Guys CHECK THE SHOW CASE TWICE..3 times. Get the CORRECT donation!

Pistolero's Avatar
TNguy, try P411. Most have prices there.
I think it relaxes the Provider if she sees you lay the stack of bills on the dresser at the start of the session. They tend to smile more :-)
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 02-23-2012, 05:01 PM
On the first meeting with a SP, I would lay the donation on the counter, with the bills 'fanned out', so she can see the amount without picking it up. This isn't possable if using a 'greeting' card, but my three cents worth.

An encounter with another provider, she didn't ask for donation at beginning of session, she had a great time, guess she forgot about the $$, but I made sure she had it before she left!

Be honest, best way to handle the donation!
Hi there hobby world! I'm sure this is been said before but dang it...check the ladies showcase and make sure you have the correct donation! I got shorted yesterday and it is NOT very fun! Now, I do believe it was a accident because when I got a hold of him, he did say he was sorry and if I would have called him right away, he would have corrected it (but I didn't see a offer to correct it anyway). Well, I got a phone call when he left so I way very distracted so I didn't count it right away. But I DID get a hold him within a hour of him leaving and did give him the option of getting a card to make up the difference so I hope he comes through (they are everywhere so he doesn't have an excuse).

But my point is, PLEASE take care of your end of the deal. I know for me personally, I'm ALWAYS ready on time and I do my best to try to give you a good time. I don't want to come off like I'm all business. I mean, I don't want to collect the donation and count it. It is kind of a buzz killer if you ask me.

So, lets hope this guy makes good on his deal (because I for filled my end) and all is good in hobby land.

Guys, what do you think of us ladies getting the donation up front? Cool or a buzz killer? And ladies, how do you handle things when you get shorted?
Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
shit happens. if it was a mistake, deal with it. If you got fucked, deal with it. Shit, do you know how many times the guys are baited and switched, robbed, no call no showed. It's part of the business.

With that said, I don't think paying a provider upfront is a buzzkill as long as she has good reputation. I don't like to pay backpage ladies upfront but verified eccie providers with a good rep, sure.
btw sorry that happened to you. YOUR HOT. certainly don't deserve that.
  • TNguy
  • 02-23-2012, 05:16 PM
Thanks Pistolero, I need to renew my P411 account as well
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
No, shit doesn't happen. And just because it "happens to guys all the time" doesn't make it right. I'm giving him a chance to square up on the problem. You can money cards everywhere . I for filled my end of the deal....period end of story.
Guys, what do you think of us ladies getting the donation up front? Cool or a buzz killer? And ladies, how do you handle things when you get shorted? Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
I Prefer to Pay up front, not a buzz kill.

I always give the donation up front. I'd rather get the business out of the way first and leave with the IOP still in my head. Originally Posted by sinkerswim
+1,000% Business out of the way FIRST

Sinkerswim I agree with you 1000%. I always have the lady count the donation in front of me, this does not take away from the time spent BCD.If anything the lady is more relaxed knowing she has the donation and the amount is correct. Originally Posted by durango95
+1,000% I believe the session goes a hell of alot smoother when she knows that she has the correct amount. I once had a session and the lady did NOT count it but, threw the envelope in drawer. After 1-hour, she started to get dressed, I asked her what she was doing since I payed for 90-min. She went to drawer and counted it and then she felt so bad she appoligzed and gave me additional 30-min more added on to the 90-min. = 2-hrs. After that session, I always make sure she counts it and understands the amount of TIME i payed for.

I agrree with the other posters. I would rather give the donation at the beginning. That way , you have paid, and she knows you paid and doesn't have to think about it and we can get to the fun stuff. Originally Posted by motor
+1,000% and she can never say she did not get the correct amount if you allow her to count it up front!!! So guy's, it goes BOTH ways. IMHO, If you go out of your way to get the business part of it out of the way FIRST, your session will have more enthusiam.

