What are your thoughts on escort blogs

James, coming from a wordsmith like you, this is such a high compliment. *deep bows* I'm beyond grateful.

..You, Lena, have published some very fine writing. And I've enjoyed it, even when some of it addressed subjects outside my experience or personal interest. I tend to think there's always value in learning something about how the other half lives, even if you aren't considering joining up with the other half. Originally Posted by James1588

Yes! This is so hot to me.. Receiving affirmation that there are gentlemen like you who perceive companions more wholly. Please drool at the sight of our mammaries and derrière. But our passions and curiosities are intertwined with our physical attributes and do in fact shape how we move through the world and our appeal..

..if she's someone I'm contemplating seeing, I read every word I can find. Regardless of subject, it all gives hints about personality, temperament and so on. For me -- and I suspect I'm in the minority -- encourage your intellectual, verbose, and deeply introverted friend to write, and write, and write some more. What can it hurt? Originally Posted by James1588
1blackman1 gets it. And has the balls to be honest too. Very good sir!
Hmm... I'm fascinated by the fact that my little thread about escort blogs has shown us all that some in our "community" are unaware that companions and clients do sometimes have conversations with each other during an encounter.

Now, I love a shorter session. Sometimes an hour tryst is exactly what one needs. But honestly during a two hour or even a 1.5 hour session, an abundance of words can be exchanged. And if one wants to be vitriolic and spew salty opinions about how sex workers are just "whores" or "prostitutes" and no one really cares about our opinions, so be it. However, from a physiological standpoint, the majority of men have refractory periods. Whoever expected me to be mum for a whole five or eight or thirteen minutes in between one "round" and the next so as to keep my (dirty) irrelevant whore opinions to myself, probably wouldn't have passed my screening process anyway.

And then of course there are dinner dates or longer excursions where engaging in complex conversations is foreplay!
James1588's Avatar
I don’t care ... and ... I don’t know ... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Could've saved yourself some typing. And, after all, if you're typing, you're not jerking off and are thus wasting precious time. So go build up those right arm muscles and spare the rest of us your ugly gruntings.
Could've saved yourself some typing. And, after all, if you're typing, you're not jerking off and are thus wasting precious time. So go build up those right arm muscles and spare the rest of us your ugly gruntings. Originally Posted by James1588
What makes you think I jerk off with my right arm?

Ahh. Did I hurt your disillusioned sensibilities about why we are here? I pity you sir. Whore on.
This misfit kicks shit, but how will he get in the business? By rippinthedjdjsjahcanevenbegint odepectess
James1588's Avatar
What makes you think I jerk off with my right arm?

Ahh. Did I hurt your disillusioned sensibilities about why we are here? I pity you sir. Whore on. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Probabilities. More people are right-handed than not.

Pitying me ... another waste of your time. You're going to have to get a handle on the time management thing yourself. Sorry, I can't be your life coach.
1blackman1 you know as I do that these men are living a lie. Thinking they are connecting with providers. Lmao! A fool and his money soon part. Lol.

I know what I am paying for and I admit. If I want a dinner date I take a civilian lady out, no money exchanged and if there is connection more likely to be real. I do not waste my money on a provider. I pay provider for sexual acts nothing more. So do you but you have this fantasy that she likes you, lmao! She likes your money nothing more. If she likes you also her to dinner no sex, no money exchanged see how far that gets you, lol.
And when you mention something in conflict of their fantasy, they lower themselves to insults as they have nothing more to debate you with.
Blackman uses one of those robo sex machines to jerk off. It's perfect for him because it provides all the emotional attachment he is capable of receiving.

We really hit the jackpot with this thread. We get to hear from yucksack, gentleman IQ of 2 and the newset member of this dubious club blackman. What will they come up with next?
Sorry. Duplicate post
Dip misfit krips shit, but how do him get in the business? By beindabetterthananyoneeverwhoe venthoughtodepictess
Welcome to the gang. Every couple of weeks, you must hijack a thread and vent about how whores are all ***************, in order to stay an active member. You’ve done well this week. Active member benifits include being forever alone and easily agitated.
Oh no. I’m emotionally unavailable to prostitutes. NOOOOOOO, say it isn’t so. How short-sighted I must be in looking for the prostitute to serve a physical need and not to make my life complete. Dammit. I surely must self reflect.
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  • Old-T
  • 02-27-2018, 02:29 PM

Thank you for posting this topic. It has been interesting to read some diverse perspectives. It just reinforces that this community is varied in what they are looking for, what they expect, and how open minded they are.

A long, long time ago--much earlier than ECCIE or ASPD--when I entered this corner of the world I had assumed that the majority of people in the community would be open minded about other people's opinions/preferences/likes. Boy was I wrong as boards like this prove every day.

But what does seem to be a fundamental truth is: Those who are themselves satisfied with the smaller portion are usually the ones who ridicule those who seek to have more out of life. I understand that is true--there are far too many posts--mostly but not always from guys who seek a quick, mindless interaction and ridicule anyone who seeks otherwise--what I don't understand is why they care if I and others enjoy dinner dates, overnights, and intellectually interesting ladies. Does it somehow make them feel insecure? I don't know.

If the topic is length of a date, they don't see why anyone would pay for more than 15 min, and want every lady here to accommodate their request.

If it is price, these are the ones who think anything over 150 an hour should be illegal (pun intended).

They are the ones who wish every lady to retire when she hits 23, or if her photos show that she is no longer anorexic.

They would really prefer their women to be mute and have an IQ around 40.

They seek to be the arbiter of completely ill-defined terms such as GFE, PSE, or SB.

Of course not every one of their kind has mental rigidity on every one of these topics, but the overall pattern in there.

Of course some ladies feel similarly, and wish every guy booked for 15 min and stayed 10. They are thankful for a guy whose penultimate commentary is a grunt, and preferably a short one. The good news is the guys who feel that way should hook up with the women who appreciate those clients. That would leave the ladies who enjoy being a lady in a leisurely date that stimulates both mind and body--and who have the varied talents to fascinate a man for hours at a time, not just minutes--to those of us who seek that.

I have never told Mr Wordless 15 Minutes that he is wrong/foolish/lying when he expresses that that is what he wants, but it gets very old hearing some people blither away that what THEY seek is clearly what every guy seeks. If they would just say, "What I like is...." instead of telling me what I should spend my time, money, and energy on this would be a less aggravating place.