Incall Preference. Providers pet out or not out during a session

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I have a Central Asian Ovcharka. He's a great dog, and he can always tell when I come home with the smell of pussy on me. Like 100% of the time.

I also once had a female friend who swore up and down that her dog hated hockey. Like watching hockey on television. Evidently the dog could tolerate anything else on the tube except hockey.

Put the dog and/or cat away when fucking. Probably best to assume that an extra set of eyes makes some squeamish people uncomfortable for whatever reason.
  • harry
  • 10-14-2015, 09:10 PM
I love animals, especially kitties so I have no problem meeting them and making new friends if they are sociable. I don't mind if they watch either. But some guys are allergic or may have problems explaining away strange pet hair. So I think a line in your showcase is a good idea and maybe informing them of your pet during screening would be something to consider.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I couldn't care less about cats. But I might spend the entire hour playing with your dog(s).
One reason why I don't do incalls at my place.......(cat hoarder).