Getting and counting the donation up front is such a dicey issue. I personally hate doing it but at the same token, when I for filled my end of the deal and the guy shorts me, that sucks. I really do hope this guy squares up on this. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Darling, It is NOT dicey to me, I Prefer it.
There are many reasons to let her count it up front and I gave you a few Up there ^^^ ..... In my Experience, Providers will be more happier and when their happier, that will make the hobbyist happier, trust me on that one. Paying up front only has 2 draw backs, and thats with the cash-n-dash cheats & the IOP/GFE but, if you see trusted, well known providers, they WON'T cheat you, their rep means much more to them than a measly 2 or 3 bills.

I love when providers allow me to email back-n-forth, that way the TIME and ACTIVITIES come out, along with her current rate or special. I seen 2 NEW providers on Eccie but, they were vouched for by providers or hobbyists i trust. Word of mouth is the best advertising a provider can have, along with a great Rep.

pyramider's Avatar
Guys check the showcases multiple times . . . guys like to look at the photos . . .
Lunytunz's Avatar
I am sorry that occurred. There was a thread earlier about donations. I stand by my routine by verifying the donation rate prior to the visit. Now I took some heat from other providers regarding the discussion prior to the visit. It seems to make some of the providers uncomfortable, however I feel it is the best method to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. As far as counting the donation, I have NEVER had a provider count the remuneration in front of me. However I would have no problem with them checking. I have nothing to hide, especially if the donation rate has been made PERFECTLY CLEAR prior to the visit. There are a variety of different dontation rates in reviews. Sometimes the reviews never elucidate a rate, which is very frustrating. Occassionally the providers offer me a discount for being a great customer, or loyal repeat visitor. We do involve ourselves in a somewhat shady hobby. Indeed, integrity and honesty are not ubiquitous. Thats why we have reviews. We need to expose these "cheaters" for what they are. In this case, I'm sure this was a possible oversite by the hobbyist and I'm sure he will make it up to you. Clear communication is key in preventing this problem.
The Motley Fool's Avatar

I prefer she counts it in front of me, it doesn't bother me one bit. But since most providers will not... soon as I place the envelope down, I excuse myself, and go to the bathroom to wash my hands.

So hopefully they do.

Motley Fool
Sometimes a hobbyist will show up and the lady looks nothing like the pictures she posted or the service is bad yet she will still want the full fee and bitch until she is paid. Or worse the provider will post on the board what a dirtbag the hobbyist was. Some hobbyist short a lady on purpose or skip out paying all together. There are good and bad providers and hobbyist. Since the hobby is a business the lady is at risk being shorted or not paid at all. When you are in business for yourself you take certain risks.

With that said I will never understand why a provider does not answer emails or PM's requesting an appointment from hoobyist that have a reputation for paying and being a stand up kind of guy. Then there are the hobbyist calling off of backpage and before that Craigs List, trying to make contact with a new lady that has no reviews. Now we all were newbies once and we all have to take our lumps and learn from experience.

As long as there are men and women that want something for nothing, being shorted, ripped off and no showed will go on. Learn your lesson, move on and as in the words of The Who:

darkchoc6's Avatar
There are some providers who have different amounts on different websites. I understand that a p411 discount or an eccie discount may apply but some ladies have different discounts on their different sites. I may have found a lady on eccie, did my research on eccie and then booked the appointment through p411. I would assume that the p411 discount applies.

There are even some ladies who don't list a discount on either eccie or p411 but still have different rates listed on each site.

If I did short a lady on the donation, which I never have, then I would go out of my way to make it right.
steeplechase's Avatar
Sometimes posted rates change on showcases so I generally ask a provider to confirm the expected donation for the desired session length well before I arrive. I always put the donation in a card which I make visible upon arrival. From there I leave it up to the lady to do as she pleases. I had one lady ask me to take the money out and show it to her because she had been ripped off recently. Didn't bother me and made her comfortable to proceed.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Oh lesson learned all right but my reputation speaks for it self so no excuses on his part. Period.