logan Act violation.

Is everyone whose political views you dislike now a "traitorous asshole"?

In your creeping senility you are rapidly becoming as incoherent as jaxboy. Originally Posted by lustylad
Traitorous when he changed his mind on Erdogan after he took money from Turkey.

Judge Sullivan was correct the first time.

Kerry and to be fair so is Trump....courting moderates although I read where we are now open to talk with Iranian groups we had designated as terrorists as long as they were anti the present Iranian government.
HedonistForever's Avatar
People like WTF have demonstrated time and time again they don't car about legal definitions and say what ever they think or want to be true and when proven wrong simply do not care. The legal definition of treason.

There are two ways to commit treason: levying war against the government, and providing aid or comfort to the enemy.
Levying War

Levying war isn’t limited to formally declaring war. It includes any forcible opposition to the execution of a public law. Such “forcible opposition” ordinarily requires actual use of force by multiple people with the common purpose of preventing some law from being enforced. Weapons aren’t always required; sheer numbers can be enough.
Merely conspiring to overthrow the government isn’t levying war—there must be an actual assemblage of people who are ready and intend to use force. (But see “Related Crimes,” below.) So, no person acting alone can be guilty of levying war.

Providing Aid or Comfort

Providing aid or comfort to the enemy covers a variety of actions, from providing financial assistance to harboring an enemy soldier. Any intentional act that furthers the enemy’s hostile designs or weakens the United States gives aid and comfort to, and “adheres to,” the enemy.
Sympathy alone. Sympathy for the enemy by itself doesn’t constitute aiding or comforting. Rather, the actor must take some kind of action to provide aid or comfort.
Time of war. Treason by aiding the enemy can’t be committed during peacetime; there must be an actual enemy for the traitor to aid. The requisite enemy designation typically requires a formal declaration of war.

So, did Flynn levy war against the US? NO
Did Flynn give aid and comfort to an enemy, Turkey? No, Turkey is a NATO ally.
So neither Flynn nor Trump or anybody else for that matter as despicable as their opinions may be like Omar and Tlaib, nobody has committed treason but that won't stop people like WTF who will continue to spout things that are not true because he cares nothing for the truth.
lustylad's Avatar
People like WTF have demonstrated time and time again they don't car about legal definitions and say what ever they think or want to be true and when proven wrong simply do not care. The legal definition of treason....

....nobody has committed treason but that won't stop people like WTF who will continue to spout things that are not true because he cares nothing for the truth. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

You're catching on to him!
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2020, 03:23 PM
HF - exactly correct.

Those spouting the "treason" concept have no conception of the definition under the Constitution.

And are not capable of understanding if they read it, nor want to adhere to if they did read it.

They only want "What i want" and "I want it now"!
Fascist DPST's learned how to lie from Goebbels and the national Socialists!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Sullivan is not allowing Flynn to opt out.

IB and LL continously got this wrong when Sullivan first came on board.

I'd have to dig up this threads to show you how wrong these pro Flynn assholes have been.

Flynn is a traitor...a paid voice to the highest bidder.his son should go to prison too. Originally Posted by WTF
Don’t waste your time, I’m aware.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-15-2020, 03:52 PM
People like WTF have demonstrated time and time again they don't car about legal definitions and say what ever they think or want to be true and when proven wrong simply do not care. The legal definition of treason Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Have you done any research on this cocksucker Flynn?

Have read his speech after secular Turks tried to overthrow this Muslim bastard?

And then heard how he switched after being paid a couple of bucks?
lustylad's Avatar
Have you done any research on this cocksucker Flynn?

Have read his speech after secular Turks tried to overthrow this Muslim bastard?

And then heard how he switched after being paid a couple of bucks? Originally Posted by WTF
Oh my! Does he meet the legal definition of "cocksucker" - or just the WTF definition?

I found some of Flynn's lobbying on behalf of foreign governments unseemly but not traitorous.

If everyone in DC who failed to register as a foreign lobbyist was prosecuted then half of K Street would be in jail.

Which reminds me... why is Paul Manafort in jail yet Tony Podesta isn't?
bambino's Avatar
Oh my! Does he meet the legal definition of "cocksucker" - or just the WTF definition?

I found some of Flynn's lobbying on behalf of foreign governments unseemly but not traitorous.

If everyone in DC who failed to register as a foreign lobbyist was prosecuted then half of K Street would be in jail.

Which reminds me... why is Paul Manafort in jail yet Tony Podesta isn't? Originally Posted by lustylad
That’s ok, Barr is sending a few people to talk to Comey.
Jaxson66's Avatar
So, the House is sending someone to talk to lev Parnas.

Maybe you’ve heard of him...if not, you soon will.
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2020, 06:32 PM
j666 has his hopes up again - and will find them dashed upon the Rocks of Reality when the Senate votes acquittal.

Fascist DPST's will then scream "unfair" and demand a re-do.

Pelosi plans a new Impeachment for 2021.

j666 and ftw missed their real niche - Comedy Central is the next forum down.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-15-2020, 09:36 PM
Oh my! Does he meet the legal definition of "cocksucker" - or just the WTF definition? Originally Posted by lustylad
You definitely meet the definition

FRUAD Originally Posted by bambino
"HoseHummer AKA are correct sir!!