How important is appearance when selecting a Mistriss/DOM?

It isn't "costuming" that makes the Domme.
She could be wearing a leather catsuit and climb up the curtains.
Unless she can get into your head and make the magic happen, you are going to have a bad experience.
Your sex organ isn't between your legs, it is between your ears...your mind.
Fetishists are the most fun.

They fixate on one or two things and are good to go.
Either on them or you.
I miss my old ones.
Where are they now?
Very insightful comments. Kudos for having an understanding!

Maitresse Renee
It isn't "costuming" that makes the Domme.
She could be wearing a leather catsuit and climb up the curtains.
Unless she can get into your head and make the magic happen, you are going to have a bad experience.
Your sex organ isn't between your legs, it is between your ears...your mind. Originally Posted by *GoddessDallas*
My Mistress at home does:

1) wear a furry suit
2) has at times climbed up the curtain (bad Mistress!)
3) hasn't gotten INTO my head, but she's certainly trampled on and around it
4) She does like to sleep between my legs or curled up beside me

And, in her own way, she's completely dominating me and I'm her total slave (especially since I'm the one with opposable thumbs and I'm usually the one bringing home dinner)
Personally I start by looking at creativity. The ad\website has to draw me in. Then I look for activities. If we are not compatible it will not work. Then after that I look for reviews. Others experience may be different then my own but it can be indicative of what I should expect. Preferably the reviews will not be posted only on her site. Then I make a final decision based on looks and experience.

I consider experience low on the totem poll not because it lacks importance but because I feel the higher level things will rule out any inexperienced dommes who are just an escort trying to drum up some extra money while providing poor service.