Ginger, you are on the right track for getting some good pics. As previous posters have stated everything from fully clothed to totally nude are good. Have some of each. Keep it tasteful. Princess Karla from San Antonio has a shot of her genitals with a "star of light" covering the most private area. I find that shot tasteful yet extremely arousing.
It is best to get someone else to take the pics, while you pose. I see way too many shots taken in a mirror with the girl holding her camera.
Corsets and fishnet are fine with me, but also have some pics without those items, so we can see you are not hiding anything. I want to see what you really look like. Most men will date a woman with a few "flaws", but we want to be aware of it before hand. Don't PhotoShop your pics to create something you are not. Just wear outfits you like and that look good on you. The variety is endless.
Go to your library or bookstore and look at some books about fashion photography. You can get some good ideas from them. Think about photos you have seen that made an impression on you. What is there about that photo that made it stand out in your mind?
Ginger, you already seem to have a knack for posing in attractive positions. Your avatar uses a rock wall as an attractive background. The wall keeps the background from looking too "busy" and focuses the attention on YOU.
Your thong pic is very attractive!! Notice it follows the rule of thirds. Your body is in the left third. You present an attractive pose, your hands positioned to tell me you would like to show me more! (Quite honestly, it just gave me an erection and makes me wish I was in your city!!!!!) Now, where was I? Oh, I like the splashes of color the sexy outfits give the picture, and the haphazard way they are hanging and laying on the floor. Unfortunately, the technical quality of the pic is very poor. Even with its small size, I can almost make out the pixels. Use a camera that can make a good clear picture. You don't have to have pro equipment to get a good shot, but on the other hand cell phone cameras just don't cut it. I really prefer to have at least a 5 or 6MP camera with a decent lens. Even some pocket cameras can make some good shots. Also, try to post images in a size that will cover a lot of the computer screen. I don't like trying to look at images no larger than a wallet size photo!
Best wishes, Ginger!!! You have the potential to create a fantastic showcase. Go for it, sweetheart!!!!