Do you know anyone who packs a gun while visiting

SpiceItUp's Avatar
This is Texas what do you think?

However, it's stupid to do so even with a CHL as, if you get arrested for solicitation, it is my understanding that they can and likely will also add an Unlawful Carrying Weapons charge for carrying while committing a crime...

TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 07-05-2014, 01:16 AM
Always strapped...
poppy71's Avatar
Walk around with hundreds of dollars in cash going to meet person(s) you don't know.

How often do you do that. Originally Posted by wickerman1
That is everyday. I carry daily and I deal with different people daily and thats work stress. Fucking should not be stressful. I still maintain if I feel the need to carry because I am meeting a provider then she is the wrong provider. If you go looking for shit it will find you.
LexusLover's Avatar
Walk around with hundreds of dollars in cash going to meet person(s) you don't know.

How often do you do that. Originally Posted by wickerman1
Only in the bank lobby when a new teller is "on board."

Otherwise, when hobbying any body worth "hundreds of dollars" has already been "vetted" through looking through reviews or a reliable "vetting" service, and in that case only sufficient funds to cover the gift plus a modest gratuity in the event the companionship is exceptional.

The following comment will probably bring out some testosterone-laden responses (which would probably disqualify anyone from "carrying"), but ...

I seriously doubt, Wickerman, that your "tactical firearm" training included the scenario, in a live fire environment, in which you were lying on your back naked with your cock in a ladies mouth and your weapon holstered 10 feet away on your pants when someone busts through the door to the 400 sq. ft. room pointing their own firearm at you demanding your "hundreds of dollars" of "walking around money" you brought with you to enjoy a piece of ass.

What do you think?

Secondly, anyone dumb enough to confess on here in an open forum they "carry" a weapon any where probably should quit fucking all together, ...

..... with all due respect Poppy.
LexusLover's Avatar
This is Texas what do you think?

However, it's stupid to do so even with a CHL as, if you get arrested for solicitation, it is my understanding that they can and likely will also add an Unlawful Carrying Weapons charge for carrying while committing a crime...
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
At a minimum may...
...end up "trading" your weapon for a dismissal, even if a "bogus" charge.
poppy71's Avatar
..... with all due respect Poppy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Anyone dumb enough to not get my reply should quit reading and replying....with all due respect lexuslover. legally carrying is not a problem provided you obey the law but carrying to see a provider is just plain wrong. Last I checked this is texas and hell I assume most carry here anyway so admitting you do is no big deal...saying you need to carry when you go to see a lady makes me question what type of ladies you see.
This is all just hypothetical and for the sake of discussion people.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-05-2014, 10:09 AM
I've had my gun before but the ladies knew and I had seen them before. Not a big deal.
LexusLover's Avatar
Anyone dumb enough to not get my reply should quit reading and replying....with all due respect lexuslover. Originally Posted by poppy71
Like I said ... testosterone-laden responses will come out of the "wood work."

Any one dumb enough to announce to the public they "carry" anywhere ....

... needs to rethink "carrying," and probably didn't pass the written exam.

But if it makes one sound like a bad ass, ....

..... and gets some britches wet. Go for it.
poppy71's Avatar
Like I said ... testosterone-laden responses will come out of the "wood work."

Any one dumb enough to announce to the public they "carry" anywhere ....

... needs to rethink "carrying," and probably didn't pass the written exam.

But if it makes one sound like a bad ass, ....

..... and gets some britches wet. Go for it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
ok did you get your attention fix love to sound intelligent but I swear you have comprehension let's move on cause you obviously don't get it.
pyramider's Avatar
This is all just hypothetical and for the sake of discussion people. Originally Posted by wickerman1

Yeah right.
From a previous poster on this thread
""Man in SA is acquitted of murder after shooting a Craigslist prostitute in the neck because she refused to have sex with him, and refused to return his $150. The woman was 23. He was not charged with any other crime""

OK he 'saved' his $150 and got off. Now I ask you just how much was his legal defense??

How about $10,000? har har! that will be fighting a DWI!

Probably more like $30,000 to $40,000 just to save a measly $150

Best defense probably will be something like carry a bunch of $2 bills and toss them in the air and RUN
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Like I said ... testosterone-laden responses will come out of the "wood work."

Any one dumb enough to announce to the public they "carry" anywhere ....

... needs to rethink "carrying," and probably didn't pass the written exam.

But if it makes one sound like a bad ass, ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Very informative thread...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Too bad it's not loaded. Originally Posted by wickerman1

I have had a few gentlemen with legal, concealed handguns visit me. They were in professions that took them into situations (particularly overseas) where they got used to carrying weapons. I don't mind IF someone clears it ahead of time with me. (If I have screened you to see me the way that I do newbies, you have probably been screened enough for a state handgun license anyway.) I'd rather that they not leave guns in their cars. Break-ins happen in the best of places.

One time a fellow from ECCIE walked in and plunked one down without preamble. THAT made me nervous and threw me off my game, but we went on to have a very nice time, although I admit to a passing and possibly distracting thought about that gun sitting on my counter. I make no secret that I have quite a bit of useable bladed weaponry mounted on the walls of my incall as decor, so gentlemen have been warned.

Should providers carry? I've walked through the parking lots of 5-star hotels late at night WISHING I had a gun. It is a dangerous world. I suspect that the problem with most ladies (and probably more than a few men) is that owning a handgun (licensed or unlicensed) and practicing at a target range isn't enough. They aren't for bragging rights, nor are they a security blanket; you have to really be ready mentally to defend yourself with deadly force and willing to face the consequences legally and emotionally afterward.

I don't think that you necessarily need a gun for deadly force, however. Have you seen my spike heels?
Mexxxican Warrior's Avatar
Too bad it's not loaded. Originally Posted by wickerman1
Lmfao, thanks for the good laugh!