Nancy Pelosi Will Hold Off Sending The Articles of Impeachment To The Senate

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So if she dosen't send them to senate, does that mean mr t is not impeached?
Chung Tran's Avatar
So if she dosen't send them to senate, does that mean mr t is not impeached? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
he is impeached, but it's a witch hunt impeachment.. Nancy knows Mitch has this thing blocked, she's looking for a way out.. she already ate the Squad's pussies, so she kept her promise to them, now she wants to do an end run around them just like she did the republicans.
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING my bum off!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So if she dosen't send them to senate, does that mean mr t is not impeached? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

He IS impeached!

he is impeached, but it's a witch hunt impeachment.. Nancy knows Mitch has this thing blocked, she's looking for a way out.. she already ate the Squad's pussies, so she kept her promise to them, now she wants to do an end run around them just like she did the republicans. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Look at our resident self-righteous troll go.

Oh how the mighty(well in their own minds) have fallen into their own 7th grade bullshit rhetoric.

but they would rather attack and act like delinquent 7th Graders. old grown men acting like trolling Fools on a Hooker Website.. embarrassing. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
of course. Nervous Nancy thought the people would see "impeached" next to Trump's name, and she could usher in Commie Bernie in Trump's place. Bitch didn't think it through, but how could she, really, the DPST's have shit for brains. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I don't think it is an effective strategy for Pelosi and Schiff to attempt to control the Senate rules.
I don't think it is an effective strategy for Pelosi and Schiff to attempt to control the Senate rules. Originally Posted by friendly fred
They had their fifteen minutes of fame in the House. They know the Senate isn't going to remove Trump from office so they are delaying just to figure out a new strategy, of course it's not going to work.
not getting one, I wouldn't lick that nasty cunt if you paid me the Billion dollars Biden stole from the Ukraine! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You'd do it for half a pack of Kent's.

no trial no removal. so let them hold it up. what's the point without a senate vote?

oh yeah. political bullshit, which it's been the whole time.

"Withholding impeachment articles from the Senate may rankle moderate Democrats from swing districts that voted for Trump in 2016. Several of these Democrats have announced they will vote for impeachment only after weeks of deliberation and pushback from Trump-supporting constituents."

BAHHAHHAHHAHHAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Don't underestimate the stupidity of the Democratic Socialist. You'll hear the "Trump's impeached but he's refusing removal from the White House" refrain a lot. The Lawfare group has thought this through. They may wait until the SCOTUS rules on some of the pending cases and stack the charges. It may be so late that Nancy doesn't run the impeachment but uses the threat as an 2020 election ploy.

the DPST's always accuse Republicans of shit they have been doing for YEARS! when Trump released the inauguration count, which was the greatest number in history, the Dimocrats showed their bullshit camera angles and tried to say Trump's was less than Obama's! ever since then, their bias has shown, you call them on it, and they boomerang it back to you.. their Witch Hunt may have succeeded tonight, but they haven't heard the last from Salem! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You ran out of material a while ago. Put in a Stormy Daniel reference and wrap it up.

I don't think it is an effective strategy for Pelosi and Schiff to attempt to control the Senate rules. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Impeach Mitch! They may try to hold it until they get control of the Senate. How do the rules work?
Try to hold it until they get control of the Senate? ..... Trump will most likely finished serving his second term by then ..... impeach away you idiots .....
bambino's Avatar
She can hold them until 11/2/2020. When Trump is re-elected. She can hand them over to Kevin McCarthy, the new speaker. In her black dress of course.
He's already been impeached. That stain is forever. Impeachment is an indictment. The question is whether he will be convicted in the Senate. But, he has been impeached.
you realize that this would mean Trump is never impeached, right?

you didn't think this post though did you?

BAHHAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
rexdutchman's Avatar
They gonna hold off till the election if they can , this is all politico folks ,,,,,,,
bambino's Avatar
He's already been impeached. That stain is forever. Impeachment is an indictment. The question is whether he will be convicted in the Senate. But, he has been impeached. Originally Posted by Expresso Jim
One could argue that the way Pelosi conducted this circus is a stain on her and the Democrats. The 2020 election will decide that. The Senate will acquit Trump. He may make history by winning re-election after being impeached. How about them apples.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Nancy and chuckie show are just trying to go down in history , as the biggest Idiots
lustylad's Avatar
I don't think it is an effective strategy for Pelosi and Schiff to attempt to control the Senate rules. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Hahahaha... you got that right!

I don't think Mitch is likely to be receptive to that bitch telling him how he should run his chamber! Yeah bitch... just like you let me swing your gavel, right?

I can hear Mitch now... "Lemme get this straight... after weeks of muzzling Republicans over in your kangaroo court you're suddenly concerned about fairness?"

Now that's a hoot!