Religious zealots and creepy emails

Reincarnated's Avatar
Sorry about your dad. Exactly a year ago today I was getting quadruple bypass surgery and it was much better than I expected. They got it down. Your dad will be fine. !!

It could be your little email harasser is really a spouse. That has happened before. Don't worry about it, just take care of your dad. You only got one of them!
3daygetaway's Avatar
Addison, didn't you post 2-3 weeks ago that you were considering retirement? This might not have bothered you a year ago.

This person is a subscriber to eccie and p411 to get access to your email, right? They obviously have a conflict going on within themselves; a good versus evil struggle, where they perceive hobbying to be evil and religion to be good. This duplicity may mean that they have an ECCIE handle as well that they hobby under--you may have even seen this person and had a perfectly normal encounter.

Rather than deal with that inner turmoil themselves, they have made persecuting you their outlet. In a way, it's a compliment: he chose YOU to place the mantle of guilt upon, because he perceived you were strong enough to handle it. (or it's possible that having read your retirement announcement, he was looking to you as a proxy for himself...if Addison can leave this lifestyle, then so can I, but she needs some encouragement, so I'll send her this inflammatory letter...)

At any end, don't make this YOUR problem; it is he who has an issue with himself.
I get the fire and brimstone emails a couple of times a year. It is someone with too much time on their hands and who has no social outlet other than harassing providers.
Thanks everyone for the kind words! Dad is doing really well, he's a stubborn fighter and 3 day weekend, I think you may be confusing me with someone else, I haven't discussed retirement, I still have UT tuition to pay for! The emails were just very unsettling and kept making threatening references and to me, my safety is the utmost concern right asking with discretion.
With everything pilling up this week, I needed a few days to myself emotionally. No retirement just yet. Again, thanks for all the kind words and advice.
ck1942's Avatar
Addison, so sorry for your cyberstalking issues and certainly hope and pray your Dad will pull through. Moms and Dads are very precious to us all.

Re the cyberstalking threats. Feel free to simply copy what I type below and paste it into the ONLY reply you will make to the threats:

Dear Cyberstalker,

Sorry for your issues, but you need to contact a really good attorney well versed in Federal Criminal Law.

Specifically, 47 U.S.C. § 223 and [/COLOR]
18 U.S.C. 875(c)

If you are prosecuted and found guilty under these federal laws, not to mention various staate statutes, you may be fined up to AND imprisoned up to punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000, to transmit any communication in interstate or foreign commerce containing a threat to injure the person of another. 47 U.S.C. 223. One provision of this statute makes it a federal crime, punishable by up to two years in prison, to use a telephone or telecommunications device to annoy, abuse, harass, or threaten any person at the called number. Computers and email are included.

Be aware that I am sending all of your information, including IP addresses and other data to the appropriate federal authorities.

Best of luck in your legal travails and sure hope you look good in Orange jumpsuits.
