Climate Change hits the Midwest Hard.

After watching most of a documentary on the Yellowstone Volcano and the impending eruption I decided that the Volcano will win the race in destroying this continent. Depending on the prevailing winds at the time of the eruption it could easily blanket most, if not all, of the Western states in 5-10 feet of hot ash and fill the atmosphere with tons of smoke and light ash to travel farther than the lower altitude rock and ash spewed up 10's of 1,000's of feet. It sort of makes banning plastic straws marginal.

The modeling they were discussing put California under about 10 feet of hot ash, speaking of straws. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Dude, don't start on this. My wife was a geology major and she goes on and on about it, including updates on her cell phone with each tremor. There's a movie about it too that she's watched 10 times.

As WTF posts, his pup tent is sitting on former "sea floor"!

.... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Weird how global warming Dem socialists like to call people who point this out "anti-science."
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
just to make a point about volcanoes.

Krakatoa, while not a super-volcano, was a very powerful volcano on that level. in mid 1800's, it blew its top off and sent its ashes around the world. the following year, there was a noticeable drop in temperature during the summer... its been referred to as a year without summer.
LexusLover's Avatar
Dude, don't start on this. My wife was a geology major .... Originally Posted by gnadfly
... I took geology as part of my science requirements in college, and subsequently engaged in some field work and experience in examining the layers of ocean sediment and embedded sea life in the hill country West and Southwest of Austin ... and using my chemistry to test some of the samples taken from different layers.

It's science. And understanding the various qualities of the underlying layers are important to construction decisions particularly in "heavier" buildings that depend on strong subsurfaces, while at the same time drilling for water resources and excavating for sewer treatment facilities and pipelines. It's all there ... millions of years of climate changes and sea levels. Man wasn't around with his offensive SUVs and coal burning electrical plants. It's foreign language to a well made-up and properly adorned pundit on CNN who majored in finger painting and ass-fingering in some private college.

The solid geometry I took was great for navigation, even with a slide rule, and my physics in college by a professor who worked as a scientist on the Manhattan Project has been helpful in understanding the scope of catastrophic blasts, manmade and Acts of God!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Its called WINTER , ( which by the way Dallas has had a mild winter so far)
Sooo I'm going to FART and cause snow.
Then why are the ice caps melting? Originally Posted by WTF
You must not be talking about Antarctic...
themystic's Avatar
Yes climate change is about extreme weather. Which your link is pointing out. Originally Posted by WTF
Lama doesn't know his stuff. He just needs some attention
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Tell me that again in 12 years if you're still around.
LexusLover's Avatar
Tell me that again in 12 years if you're still around. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It takes Socialist-Liberals forever to figure out the distinction between "immigration" and "illegal immigration" just like they are still struggling with the concept of "climate changes" vs. "MAN-MADE climate change" ... because they like to accuse people of being "anti-immigration" if they oppose "illegal immigration" and accuse them of being _______ "racist"?______________ if the say there is no proof that MAN is MAKING the changes in the climate!

Or is it they call them all kinds of other names?

They just haven't been able to explain why if the "climate changes" are MANMADE there have been "climate changes" on Earth for 100's of million (if not billions) of years before man was around.

Their customary response: You're stupid! You're a racists! Oh, yea, Gnad is correct: "anti-scientific"!

You know, those thoughtful scientific explanations.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-28-2019, 10:12 AM
You must not be talking about Antarctic... Originally Posted by bb1961
Did you even read your own link...please do, if you continue to have trouble understanding wtf you posted, get back with me.

I do not have time to explain it to you right now.
if you question the left's theories, would they be in charge,

woe betide to you and your assets, and maybe even your kids assets

their authoritarianism would know few bounds
LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of Yellowstone Super Volcano ... that seems like an excellent story to package and send South! Why would anyone want to relocate to a country that will be wiped out by a volcano at any time? They know about volcanoes "down there"!
... I took geology as part of my science requirements in college, and subsequently engaged in some field work and experience in examining the layers of ocean sediment and embedded sea life in the hill country West and Southwest of Austin ....... Originally Posted by LexusLover
The wife took some Criminal Justice courses. She said the hoodrats in the class were jokes. Didn't understand basic constitutional law and were under the spell of the Democratic party...and they wanted to be cops.
Tell me that again in 12 years if you're still around. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
They keep moving the tipping point. We're in the third OT with them constantly squawking sudden death.

if you question the left's theories, .... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
It's to the point now if you question their theories they'll start charging "racism."

U.S. Midwest braces for record-breaking cold blast

... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Thank GAWD they have all those solar panels and wind turbines. What? They don't work in the snow? Well thank goodness they have electric heaters. What? They don't work without electricity? What? They'll have to rely on heating oil and fossil fuels? What? That will result in a self feedback loop that will accelerate global warming? What? It'll taken 50 years to bring our nuclear power online and the tipping point will be past.

Let them freeze to death in the dark. Just don't move down to Texas.

Did you even read your own link...please do, if you continue to have trouble understanding wtf you posted, get back with me.

I do not have time to explain it to you right now. Originally Posted by WTF
It's just like do things HALF ASS...the bottom of the article has the link that DEBUNKS you ridiculousness!!
It's a lot more complex than your ability to understand.
Your ability to explain ANYTHING...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
I guess this is all academic since your intellectual giant AOC said in 12 yrs. WERE ALL DOOMED!!
bamscram's Avatar
Texans panic when it get's cold enough to freeze the tanks.
rexdutchman's Avatar